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Attention All ICMAG Members

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Caveat Emptor! Place your freedom and safety in the hands of data ming strangers at your peril.

That said, this is more about rampant theft and gross disrespect. HUGE numbers of members setting up their personal businesses: on Gypy's site, on Gypsy's time, on Gypsy's dime. Asked to honor their word and the TOU, the thieves would cry: Nazis, censorship, oppression, oh my."

you are right, its at my peril. I know plenty of people have traded cuts here w/o issue. You get a feel for who is legit posting grow logs etc. But it is a risk, no doubt. It is also done behind the scenes in private, not blatantly in the forums

I have not seen much of this advertising, but you are right, if it is happening, it should stop.

Gypsy's house, Gypsy's rules. Don't like it, dont let the door hit you in the ass....

I just hope the changes do not prevent those that do want to take the risk from doing so.

BTW I am looking for supercalifgragiliciousAKcinderalla strain Pre 98 of course :):)


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Then many people here have broken TOU and that is why what is happening is happening.
There is NO trading here. There is NO meeting up here. There is NO trading here. There is NO meeting up here. There is NO trading here. There is NO meeting up here. There is NO trading here. There is NO meeting up here. There is NO trading here.

So yes, it will prevent people from doing that.


Then many people here have broken TOU and that is why what is happening is happening. There is NO trading here. There is NO trading here. There is NO trading here. There is NO trading here. There is NO trading here.

So yes, it will prevent people from doing that.

I agree with the no trading thing it protects us ALL!!! It's not legal anywhere if you think about it, even for us with disability's in so called legal states... So vote yes in 2010! peace and puffs!!!


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Some people have already been put on a wierd kind of ignore, I liken it to Limbo. They can post, but others can't see the posts, and all old posts disappeared. Not really banned, but might as well be.

It does suck for those of us in med states, some of us have met at dispensaries, rallies, etc. We do know each other in real life, and on IC. Are we supposed to act like we don't know each other? Are we allowed to mention things like "Hey, thanks for dinner, it was great!" or do we have to act like we don't know each other? I've NEVER traded anything through IC, all my trades/clone acquisitions were done in real life, either from dispensaries or private growers. Am I not allowed to mention Strain X because Member Y also has it, and it'll create the illusion that we traded online for it? I mean damn, I don't want to be banned for not really breaking the rules!


Ahh coventry my old friend..I've never really seen anyone doing trades or asking for erb in the open forums,you'd have to be kind of an idiot.I wouldn't want people making money on my site without being compensated I dont think anyone would disagree with that.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Nah, go thru the TOU....each one was breached...practically daily...pick one...it was broke. Knowingly. Not very nice ;)
That sucks, I apologize for misunderstanding. One thing though, since we're getting concerned about security. Would it possible to add a "Delete Post" function in the future?


I'm not sure what a public web forum means but somebody must be paying for this shit.The sad and sometimes funny thing about being coventrized is that if nobody tells you,you just go posting merrily on.Sometimes for days.I think I've been good but is anyone out there?Heeelllllooooooooo


That sucks, I apologize for misunderstanding. One thing though, since we're getting concerned about security. Would it possible to add a "Delete Post" function in the future?

Vbulletin does have a delete post function for each member. Up to web admin to turn it on for people to use though.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
We'll have to ask the webmaster. He's "in training" right now but should be around in a week or 2 hopefully.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Coventry has been around for years.....

So thats it then, they are "shunned"? No chance for a rebirth? One of these was a "rebirth", then he got "shunned". I just don't understand. Dude was one of the regular contributors, a nice guy, as well as pretty damn knowledgeable. I've seen people get short bannings before, to "remind" them of the rules (Hell, even I got nailed for jumping on the CO threads main troll, MtnKush and his 20-something other troll handles). What is it that makes ya'll decide to ban someone permanently or for a couple of weeks? Just seems heavy handed, especially for an active contributor with no prior offenses on the site...

(Not arguing the ban at all, just curious. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it all...)

And what of my question? That only addressed the first part of my post...


So, all of these 'potential' changes are in the name of 'you' protecting me from being busted, if I so choose to compromise my own safety that is.

Am I understanding the jist of the OP's post?


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Mods have nothing to do with it....Ya gotta really annoy the higher ups...people go in and out of Coventry all the time. Sometimes it's for a day, sometimes weeks...And Mods don't give out their secrets ;)


Active member
username bans, ip based bans, etc., it's so easy to get around all of that, sign up who knows how many different usernames all signed up from totally different ip addresses and let the fury loose

either way, this board has been a great asset to me, i hope you guys get it sorted in a way so as not to stifle the good stuff too much


Active member

actually had to look up coventry

for others who may not know what this word means off the bat, here is what mac osx's dictionary app says:
Coventry |ˈkəvəntrē; ˈkäv-|
1 an industrial city in central England; pop. 292,600.
2 a city in central

shit that doesn't help much, i'm trying freedictionary.com...that's better:
Cov·en·try 1 (kvn-tr)
1. A city of central England east-southeast of Birmingham. Famous as the home of Lady Godiva in the 11th century, Coventry was severely damaged in air raids during World War II (November 1940). Population: 303,000.
2. A town of west-central Rhode Island southwest of Providence. It was settled in 1643 and was formerly a noted lacemaking center. Population: 34,700.

Cov·en·try 2 (kvn-tr)
A state of ostracism or exile: "It's not that smoke-filled rooms are back; smokers huddle in Coventry these days" (Flora Lewis).
[After Coventry1, England (possibly from the sending of Royalist prisoners there during the English Civil War).]

ahhh...i see, so banished basically
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