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Arrest Stories & Close Calls


I got couple.

First time I get caught was when I was chilling with my friends place and he was selling from there. He left outside to take her girlfriend to a bus stop so I start to fill the bong. Takes some time and I sit on the sofa with bong on my hand. I hear some noise and key turning into the door so I go greet him with a bong on my hand, ready to go to bathroom to smoke. Well, he had 2 guys with him, which were undercover narc cops and I'm standing there with a loaded bong on my hand. I'm like damn and put the bong on the table and go sit on the bed. Well they found 100g from there and as my friend had no idea where that came from, we both left to the station. I didn't even get a fine, but they did take my dna and fingerprints and shit. That was the first time those cops heard about me. 0-1 to cops.

Another one. I just got out the house where I was getting my hash from and I had 7g of hash and a large size digital scale with me. I'm walking with my friend past the parking lot when I see two cops jumping out of civil car and I'm like SHIT. I usually keep my weed in my hand so it's easier to get rid of it if you spot cops but this time I had the large digi scale with me so I put them on the pocket of my black jacket. In my jacket, I have a stash pocket infront of my jacket, which you can't see unless U take a really good look. It has a zip on it and everything but it's been covered with the same material as the jacket is, so it looks like it has nothing, even though I had 7g of hash and scale in there.

Those cops knew me and started to check me out right away as the other cop was talking to my friend, who had nothing on him. If the cop would notice the bump I had infront of my jacket, he would've noticed it right away. But he didn't so I was thinking I'm gonna pull this off. I start talking with the cop to misconcentrate him a little bit and it worked and I had the attitude of 'I got nothing on me', first I had to get all shit out of my pockets, I do, then cop starts to check if I got anything on my jack pockets and this is where my adrealine was pumping badly. I had like million things on my mind, I was focusing and talking bullshit, looking at his eyes, trying to see where they look and trying to take eye contact with the cop. He searched my jack pockets but I had nothing extra in there so I'm thinkin he's propably going to ask me to take my jacket off and take a better look and then he's gonna notice the weight of the digi scale, so I open my jacket and lift the downside of jacket up infront of my 'stash pocket' and said take a good look if I U find something under my jacket. Cop was just laughing and said OK your clean, and started to search my friend.

I was like phew but I still had to wait until they're done with my friend so I put all the focus to my friend, saying stuff like better search his shoes too, he's carrying kilos in there, but in a way that's like "I got nothing on me so I can relax and shoot some bullshit", they were laughing and talking with my friend and lost all focus on me. He's clean too and both of the cops shake our hands and say this is how it's supposed to go. Oh the irony, we leave and I start coming down from the adrealine and I'm really shaking at this point. We get back to mates place, smoke a bowl and laugh at the fact they actually said this is how it's supposed to go. So that's 1-1


New member
Jazz hip hop from 62 year old (read it out loud to music)

Jazz hip hop from 62 year old (read it out loud to music)

Last Lane by George Conger 1980

Fast Lane,
Fast lane on the right.
Sign says
If you want the fast lane just keep to right,
'cause the last lane ain't even in sight!
The last lane's on the road we know!
The fast lane is too slow to go!
The last lane is quick to start
and no time for show!
You were there,
but they'll never know!
Last lane all passing ahead!
NO stops! No curves!
Nothing to dread!
All down hill,let her go!
No law! No limit!
No title to show!
Life in the Last Lane,
few mortals know!
There's no moving over
and no going slow!
Last Lane ,Last Lane,
move on ahead.
Don't look back 'cause
everything's dead!
Move it! Push it!
Race through the rain!
No speed limit
in the Last Lane!
No exits!No turns back on to Main!
You can't pull over
in the Last Lane!


hi toker's ..this is my 1st post in the den ...i call myself star crash ..
i came across this entertaining news item and thought I'd share it here with you folks...

Man Reports Marijuana Theft, Gets Busted

Mar 21, 4:01 AM (ET)

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) - An Australian man's complaint of an break-in at his home went to pot Friday when police arrested him for growing marijuana.

The 35-year-old man in the central Australian city of Adelaide called police to report that six men had broken into his house through a window and stolen parts of his cannabis plants, South Australia Police said.

Police were unable to find the intruders but brought a drug warrant to search the home, where they found six large cannabis plants growing in two bedrooms, police said in a statement.

The man was charged with cultivating cannabis for sale.

"Members of the public are reminded that the growing of cannabis is not only illegal but can also attract other criminal activity such home break-ins and assaults," the statement said.


1.its 1980 and i'm visiting my best friends cottage with my girlfriend-we knock-go in and immediatly a copper on a radio can be heard, on the poorly earthed cheapo sterio saying, "they've just gone into number 42". My friend was literally jumping up and down in the air with panic and his girlfriend was in a worse state crying-'we're are all going to prison' etc.
Turned out that the cops were sitting right outside the house in a blue transit van-they had been watching the place for a few hours and picking up everybody who left-searching and busting them-and all their radio messages were audible on the sterio.
I, in a rare moment of togetherness, told my mate to get all the drugs in the place (hash, acid, whizz-allsorts) -we divided them between us and stuck them down the front of our trousers. Then we crept out the, completely un-surveilled, back door and wandered off into the night. RESULT. We got away easily and spent all night taking the rescued drugs.

2.late 70s. I'm a schoolboy but somehow found my way to the free festival at Stonehenge. It's in the morning-and i decided to wander over to the stones. I get to the entrance to the site and it is deserted apart from one hardcore freak and a van load of coppers 20yds away. The freaky guy asks me if i've anything to smoke-i reply that i've got some hash but am a bit worried about the police nearby-but he say's dismissivily-'oh don't worry about them'.
So i make a doobie and we smoke it.
Then when we've finished-the sarge comes striding over-straight up to me and says-'Were you just smoking drugs?" I freak out and grovel, "No, no no no-please don't nick me,honestly it was just a rollup"
Then, addressing the hippy, he says "have you been taking drugs?" and the guy replied with utter contempt in his voice "Of course i've been taking fucking drugs." So sarge shouts over to the crew-they come running over-pick the hippy up bodily-and run back to van-chucked him in and sped off over the horizon.
I never saw the guy again-but his unwillingness to grovel to the police made a big impression on me



Published: March 28, 2008 01:47 pm

Mom arrives at daughter’s arrest, is then charged

Police say she was intoxicated; two others face drug charges

By Mark Boshnack
Staff Writer

A New Lisbon woman called her mother after deputies arrested her and two others on drug charges Tuesday, deputies said.

The mother was arrested after she showed up at the scene in an intoxicated state.

Michelle Slonaker, 22, and her boyfriend, Andrew J. Wilson, 30, were arrested at their house at 367 Turnbull Road in Mount Vision. They were charged with second-degree criminal possession of marijuana, a felony, and misdemeanor charges of seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance and criminally possessing a hypodermic needle, deputies said. Wilson was also charged with unlawful growing of cannabis by an unlicensed person.

Christopher J. Elliot, 27, of Middletown, was charged with second-degree criminal possession of marijuana and criminal possession of a hypodermic needle, deputies said.

Slonaker’s mother, Deborah Slonaker, 48, was arrested for driving while intoxicated when she came to the house after being notified of the arrest. Deputies started their investigation after they went to the house last week while searching for a wanted person. There was a strong smell of marijuana there and drug paraphernalia in plain sight, deputies said. When they went there Tuesday, they discovered marijuana growing indoors and other drugs, according to a media release.

Items seized included 49 marijuana plants, a triple beam balance, growing lights and other equipment, three pounds of marijuana, two ounces of hallucinogenic mushrooms, hypodermic syringes, and a small quantity of heroin, methadone and clonazepam, deputies said.

The three who were arrested on drug charges were each arraigned in New Lisbon Town Court and sent to Otsego County jail.

Bail was set at $7,500 for Wilson and Slonaker and at $5,000 for Elliot, deputies said. The mushrooms were sent to the state police Forensic Investigation Center in Albany for analysis, and additional charges could be filed.

Deborah Slonaker was released to appear at a later date, deputies said.



1989 or 90..... Some friends and I were traveling cross country from Cali to the East Coast in a small pickup truck with a camper shell. There were four of us and we each had a bag of nugs and our glass pieces. The driver also had about a sheet and a half of acid and I had about two. In a duffle bag in the back with the rest of our stuff we had over a pound of mushrooms.

We were driving through the middle of nowhere in a thunder storm in Illinois. The rain stops, the sun comes out and all of the sudden we see highway patrol cars everywhere. I am sitting in the front seat with the driver and two people are in the camper bed with the bags. A cop pulls along side us and the driver gets paranoid. Not wanting to pass the cop, he begins to slow down. Pretty soon he's driving 40mph in a 65mph zone. Needless to say, we get pulled over and both of us put our acid in our underwear and hide our weed and pipes.

The driver gets out of the car and walks back to talk to the cop while I stay in the passenger seat. Some time passes and the cop comes up to the passenger door and says, "Where are the drugs?". I answer, "What drugs?" The cop says, " Don't lie to me, where are the drugs?" "I don't know what you're talking about." I reply.

He tells me to get out, pats me down and tells me to go wait with my friend while he searches the truck. I go to the back and my buddy tells me that while he was talking to the cop his acid fell out of his shorts and on to the ground. The cop picked it up and said, "What do we have here....a little LSD..." By this time several more police cars had shown up to assist. I am trying to figure out how to ditch my acid before we all go to jail.

The cop seaches the front seat and doesn't find our weed or pipes. He goes to the back and tells the two guys to get out. He asks us all again about the drugs. The driver says, "Give him your weed guys." Of course we look at him like, what are you....a fucking idiot. We all give up our weed and beautiful glass.

Keep in mind that we are dirty hippies that smell and have been on the road for a couple days. The cop starts searching the back of the truck. The driver tells us all to start scratching our heads. Having an idea of what he has in mind, we comply.

The cop goes through a couple bags. Just as he is about to open the bag with the mushrooms, the driver runs up to the cop and says, "Uh, officer.....I have to warn you, we have a real bad case of head lice."

The cop jumps out of the truck and quickly puts his hat back on. He gives us a look and sits back in his car. Some time passes and the backup cars pull away, leaving us with the cop that pulled us over and his partner. The cops come over and takes the sheet of acid out of the baggie. They throw the baggie on the side of the road. Concerned about the litter, the driver trys to grab the baggie. The cops yell at him, "DON'T MOVE!!!!!". They take the acid and throw it in a puddle on the side of the road. They then tells us that our weed and pipes will be "confiscated" and for us to hit the road.

We get back in the truck and drive off.....weedless but with our freedom. By the way, we didn't actually have head lice.

Moral of the story, cops are afraid of nasty hippy parasites.


New member
peanutbutter said:
Got my sentence today.

Five years probation.
damn thats all you got, 5 years probation.. my gfs lil bro got a year probation for
underage drinking..
i see we both live in MI too good stuff.


Active member
peanutbutter said:
Got my sentence today.

Five years probation.

I couldn't find your original post, but even by the story I'm suprised you got 5 years probation. Thats messed up! I mean, I'm happy for you that the situation didn't turn out as badly as it sounds like it could have, but man that is messed up! How many plants were there? were the final charges you got charged for, for the plants? The fake bomb (and wtf do they care? a fake bomb! just one??) oh well, glad your out of jail man I'm sorry you had to go through that.



Registered Cannabis User
stole a car and killed the guy that was driving...ran over a few pedestrians and gunned down some gang members. hit a few cops and crashed my whip...thought I could get away on foot...I did. got in another car but a copped snatched me up.. Im out of liberty city PS now.

god I love GTA :D

sow the seeds

My story is kinda shitty. Sitting in the city smoking a one hitter with a friend. Bike cops roll up and I know we're busted because I didn't even have time to tell my friend to put the pope down before they roll over to us. They ask questions, do their normal cop BS, and then search my bag and find a jar with about a gram in it. They open the jar and the look on their faces was PRICELESS. Apparently they liked the ECSD :joint:.

So I get cuffed, my buddy walks, and the cops are dicks. I repeatedly ask for my phone, the cop says ok I'll grab it as I get taken to the car, he comes back, no phone. Later my friend told me he gave it back to him and said "he won't need it." They actaully tried to give him the pipe back too despite the fact that it had unburnt herbs in it.

I spend a night in lockup, $150 for bail because I was out of state, and ended up with 25 hrs of community service and $300 in fines, on top of $2k in lawyers fees for having a gram. At least its expunged from my record.

A week later I'm riding with a friend (in the same state) and get pulled over at 3 AM. The cops ask the driver to get out and ask where the weed is and he gives it up as he had a small amount. They search the rest of the car and I'm shitting bricks because I had about another gram of ECSD in a jar. All of a sudden I hear "damn this shit stinks" from the cop and think I'm fucked for sure. Turns out he had looked through my friends bag first that had sweaty smelly bike riding pads in it (we had just come from a hot humid skatepark) and he was talking about the pads. Lucky because he barley searched my bag because of his experience picking up my buddies pads and didn't find my jar. PHEW.

But that was quite the week for me because the next day I ended up almost getting a court date for reckless driving (I don't consider 40 in a 30 on a backroad with no houses/people reckless but anywho...) that I talked my way out of. Anyone ever feel like a :badday: is following you around sometimes because I sure did that week.

Found out the other day my buddy that got pulled over just got 10 hrs of community service (he had more bud than me and they took his pipe) because hes from the state, meanwhile I get fucked for a gram because I'm outta state. :rant:


lives on planet 4:20
close calls....many times that I got pulled over in my chevy malibu 78...but i had that ac bullshit thing that pulled out....and i used to hide my shit in there...but never got busted with any drugs....and am not planning on it


gets some
sow the seeds said:
The cops ask the driver to get out and ask where the weed is and he gives it up as he had a small amount. They search the rest of the car and I'm shitting bricks because I had about another gram of ECSD in a jar.

It never ceases to amaze me how many arrest stories I read with some variation of that phrase in it. DON'T GIVE COPS YOUR WEED WHEN THEY ASK FOR IT!


Sad sad stories. The devil fools with the best laid plans. Heres one me and my wife are still livin. Back around 05 or so me and my wife were liviv in Philly and doin pretty good workin rite outa our basement garden. We loved the work and kept it real quiet. We only had one guy comin over every other week for around a qp or so. It was a good livin. Anyhow, I started lookin it the real estate listings for a place in Cali and even spoke to a forum member about commin out here and askeed him if he could help us out with rides to the doctor and stuff when we got out to Cali. We also asked this person to help us find a place we could move into and start growing. Sounds easy enoughf but the place next door to us in Philly caught on fire and took out half the block. ai had no insurance and had to rebuild my place out of my pocket. The garden was seen by the FD but they were cool bout it because they saw that it had nothing to do with the fire. There were firemen all over but they didnt snitch me out Thank God! I was swettin like crazy. Well we recouped almost completly in a fyew months but then,out of nowhere, the Philly warrent squad busts into my house to serve a warrant on someone I dont evev know. Someone who lived in our house before we bought it! Thet found my garden and locked me and my wife uo on 750k bail for my wife and 500k for me. Due to my wifes health they let her out within a week and a half of being locked up. She almost died in there without her meds. It took me 9 months in PIC mat security to get out. I spent time at the law library and with the help of my celly(who worked in the law library) I got myself out due to the fact they dad to drop all their charges due to the fact they entered my house on a bad warrant and completly violated most all my rights. My cellys name was Dread. God bless you Dread. I told you to look here on ICMAG for me. Here I am. PM me. -Anyhow. Once I got out I sold my house cheep and moved to Cali. I wrote a forum member a fyew times while I was lockt up and asked if he would help us find a place for us to move into and start growin and to show us how to get our medical referals for growin. I asked for help with transportation to get to the Herb doctor and he told me no problem. In return I told him Id help with hig growing. Well, when me and my wife got here in CA this person said he couldnt find us a place to grow in rite away but we should build the garden in his place and when we find us a place to grow in we'd move it over to there. I built a beautyfull aero system. Half for this person. He was suposed to maintain it because we agreed I was too far away. He found me and my wife a place about 30 miles avay. Thats the best he could do. Not a place we could grow in but a place 30 miles away from his place, and the garden. I had no one elce out here so I counted on him. - He didnt maintain th garden at all. He killed the garden. Anyhow. I pulled all my equipment and I got myself a place I can grow in now. Were still struglin from all this but I think were gonna make it. If anyone could help us with a ride to Oakland on the 10th of June please pm me. This is all still part of it. Me and my wife gotta get to our Herb docto apointment so we could be legal. I got all my equipment set up and all I need is a ride to get legal. Could someone help us? If anyone can help us please PM me. Thanks -ThingFish/HairlessCaveApe


New member
ToKEN said:
stole a car and killed the guy that was driving...ran over a few pedestrians and gunned down some gang members. hit a few cops and crashed my whip...thought I could get away on foot...I did. got in another car but a copped snatched me up..
Anyone think this sounds like a Slick Rick song? :biglaugh:

Anyway, I have a story, in two parts:

A long, long while ago, me and two friends, T and A, were hotboxing a car on some suburban street. Everything's chill for awhile and we hit the bottom of the sack. Just as were about to hop out of the car, a cop pulls up behind my car and turns on his lights. :cuss: T throws the bag out the front passenger window before two cops approach on either side. Immediately they ask "Where dat bud at!?!?" about to draw their guns on three blazed stoners. We try to deny but in the end they wind up with the empty bag and we wind up handcuffed on the curb :cuss: They tell us that a neighbor called about suspicious characters and they smelled the weed the second they got close. However, after some skillful brown-nosing they let us go. One of the cops was chill and let me drive, even though the other one argued with him :biglaugh: We obviously had to smoke some more bowls later.

You'd think I'd have learned my lesson but, nope! About a year, year-and-a-half later, me and four friends this time were driving around hitting a blunt, everything was chill. We pull into our old HS parking lot where three of us had our cars parked. We sit in the lot for a few minutes deciding what to do. The guy who was driving heads home, and just as me and the three other guys are about to leave in one of the remaining cars, a cop pulls right into the lot, blocking any sort of escape. The cop walks up to the car we are all sitting in. No big deal, we don't have anything on us. Oh wait, I still have about an 1/8th in my pocket. I quickly shove all the bud in my mouth and chew it down. Good thing I love the taste of weed. The cop gets to the driver window and surveys the interior. Suddenly the cop and me (I?) lock eyes. "Don't I recognize you?" he says. It's the same cop from the first time I got busted, the one that let me drive! :cuss: Anyway, he smells weed and anyone thats been busted knows what comes next. We sit around, about four more cop cars pull up and they start yanking us out of the car to interrogate us one by one. Finally, its my turn. They take me over to one of the cop cars and it becomes painfully obvious in the light of the car that a lot of the bud I thought I ate was all over the front of my shirt. Funny now, f-ed up then. They try to collect as much as possible but its probably less than .5 grams. The cop who nearly busted me before asks me what I think he should do. I tell him he should institute some sort of three-strikes policy. He laughs at this and once again we're all allowed to go (even tho they suspected one of my friends of smuggling coke in a hollowed out speaker cabinet in his car)!

Anyway, it'll be my third strike if he catches me again, and I haven't smoked weed since :D
Really tho, its easy to think that this cop was chill, but I'm sure if I really had any kind of weight on me in either case he would have busted my ass.
Last edited:


I had my apartment lock changed on me by the landlord, with my six, six to seven foot tall ISS mamas in there taking up the whole bedroom, four 1000W MH's, a chiller, and exhaust, black poly over the window with a flexi hose taped on.

The place was in my name.

I tried to get ahold of the landlord, hoping to bribe or something, but she was gone (she was never gone!), and there was a curious police presence around the corner near the train station - a Suburban and a squad.

So, long story short, since the unit was a corner suite on the second floor, I climbed a tree, falling once, then back up and drop-jumped onto the balcony with the assistance of a bendy branch (which shot up after I let go, swatting my face). I went in through the open balcony (it was very hot in there, the exhaust going into the living room). Some people saw me on the crowded street near a mall, but I yelled, "It's OK - I lost my key!"

I ran two plants down to the secluded back entrance - each must have weighed sixty pounds with the soil. I took one of the plants and tried to jam it into my Oldsmobile's trunk, but it wouldn't fit or bend, it was a tree. This wopuld have looked very comical, but anyone could have come out the backway just then. I ran back up, a giant plant in each hand, sweating like a motherfucker. I picked up all the stray leaves from the staircase, hearing voices in the 1st floor hall, and started making calls.

No one was willing to help.

So, and my heart drops as I write this, even seven years on... I chopped them up. I threw them into black garbage bags, and tossed them in the trash outside. God fucking damn it I just read that and I felt sick - I need a cigarette.

From the balcony climb to the garbagey end all took about thirty minutes, I was moving so fucking fast, it was like a Benny Hill sequence, except holding two pot plants taller than me and sweating profusely. Any moment I expected the cops to come, but I have heard from many of my peers that often times a manager will let them in to show the plants after snooping, then they get the warrant on concocted evidence, and later on... yadda yadda. The place may have been raided later that night, or not - they are very backlogged in my neck of the woods.

If they came, they found not one leaf or piece of equipment. After tossing the plants I packed up, cancelled all my rent cheques, and never looked back.
bumclot said:
Anyone think this sounds like a Slick Rick song? :biglaugh:

Anyway, I have a story, in two parts:

A long, long while ago, me and two friends, T and A, were hotboxing a car on some suburban street. Everything's chill for awhile and we hit the bottom of the sack. Just as were about to hop out of the car, a cop pulls up behind my car and turns on his lights. :cuss: T throws the bag out the front passenger window before two cops approach on either side. Immediately they ask "Where dat bud at!?!?" about to draw their guns on three blazed stoners. We try to deny but in the end they wind up with the empty bag and we wind up handcuffed on the curb :cuss: They tell us that a neighbor called about suspicious characters and they smelled the weed the second they got close. However, after some skillful brown-nosing they let us go. One of the cops was chill and let me drive, even though the other one argued with him :biglaugh: We obviously had to smoke some more bowls later.

You'd think I'd have learned my lesson but, nope! About a year, year-and-a-half later, me and four friends this time were driving around hitting a blunt, everything was chill. We pull into our old HS parking lot where three of us had our cars parked. We sit in the lot for a few minutes deciding what to do. The guy who was driving heads home, and just as me and the three other guys are about to leave in one of the remaining cars, a cop pulls right into the lot, blocking any sort of escape. The cop walks up to the car we are all sitting in. No big deal, we don't have anything on us. Oh wait, I still have about an 1/8th in my pocket. I quickly shove all the bud in my mouth and chew it down. Good thing I love the taste of weed. The cop gets to the driver window and surveys the interior. Suddenly the cop and me (I?) lock eyes. "Don't I recognize you?" he says. It's the same cop from the first time I got busted, the one that let me drive! :cuss: Anyway, he smells weed and anyone thats been busted knows what comes next. We sit around, about four more cop cars pull up and they start yanking us out of the car to interrogate us one by one. Finally, its my turn. They take me over to one of the cop cars and it becomes painfully obvious in the light of the car that a lot of the bud I thought I ate was all over the front of my shirt. Funny now, f-ed up then. They try to collect as much as possible but its probably less than .5 grams. The cop who nearly busted me before asks me what I think he should do. I tell him he should institute some sort of three-strikes policy. He laughs at this and once again we're all allowed to go (even tho they suspected one of my friends of smuggling coke in a hollowed out speaker cabinet in his car)!

Anyway, it'll be my third strike if he catches me again, and I haven't smoked weed since :D
Really tho, its easy to think that this cop was chill, but I'm sure if I really had any kind of weight on me in either case he would have busted my ass.

You're lucky as hell... I think he gave you a break because he's not down on bud. Some cops think it's bad, some don't. Some will bust you for it if they don't like your looks.

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