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Arnold signs SB 1449 into law.


breathe deep
..... Only legalization will help keep cannabis out of the hands of children. ....

I have not heard an explanation for this specific argument yet. My logic is telling me that during prohibition of Alcohol it was more difficult for children to obtain then it is now. Simply because the price is so inexpensive and children usually don't have much money.

Not disputing, just hoping to learn something new. Thanks


Active member
I have not heard an explanation for this specific argument yet. My logic is telling me that during prohibition of Alcohol it was more difficult for children to obtain then it is now. Simply because the price is so inexpensive and children usually don't have much money.

Not disputing, just hoping to learn something new. Thanks

In a legal market with no black market, the only source would be legal outlets with age limits. Of coarse this kind of legalization is likely decades away and prop 19 is unlikely to end the black market. I don't care much one way or another, if a kid wants to try weed, or alcohol hard enough chances are he will find a way, such as the fridge at home. Lol.


Active member
I have not heard an explanation for this specific argument yet. My logic is telling me that during prohibition of Alcohol it was more difficult for children to obtain then it is now. Simply because the price is so inexpensive and children usually don't have much money.

Not disputing, just hoping to learn something new. Thanks

Think about this....it is easier for them to get pot now then beer...beer is cheaper. Pot is illegal....high priced...and they still can get it easier than a cheaper, regulated product.

This is a big point of the Anti crowd...Think of the children!!! IF they were to really think about it...they would realize that they couldn't be more wrong.


Bong Smoking News Hound
before this was signed all you got was a 200 dollar ticket in the male. no probation nothing. so hes not doing anything except making it from a Misdemeanor to a infraction. Thats all!


Active member
before this was signed all you got was a 200 dollar ticket in the male. no probation nothing. so hes not doing anything except making it from a Misdemeanor to a infraction. Thats all!

I've never been caught with weed, but im pretty sure if the cop did things by the books, you would get a notice to appear in court, you'd get an arrest record, and have pay a fine and court fees. Maybe the record could be avoiding by going to "rehab" lol which some people are upset about...


Freedom Fighter
before this was signed all you got was a 200 dollar ticket in the male. no probation nothing. so hes not doing anything except making it from a Misdemeanor to a infraction. Thats all!

Not quite--
It is still a $100 fine, same as before-- But...there was a $200 Court Cost added on...and it went on your Record, as a Misdemeanor Drug Arrest--
But...the fucker's still take your weed...and search your shit--
Vote Yes on 19!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol hay I will take any help with cannabis and making it safewr for us. But this is not what we need. Please vote yes on 19


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
If 19 passes, Arnie has a pro pot law put into effect 1 month prior.... Jaded here? Maybe.

I think Arnie is about Arnie more than anything else. To support 19 put him at political risk( i do not know how, but assume so), but to be shown as lenient on pot is ok politically.
Not quite--
It is still a $100 fine, same as before-- But...there was a $200 Court Cost added on...and it went on your Record, as a Misdemeanor Drug Arrest--
But...the fucker's still take your weed...and search your shit--
Vote Yes on 19!!


it also saves the state millions of dollars. When the average non-violent "pothead" is arrested, and/or taken to jail and/or to court. Multiple state employees must be present to "provide those services." Their jobs are no longer needed. Money saved. deficit helped.

That is the REAL political argument he will be making. He will be catching shit internally from most republicans. Lets stand behind him with logic rather than standing on the outside looking in with extreme paranoia.


Kiss My Ring
Arnolds legacy may indeed be enhanced by this shrewd move, as he may be perceived as pro-pot.
While this may or may not be true (his stance), he has hit on a win-win situation, obfuscate the negatives to promote the positive(hide the fact that this is not legalization, but rather a cost cutting measure to arrest the exsanguination of funds).
While I applaud his audacity, he has yet to deflect the Prop 19 momentum as evidenced by recent polls indicating preference to passage.


Well-known member
i like the thoughts on the political motives, i think there are several in play<br>
1st thing, politicians are pussies except for a tiny percentage<br>
this bill has been passed and signed because it was easy to do, no political damage to any politician<br>
they can argue that they wanted to bring some common sense to the MJ law in the current California environment<br>
they can also argue this was a tactic to disrupt prop 19<br>
they did it because it made sense in dealing with the current MJ reality in California, and no one's likely to lose their jobs over voting for this


Bong Smoking News Hound
Not quite--
It is still a $100 fine, same as before-- But...there was a $200 Court Cost added on...and it went on your Record, as a Misdemeanor Drug Arrest--
But...the fucker's still take your weed...and search your shit--
Vote Yes on 19!!

i was being lazy and not explaining Restitution fees the 200 dollars, and yeah forgot about it being on ur record. Are you saying the Infraction wont be on your criminal record? how about your DMV? and if so, can we go back and get any expunged off your record from like 10 years ago? This will be interesting what Arnold sign.

oh yeah, and the old law, as long as you paid the imposed fine they sent in the mail. you didn't even have to show up to court. So Arnold did nothing but get it off your record, and cut the fine in half. And maybe people on probation, this wont be considered a violation of probation?


Freedom Fighter
i was being lazy and not explaining Restitution fees the 200 dollars, and yeah forgot about it being on ur record. Are you saying the Infraction wont be on your criminal record? how about your DMV? and if so, can we go back and get any expunged off your record from like 10 years ago? This will be interesting what Arnold sign.

oh yeah, and the old law, as long as you paid the imposed fine they sent in the mail. you didn't even have to show up to court. So Arnold did nothing but get it off your record, and cut the fine in half. And maybe people on probation, this wont be considered a violation of probation?

Good questions...I am not sure about most of that, but I do not think that an Infraction violates current Probation--:tiphat:


Active member
Wow, never thought I'd think about moving south of the border for more freedom!

Do the Feds still try to muck things up in California or have they given up now too? What are the driving laws like?

Damn BC now, they can piss test you on the side of the road, proving only that you've smoked in the last month or so. First offence 72 hour suspension, impounded vehicle, about $800 all said and done. Second time, 30 day suspension, 30 day impound, just shy of a $5000 raping.

California Going forward, BC going backward...
The amount of misinformation and general bullshit in this thread is astounding.

So this anti prop 19 huh? Whoever said its all about money is the only one with any common sense here. Money makes the world go around.

The big deal for the public is you don't get a criminal record for possession of under an ounce now. That is a big deal to a lot of people. Say you go through a divorce and have to deal with custody issues. It doesn't look good to the judge deciding if you get to see your kids if you have a misdemeanor drug possession charge on your record.

So, someone in this thread pretty much proved my point. They said, this new prop. sounds good, I might have to move to cali. Thats what every pot smoking miscreant all over is saying. I don't want them in cali. I don't want drug tourism in cali. Why do you think the dutch government wants to ban it in Amsterdam? Because it sucks, and thats the only reason any one goes there.

I love how everyone thinks if prop 19 passes weed is just going to be magically legalized everywhere else. Prop 19 isn't even legalization in the first place. At this point its not even so much prop 19 that i don't like, its just all the idiots that are going along with it because they think its legalization. Slightly less illegal, not legal, just for the record, and it doesn't change a damn thing federally, which is where the most work needs to be done. Prop 19 will not stop the DEA, just makes it easier for them as people become more careless, because weed is legalized, right? :D

As far as not legalizing hemp, and not supporting prop 19, I would say that has a lot to do with image and public perception, not so much with personal opinion. Not everyone in cali is a pothead. They have to try and remain politically correct with everyone, and try and make everyone happy, and it would be the equivalent of career suicide for a politician to support anything weed related now a days. You can't blame them either, their jobs depend on it. What would you do faced with that decision? I for one, would choose to say what I thought was the politically correct thing and keep my job.

If you take off your pothead hat, and put on your common sense hat for 5 minutes, this is all pretty obvious. People are very passionate about weed, its a sensitive subject. That passion and love for our favorite hobby can sometimes lead to some clouded one sided view points. Try and put yourself in there shoes and see it from there perspective, and keep in mind not all politicians are evil pieces of shit, just most of them.

BTW If you get caught with weed, you're an idiot and deserve a 100 dollar fine, just my opinion. Feel free to not like it.


Active member
pot possesion in CA NO longer a crime?

pot possesion in CA NO longer a crime?


sorry if this has been posted, I looked.

If this is real, then I absolutely do not see how prop 19 could make marijuana any less illegal than this already does.

People will and are growing & smoking cannabis regardless of any law, I dont think the people care or need to be told its ok and we have the permission do it, We are doing it, we have been, and we dont give into unjust, politically-driven legislation....such as????????????

........prop 19.... it is nothing more than a capitalistic monopoly. Esp with this new legislation, Pot is as legal RIGHT NOW as prop 19 could ever make it and without the extra felonies it adds into legislation, DONT eat the bullshit. Dont exploit the plant anymore for fucks sake!