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Asking for help from the older users.


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
You could make some serious cash if you wanted to cook on a fishing boat.
To everyone who talked about going AWAY and working. I think it is a great idea, I acctually have a buddy that has tree planted for a few years, I didn't think of that one. I have been looking albeit not that hard. But cruise ships more than most are weird, so many third parties involved and just really confusing online. I am going to message my buddy on FB about the tree planting cook job, as it's a great idea and the season starts in a few months as well so they will be looking to hire now/soon. I know they are not happy with links on this site, but could someone maybe give me a general direction of where to start looking?
Also just message my buddy asking about the cooking jobs, thanks genkisan

Motaco, glad I got a response to that one. That's what I thought I should do. But maybe if I do get a job tree planting or such I should make LIGHT contact when I get back IF I want to. Feel it would be long enough to have both grown up and on a bit.

Thanks for the healthy replies guys. I haven't touched my xbox in almost two days now. Wow feels like it has been alot longer than that. Going to play it for a bit. I feel I deserve it for having made a few good steps towards getting better/healthier again. One of the biggest steps has been no comp/games/tv until after dinner. Feel like I am back in high school in that respect lol. Thanks again everyone. I will be back tomorrow HOPEFULLY with good news on the employment scene, I have a nice map planned out for where I want to go tomorrow. Night all.
Thats fuckin Yummy just as sure as Im red145!!I'd bet my last nug on it,putz!!!:moon:

ok I was going to leave it on my last post....but then I saw this. I honestly think that is the cruelest thing anyone has ever said to anyone else lol. I don't know why I am trying to justify myself on an anonymous internet forum, but damn. The key point I would be making is that I am using this advice in as positive a fashion as I can and use it to my advantage. These folks who are replying are the best way to get advice, they come from all over the world, all walks of life, and some are perfectly normal some are crazy, you literally get to see it from every angle. And that helps example? Genkisan brought up the tree planting, I have friends that have been doing it yearly (acctually planting trees tho) since high school, and that thought never occured to me. While it is probably the best way to go about things.
When I get back tomorrow POSITIVE karma to all in this thread.

rick shaw

So what is your goal now and what steps are you going to have to take to achieve it?
Right back to ya.
Your twenty four and still living with your momie. How is that working out for you.:blowbubbles:


Right back to ya.
Your twenty four and still living with your momie. How is that working out for you.:blowbubbles:
I dont know what my goal is yet, my main next goal is to pass my motorbike test.
I am living with my parents, its not ideal but theres far worser places to be, and I dont get charged rent which is good of them and saves me money.

My other goal this year is to.... find my life goal/job i enjoy (or take a fast track course in university)

ive only been living with them for the past year. since i was 17/18 I have lived in my own flat. I've only been back with them for less than a year.

thats "how that" is

whats do you want to do with your life, other than smoke dope?


Old School Cottonmouth
I dunno. If I masturbate more than a few times a day I can't find motivation to do anything but sleep. Maybe I'm getting old.

Motaco, glad I got a response to that one. That's what I thought I should do. But maybe if I do get a job tree planting or such I should make LIGHT contact when I get back IF I want to. Feel it would be long enough to have both grown up and on a bit.

Well or course its up to you. Hell you can call her now if you just want to talk to her.

What I mean though is that its tempting just to talk to someone you've been best friends with for 8 years. But what I mean is that its a waste of time. Rather than going on dates with other girls, or trying to find a new one. You will end up wasting your time and money going on dates that both of you have predetermined to not lead anywhere. What is the point of that?

Also IME women don't respect guys that do that kinda stuff. And neither do I frankly. Its losers who are the kinda guys who sit in coffee shops with their ex girlfriend and listen to them bitch about their new boyfriend. There is no way to look masculine in that situation.

Thats what I call a treadmill. It don't matter how much effort you put into it you aren't going anywhere. Part of being successful is managing time and resources effectively. Why would you take time away from a new girl that wants your affection to give it to a girl that clearly stated she is no longer interested in it?

And trust me. She'll be A LOT more interested in you if your time is being taken up by a new girl then if you are sittin in a coffee shop listening to her bitch about nonsense like sycophant.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If you want her, ignore her and act bored when she calls.don't be eager or overly attentive.

Can't imagine why you would want her, though. She mooched then bitched then left.

Fuck her!


Now in technicolor
Most jobs don't really require a degree, and most of the ones that claim they do will not check. You'll need to BS on your resume, because if you don't, the jobs will go to people like me - people who DO BS on our resume. It's life dude. Pay somebody $200-300 to write you a good resume or learn the skill yourself. It pays off.

IT is fucking banging, we're in need of so much supply here in NY. Designers, programmers, project managers, starting at $25-35/hr with perks. It's pretty damn good. You'd have to be pretty fucking lousy not to find a job here. If you have free time perhaps consider going into this field? We don't even care about degrees. Just a portfolio or PROOF that you know wtf you're talking about during the interview.

Financials aren't that big of an issue now that everyone is broke. As long as you have a credit card and you can keep yourself afloat while finding jobs you should be OK.

As for the girl... cosi fan tutte - If you really want her, you can read up on PUA. It works beautifully.. these people are brilliant, but she doesn't seem like a good catch from how you describe her.


To Have More ... Desire Less
LOL everyone told me about the witch when I was younger but I was in love and thought we were different...still am but yea its over and makes fools of all of us. The getting a job in a restaurant around here is hard, the ones I did my apprenticeship at don't have anywhere for me and the other ones I am over qualified for. I know it sounds dumb, but I am a red seal chef (means I'm a professional in Canada) and chains don't like to hire us for some reason, except of the top 2-3 positions. And I don't know how that will be interpreted but it sounds to me like I am trying to make an excuse, I don't know if I am making one subconciously but it is the situation around here work wise. I just had a smoke and was talking to my mom, thinking I might have to go to a temp agency which will suck, and I won't make much at all. But I have applied to Uni for the fall to get out of my town and get back to doing what I love like growing, cooking, learning. I feel my main problem is motivation to get up and go out and get the job.

If U'r a REAL............Chef.............then Start UP a Personel Chef Service.....ALWAYS in demand.......
U can get clients @ grocery stores, kitchen stores, CRAIGslist, local gourmet shoppe, and on, and on......maybe show case sum cooking classes @ local venue to boost client exposure......
All it takes it 1-2 clients and then BOOM.......word of mouth.....