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Art's First Outdoor Adventure 2008


Active member
Sweet, man! They fixed themselves!

Glad to see they survived. Not a whole lot of sun there, huh?

Hope they don't wash away in all that rain you've been getting in that neck of the woods!

All the best,


What a nice first timer adventure ill be back, keep the good work up :) I always enjoy these Gurillias grows ...


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
yo man, i was goin through the thread and was wondering how the storms treated em? please tell them ladies is ok out there. these past rains have been kinda nasty


Grinding extra.
Just checked em today. They are looking REDICULOUS.

I topped them again to level out the canopy. Killed 3 males. Only 3 plants are still in question regarding sex.

I'm not advanced outside at all, but I think this shit is going to put mad weight on. We'll see. I'll take some pics in a few weeks...


Great recovery Art! After doin some reading, you were right and I was wrong.:redface: what matters is that I learned from it. So I cropped a buncha my girls in the same fashion as you. Cant wait to see your next set of pics!!
Good luck!


Active member
Can't wait to see them! Glad to hear things are doing well with all that rain a few days ago. Saw your area got hit real hard, lots of water. That'll be real good for them.

All the best,


Grinding extra.
Does anyone know of a website that can tell you the photoperiod of any location? ie. The hours of daylight per day?

Here's my indoor at 56 days.



Active member
Well, I got some real early flowerers in my OD. So some of mine is DEFINITELY going to be done by then.

I got Passion #1 that's been flowering for almost 3 weeks, and Frisian Dew that's been going for more than 3! Not to mention an ID harvest in the last week of Sept.

All the best,


Grinding extra.
These picture were taken last night. I've been going in the cover of the dark because they are getting real large and begging to bud. You can smell em when you're about 10 yards away. But I couldn't catch a whiff from the main path that is traveled.

Still, I plan to go in there today or tommorrow to do some trimming and take better pics. I have some small bud formation and they are really looking amazing!

I want to trim all the lower growth off and water them with some more Tiger Bloom. I know after I do this, the patch will be HOT. If it gets found, they will know its "tended" to and will probably stake out the area.





Grinding extra.
The glorious star in which we orbit truly provides. Truly provides.


Okay. I spent some time there today and things have taken shape. The stretch is close to being over now. I've removed lower growth and budsite. Another drastic move, but I wasn't worried while doing it. I thought about the sun. They'll be fine. :joint:

Then, I found a pleasent surprise. "Purple flowers? For me?!?!"









Lot's of pics. I just realized how much dick space they give you and I feel like I can never fill it. I'll try though. I'm starting to get ALOT more picky about my shots. And I'm going to be getting back into photography as soon as I can afford the digi I have my eye on.

This plot is official HOT! Again, not in the sense that it's been discovered or breeched, although the truth is I have no idea. It's time to plan the removal of what I think we all can see, is going to be one HELL of a gift from mother nature.


sow the seeds

Awesome art! That purple bud is so sexy! Nice n frosty and starting to swell, looks like she'll be done fairly early. Funny too from the overview shots they look like one plant with multiple stalks.


Grinding extra.
I know! I love that about the plot. The way I planted and pruned them, it all looks like one giant bush from above.

Of course we know what kind of bush..., but I'm hoping that other won't.

I was mad happy when I went to the plot the last time. I have a couple early budders so I know I'm gonna be in the weed soon!

The rest, time will tell. But every plant has at least a clump of hairs going, so it should be good.


i love those developing purple buds! in for the ride, good luck on staying safe!


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