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Arrest Stories & Close Calls


a spare a gis:

I too don't understand why you were not charged with being under the influence, unless legally they must test first for proof to charge you. What I don't understand, however, is why the cops called in Homeland Security for making a u turn at an oil refinery. I think you will come out alright.


a spare a gis

New member
Logos said:
a spare a gis:

I too don't understand why you were not charged with being under the influence, unless legally they must test first for proof to charge you. What I don't understand, however, is why the cops called in Homeland Security for making a u turn at an oil refinery. I think you will come out alright.


i said how these cops werent assholes and these are the same cops that arrested my brother for possesion and he told me they arent asshole cops. which is true. there main concern was finding out why i went in the oil refinery. which i didnt really tell them why because i was so ****ed up at the time. they wherent being intimidating pricks they where just ****ing with me becuase they new i was really ****ed up so they decided to just get me for the tresspassing because they knew that was a big deal, and not for the dui. plus i refused to take a piss test. they only asked me once and i just said no and that was that.

and for the homeland security thing, i said it was considered terroristic threats to go in that place because its a major oil refinery. and homeland security investigates terroristic acts and they wanted to make sure i wasnt some like "scout" scoping out the place for a terror group.
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
a spare a gis said:
they decided iw asnt a threat to the nation, and the felony is getting dropped down to disorderly conduct and ive got court on the 22nd of jan.

hopefully it goes over well.

so hows that for a first post.
i would set this whole scenario to a rap video, we could make millions!!! lmao. i would use biggie in there for the hook," it was all a dream. . ." lmao


Ack!Driving around on shrooms.No heavy machinery while under the influence.Watch the road, not the clouds while driving.So for my twisted tale,the two times I ever had guns pointed at me, when I was arrested for cannabis. {16+18 yrs of age,long time ago}.The FIRST time I got busted at GUNPOINT,I was only 16,and I told the cop."Hey man! I'm only 16 years old,and I don't think you should have the right to shoot me over weed!"The PIG{and no disrespect to real police officers;this one with the gun pointed at me was the caricature "PIG".He{the talking pig with the gun pointed at me},said he wasn't going to shoot me;yet because he had the right to threaten with a gun,he did.A few months later,this particular cop shot and killed an unarmed social worker{I live in a city of about 600000 people}.The pig initiated a confrontation with the late social worker,over the social worker's long hair.The s.worker was walking a drunk to a homeless/drunk shelter.They passed an unmarked squad car where the PIG,leaned out his window and called the long haired s.worker a"F**KEN LONG HAIRED F*G".The s.worker walked over to the pig and told him he was an abuse of his job,bullyed and intimidated people with his gun and badge,and boot the shit out of someone else's car.The social worker told the pig ,that if he didn't have his gun and badge to hide behind,he would show him,what it would be like to be held responsible for his bad attitude.The pig jumped out of the car,put his gun and badge on the trunk of the car,mixed it up with the social worker,who cleaned his clock.The pig jumped/staggered up RAN over to his gun and shot the s.worker to death.5 of 6 shots entered the s.workers body.Ending the s.workers life.The pig was cleared of the shooting by a police panel of his peers.The police review board said the social worker brought it upon himself by challenging the "officer".The pig took early retirement.O yeah,the cop also went to the our newly formed "Criminal Compensation Board",and was awarded 25,000 dollars because he said he suffered mental trauma from shooting the unarmed social worker.One can apply multiple times for "Criminal Compensation",for the same "crime'.My city has a North American "FIRST NATIONS"name,I'm pretty sure it means Twilight Zone in English.The second time guns were drawn and aimed at me{2 years later},the cops were WAY overreacting also.It was an arrest team for my friend at the time,for weed.But they{cops}sure love jackbooting nazi dancing. I'VE NEVER BEEN IN TROUBLE BEFORE OR AFTER ,and I come from the wild part of town, where I was raised by werewolves and Cossacks.
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Pull my finger
ok. i have particularly strange close call. first off lets say thats i had some REAL trainwreck that my buddy smuggled from cali. when he brought this stuff over, the room instantly stunk. i was as happy as a pig in shit! after burnin a few bubblas i decided that i needed some serious junk food. so i hop in the car. as im pulling out of the driveway my friend runs down to the street to tell me i had a headlamp out. so i ran my pockets(you know just in case) and gave the little bag of ganja to him and my one hitter. then i proceeded to micky dees. i know gross right? thats the munchies for ya. any way im traveling through a not so great part of town and lo and behold my cities finest is parked onthe corner. i guess he saw the lamp out and then... bluelights behind me. but i dont trip cuz i know that i dumped my pockets before i left. i was totally clean(except for being reeeally baked). the cops walks up to the car and does the usual; why he pulled me over blah blah. then he walks back to his cruiser with my i.d. in hand. a few minute later he come back and asks me if i had been using marijuana. well you know what my answer was. "well the reason i asked is there is a strong odor of marijuana coming from your vehicle" he said. i knew what he was talking about cuz my pocket reeked. but no pot. this trainwreck was so pungent that it left a stink stain in my pocket. now its time for him to call back up. oh yeah he needed help with this one. they asked if they could search the vehicle. i happily obliged because i KNEW it was clean. the only place the car had been wasto the detail shop. so they search, and search, and search. all the while freezing thier asses off cuz it was like 20f out side. im sitting happily in the back of the warm cop car. they brought out the dogs and everything. never found a crumb of pot. but both of those cops were convinced it was in there somewhere and couldnt figure out what kept a cheesy smile on my face. hehe. these twits never figured out that the smell was nothing more than a stain in my pocket. the dog just walked around puzzled. it rocked to watch em try to bust me. what a compliment to a great buzz! oh yeah, i just got a warning for the headlamp being out. yesssss! :)


Here was a close call i had last year. My and my buddy were sitting in my car in the local malls parking lot. We started smoking a bowl and after a couple hits I noticed a woman looking out the window of a side door staring at us. I immediatly drove about halfway around that side of the parking lot and we started toking again. After another hit or two we see the same woman walking up behind my car real fast and she was a security guard. So I backed up real quick and took off. Luckily we left when we did. A cop drove up to the security guard right when we left. Just in time lol


O.K.,anybody notice the common denominator in most of these recollections?Public consumption,or meandering forays amongst the civilians whilst HIGH.I say no to public consumption!VERBOTTEN!Well,unless it' a concert or a festival,of course....Then you must still maintain decorum and control.And maybe let someone else do the chauffeuring{we cruise at altitude of 2 feet!}.


Hey Guys,

Me and my wife are here up in Canada celebrating our anniversary snowboarding in Whistler, BC. We picked up some bomb bomb ass buds, about a 1/4 of sweet island skunk given to us while toking with Marc Emery along with some orange kush and some budder, and about an 1/8 of kief that I had collected the entire vacation in a kief box. After driving back from the BCMP/CCHQ, we were drivingon the Sea to Sky Hwy and 3 cops cars swarmed us, pulled us over, handcuffed my wife (who has never done a drug in her life) my brother, and me, and searched our car, stole everything, and made me do a field sobriety test. I passed it. My god though, every sobriety test I have ever taken I have passed, and only because I was totally mashed. They had me close my eyes and tell them when 30 seconds has gone by. It was too easy and they let me go, minus every bit of bud we had. Now we are bum out of bud in BC. End of a sad story.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
swampdank said:
ok. i have particularly strange close call. first off lets say thats i had some REAL trainwreck that my buddy smuggled from cali. when he brought this stuff over, the room instantly stunk. i was as happy as a pig in shit! after burnin a few bubblas i decided that i needed some serious junk food. so i hop in the car. as im pulling out of the driveway my friend runs down to the street to tell me i had a headlamp out. so i ran my pockets(you know just in case) and gave the little bag of ganja to him and my one hitter. then i proceeded to micky dees. i know gross right? thats the munchies for ya. any way im traveling through a not so great part of town and lo and behold my cities finest is parked onthe corner. i guess he saw the lamp out and then... bluelights behind me. but i dont trip cuz i know that i dumped my pockets before i left. i was totally clean(except for being reeeally baked). the cops walks up to the car and does the usual; why he pulled me over blah blah. then he walks back to his cruiser with my i.d. in hand. a few minute later he come back and asks me if i had been using marijuana. well you know what my answer was. "well the reason i asked is there is a strong odor of marijuana coming from your vehicle" he said. i knew what he was talking about cuz my pocket reeked. but no pot. this trainwreck was so pungent that it left a stink stain in my pocket. now its time for him to call back up. oh yeah he needed help with this one. they asked if they could search the vehicle. i happily obliged because i KNEW it was clean. the only place the car had been wasto the detail shop. so they search, and search, and search. all the while freezing thier asses off cuz it was like 20f out side. im sitting happily in the back of the warm cop car. they brought out the dogs and everything. never found a crumb of pot. but both of those cops were convinced it was in there somewhere and couldnt figure out what kept a cheesy smile on my face. hehe. these twits never figured out that the smell was nothing more than a stain in my pocket. the dog just walked around puzzled. it rocked to watch em try to bust me. what a compliment to a great buzz! oh yeah, i just got a warning for the headlamp being out. yesssss! :)




Herbalista said:
O.K.,anybody notice the common denominator in most of these recollections?Public consumption,or meandering forays amongst the civilians whilst HIGH.I say no to public consumption!VERBOTTEN!Well,unless it' a concert or a festival,of course....Then you must still maintain decorum and control.And maybe let someone else do the chauffeuring{we cruise at altitude of 2 feet!}.
good advice herbalista
i can look back an d see that a lot of the times i've ever been in hot water,
i was pretty much asking for it...


wow peanutbutter thats quite a story.
i'm gonna follow along and see how that goes
hope things work out in your favor
Yeah I gotta say that posting a link to a news story about you on a pot forum isn't the best idea ever.
Bummer, though. Hope it works out.
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Pull my finger
next time make sure the b and e guy never makes it off of your property. a dead man dont talk, wink , or even blink back. and he damn sure dont lie in court. man am i glad we have the stand your ground law here. my attorney said make sure they are dead that way they cant lie about what they are doing on your property. im with ya P.B. i would have done the same thing. regardless of my garden situation.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
I feel for you and the f*cked up situation you're in PB, but there was obviously a security break on your side: Those kids went to steal your herb, those kids KNEW you had herb :fsu:


Truly unsetling circumstances pb. Best of luck to you and your family. Its hard to understand how your actions as a homeowner are suddenly completely different because of a couple green plans. Especially after the boys disabled lights making you very suspicious and on the defensive. But there are many people that think in different terms, and demonize simply because they were told so.



Ok so i have a close call story. I pick my friend up and he insists we roll the blunt in my car not in his house for some reason. I said whatever and I told him i really didn't like the idea. So I asked him where we should roll it and he told me in the corner of this parking lot of this church. There are houses near by and instantly i was sketched out. So i begun cracking the blunt and and everything while he broke up the weed. When i look up some house i could see this person looking at me. This freaked me out so i hurried up and then the person came outside and was walking around with a flashlight in his yard peering at my direction a few times. I was sketched out by this point and was like lets roll. The kid was like no man its fine. I was like whatever just hurry it up. Then i was like fuck this im not getting arrested so i rolled out and drove past the guys house and where we would turn to go to my friends house he would see where he lived so i drove all the down the road and decided to turnout and come from a different direction. As i pulled into his driveway i saw 2 cop cars making there way into the church parking lot. SKETCH!! Yeah and from that point on I'm never rolling a blunt in my car, make sure its pre rolled and make sure you have a straight route to drive and smoke...and the whole time right when we went in the parking lot i knew it was sketchy. Its weird because whenever i have close calls, something just comes over me and something doesnt feel right and thats the point when i roll out.
I have a close call

I have a close call

alright, when i was young i was dumb.when i was about 17 i used to smoke a LOT of weed, so i decide i was gonna sell it. (Which cant work) So, anyways me and my boy bought a QP, and bagged it up into $20 bags. QP=120g
take a cab to a grocrie store, the cabbie wants to score a bag, BUT i've never seen the man in my life, so naturally i say no, dont know what your talking about.
get back to the house that we are going to and start walking home, because you cant let the popo know.
So, here we are walking up the street, get in front of the building, and what do you know? Damn cops, right there. So he stops us asking all these stupid ass questions that we can't answer, so we asked him what the problem was.
"We are responding to a noise disorderance call."so i say" So, dont you think you better respond to it? We're just gettin here, you just saw us walk up on the porch." Side Note: DON'T DO THIS!!!
So, anyways he eventually asked us for our ID. Run this. Comes back clean. Bastard goes , "alright, you can go." i start to walk away and the bastard goes, "Hold on, let me check your pockets."
Reaches in my jacket pocket and pulls out my bag of bags. Now, this is a law enforcement officer, his eyes lit up! As he's pulling the bag out of my pocket, he's turning me around to cuff me. Sits me down on the front steps,cuffed behind my back, one of my boys come along and start asking me about what was going on and i was trying to explaine it, when all of a sudden the fucker kicked me in the back! CUFFED! So, I get to court and they are charging me with a clas b misdemeanor instead of a class A. the official write up was a class b misdemeanor, 42 g. in 12 bags.?
now a QP is 120g i got charged with 42g, wheres the oher 80g.?
"we dont want to discuss this" is what i was told. All said and done it cost me $550. isnt America GREAT?


Registered Cannabis User
dude, the part about him saying that they dont wanna discuss it? that's bullshit. I'd say they have to because it's my ass gettin in trouble...not theirs. you should be totally informed on anything that is going on if it's your ass.



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