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Swampy died



It is with deep regret that I must announce that Swampy passed away this morning.

He was taking his second round of chemo.

Swampy was unable to consume the hemp oil made from his strain. It would cause his heart to race.

When admitted to the hospital, for the first time in forty years Swampy was unable to consume marijuana.

Swampy had been dealing with Hep-C for more than ten years. He felt that marijuana was the only thing keeping him alive. He consumed an ounce per day. And did so for years.

I tried from a lot of different directions to get a different strain of marijuana for an extraction for Swampy.

There was one major problem. Some people in law enforcement would consider it to be against the law if I were to post something like:

"I have a patient that has a life or death need. He needs to exchange some Free Lenard for some white widow. We need to exchange eight ounces"

I could go to prison for a very long time from a public statement like that.

The inability to make such a public request has, I believe, contributed to this mans death.

This is another victim of the policy of Michigan attorney general Michael Cox.

One of the very first questions that was posed to Michael Cox was "Are patient to patient transfers lawful under this act?"

If this were answered, then people would be able to donate to this attempt to save a life. Without fear of being arrested for this act of compassion.

Swampy's liver was in to bad a condition to treat the Hep-C with the current medical treatment.

They thought the treatment would kill him.

That was ten years ago.

After his first round of chemo Swampy reported that he felt good. That the chemo didn't cause him to feel sick or anything.

The second round they increased the dosage.

His liver shut down. And so did his kidney's.

Modern medicine and our police state removed his working medicine and replaced it with medicine that killed him.

A victim of the complete refusal of Michael Cox to protect Swampy. Even though the voters of Michigan decided that Swampy needed protection from the effects of law enforcement and our court system.

We need Michael Cox to protect and serve the sick and dying population of Michigan.

This was an experimental chemotherapy drug that Swampy was consuming. Made from an extract of marijuana.

There are thousands of innocent citizens of Michigan that are dying of cancer right now at this very moment. These people also need the protection of Michael Cox.

If Michael Cox truely wishes to avoid his sworn duty to protect and serve the citizens of Michigan, then he should do the morally correct and honorable thing and resign office. Resign and let someone else in. Someone who is willing to do the assigned task.

Someone willing to do his job.
RIP Swampy

RIP Swampy

sorry to hear about everyone in Michigin too... if only the government would care less about selling their shitty drugs and relize why god put our plant here on earth.

sorry all.
this ones for swampy:joint: my condolenses to his friends and family.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
RIP Swampy!!!!

Maybe,Just maybe one day all the suffering of sick/dying people will be eased
by the legal use of cannabis.

Love/vibes to all of swampy's loved ones



cant stop wont stop
Wow, another well beloved member of our society and our cause, gone.
I myself do not know the man but it saddens me to see people rejected care that could be potentially life saving.
Rest In Peace Brother

i may be alittle confused about the situation tho i could have sworn that MMJ was legalised in MI or was that shot down?? regardless - our Gov. is watching ppl Die all for the almighty $$$


To Have More ... Desire Less


dam...such losses in these times of unrest and turmoil.......I can't believe ANOTHER....well respected member haz left US....if not by choice BUT by thief......to have the life sucked from them..................this a SAD~DAY
RIP......SWAMPY..........hope there waz a bowl waiitng for U on the other end....:joint:
peace be with U & U'r'z.................


Wow I remember swampy several names ago. Always there to lend a helping hand...
RIP Swampy - thoughts to friends and family.


Swampy, in his own words.

Recorded on 1/5/2009 after the publi8c hearings in Lansing.

In Lansing they were trying to build a ton of restrictions for patients and caregivers by way of regulation.

One regulation would have required the grows to have regular inspections.
Another would have required caregivers to keep records and submit these records to the state.

Lansing changed it's mind.

In fact, they changed the basis for the agency. From that of a regulatory role to that of a support role.



natural medicator
another sad loss for sure:badday:
prayers and positive vibes going out to his family and ones who loved him.
swampy will be missed for sure


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Swampy R.I.P. I visited his threads often.. I Hope his family is ok and i send my deepest sympathies... He is now no longer in pain... God Bless he and his family and friends.. peace..



My condolences to his family and especially his sons who have decided to keep fighting, I appreciate everything this kind man did for our community, it's a shame we cannot openly trade meds...I look foward to the day where I can ship a 1/2 Lb. from CA to MI without worry of federal prosecution. Once we can do that we can rest assured knowing we have fought the good fight to the end. I will do my best at keeping this awesome Free Leonard alive and well.