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Around a cycle in 80 days


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
damn realy thought you was one of them :chin: .....hehehehe stoner me....Nhow ...the Peewee is derrived from the purple bastard male and a white widow female....
and yeah maybe you should try'm.....there could be a gem between them but you never know untill you pop' ey.....
its not killerweed but very plesant to smoke .....very fruity tones she has...and maybe some purple ....?
times go between 8-10 weeks....
thats ok,im happy to be one of Dutchgrown's knights,i was mighty pleased to get the invite from F.U.C.K.E.M. though....

i really enjoyed the two of your strains i have already grown,still have the cloud9 and mongruls to try out,have a bigger space now...:dance013:


hello CORE:wave:
ya bro if there not to your liking just move along to the neat HAHAH thats what i do....umm if ya ever get EXTRA WHITE OG V those would be nice to have at some point..
respect brother:wave:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
yea i knew you was a offical test grower for her lovely creations.....i've seen them in ya thread.....but i also was thinking the other hehehe.
but if you decide to pop some of' them then i wil c it in ya updates i have ya thread tagged
i gotte check it out now coz i wanne check the new space you have :)


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Puma.
thats good advice hehehe
and i'll try to ask some for ya.....but you gotte know i can't promisse any.
there a saying here in belgium ....'een nee heb je en een ja kun je krijgen' translated... you already have a no but you might get a yes.


lookin great core! that cbk is monsterous, you going to supercrop her?


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
no jonny its to late in flower to crop anything.....i got headspace enough now....i used to have troubles in the other growroom....i only had about 1.7 m height there...Now i'm close to 2 meters .....its only one foot but that does count :)


hello CORE.
ahhh ok you ask what you could do for me and i answered so thats where that came from, that last remark you made not sure what that was all about or how i should take that statement.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i mean only good things bro .....you should know that by now.....PM comming up !!

aaaah Big D !!
thank you my old friend ....its always nice to c u inhere from time to time...:respect:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
well i thought i'd post some more pix now i'm here :)

a small update comming up

i checked the girls again on smell and i was happily surprised !
told you lot that there was not much smell but with closer inspection i have to retract my words....all 3 strains are ouzing with a awsome odor.
can't desicrbe good but you gotte take my word for it.maybe some pics will say it

white og"s


white banana kush

one CBK

and my tight rapture....she's looks promissing for a next round :)


Know what burns my ass? Flames bout 3 ft high.
ICMag Donor
Those are looking great Core! That Rapture does look interesting. After reading what puma
has to say about the cbk and the stretch and checking your pix out I realized I mixed up
the labeling on my plants, doh! I had'em right originally, lol, then thought I had
mixed'em up when I didn't so I changed them but now I'm back to what I started with. :)
There's no question really now that I see them growing. I would have put the cbk's in earlier
but I was working on an expansion of my bloom area, which I needed for them and just got
completed. They've been in bloom bout 4 days now so just getting started. After transplant to 5 gal.
they really took off so I went ahead a topped them in veg. I seem to have 2 that really want to
take off and two that aren't in such a hurry. Here's a couple pics.

CBK Tall pheno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CBK Medium tall pheno

Here's a couple pics of the cali sunsets. Very uniform stout plants. This is their 6th day in bloom.
I have no idea what to expect from these but they don't look like they'd more than double.
Maybe puma will check in with some info. :)


All the plants are between 32 and 36 in. tall from the dirt. Prob gonna wait until they've gotten
to where yours are now before I update again unless they do something unusual, lol.


lookin sweet core, nothing but the best as usual! lookin good nuggetshiner!


hello FRIENDS:wave:
CORE looking real good my friend keep it going!!

looks to me like both your CBK are CHOCO RAIN leaners for sure, one maybe faster then the other but those are CHOCO dom no doubt..

your CALI SUNSET is a bit more tricky both parents were some what short/squat beast, the one on the right seems to have larger spaces between the nodes and the one on the left seems to be quite branchy...

the one on the right may be of the ALIEN TECH pheno from the alien kush father that was used in the HYBRID, the tighter noded one with all the branchy "COULD" be the LEMON LARRY PHENO from the mother side of things..

but really i have not ran either HYBRID so i cant be 100% sure at this time but thats how they look to me at this time...
peace guys:wave:


Living life large...
Right on Core, their all look'n great, and you know I got my eye
on that WBK bro, still got my fingers crossed that mine is a girl,
I can't wait to hear your smoke report on her when she's done... :joint:

peace and be safe, Sprout. :wave:

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