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Arnold signs SB 1449 into law.



To the Members of the California State Senate:
I am signing Senate Bill 1449.
This bill changes the crime of possession of less than an ounce of marijuana from a misdemeanor
punishable only by a $100 fine to an infraction punishable by a $100 fine. Under existing law,
jail time cannot be imposed, probation cannot be ordered, nor can the base fine exceed $100 for
someone convicted of this crime.
I am opposed to decriminalizing the possession and recreational use of marijuana and oppose
Proposition 19, which is on the November ballot. Unfortunately, Proposition 19 is a deeply
flawed measure that, if passed, will adversely impact California’s businesses without bringing in
the tax revenues to the state promised by its proponents. Notwithstanding my opposition to
Proposition 19, however, I am signing this measure because possession of less than an ounce of
marijuana is an infraction in everything but name. The only difference is that because it is a
misdemeanor, a criminal defendant is entitled to a jury trial and a defense attorney. In this time
of drastic budget cuts, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement, and the courts cannot
afford to expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a
traffic ticket. As noted by the Judicial Council in its support of this measure, the appointment of
counsel and the availability of a jury trial should be reserved for defendants who are facing loss
of life, liberty, or property greater than $100.
For these reasons, I am signing this bill.
Arnold Schwarzenegger


Freedom Fighter
Arnold is not our friend-- He signed this to help ballance his Budget--
That being said...:jump::rtfo: :headbange :tree:


Well-known member
there was a time when this would have been headline news
now it's barely noticeable, which is probably the bigger news/victory
let the momentum carry on California, keep going forward


Arnold signed SB 1449- Possession of an ounce or less now a ticket,.

Arnold signed SB 1449- Possession of an ounce or less now a ticket,.

WOOHOO!!! What used to be felony possession in California is now a misdemeanor and what used to be a misdemeanor is now literally the same as a jay walking ticket!

http://californiacannabiscoalition.org/?p=186 said:
California Governor Signs Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

Posted on October 1, 2010 by Green Thumb
<!-- .entry-meta --> California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Thursday signed into law a bill that decriminalizes the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana. The bill reduces simple possession from a misdemeanor to an infraction.
Currently Marijuana possession is “somewhat-decriminalized” in California. There is no jail sentence and a maximum $100 fine. But because possession is a misdemeanor, people caught with cannabis are “arrested,” most receive a notice to appear, and they must appear before a court.
Under the bill SB 1449, marijuana possession will be treated like a traffic ticket. The fine will remain at $100, and there will be no arrest record.
“I am signing this measure because possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is an infraction in everything but name,” said Schwarzenegger. “The only difference is that because it is a misdemeanor, a criminal defendant is entitled to a jury trial and a defense attorney. In this time of drastic budget cuts, prosecutors, defense attorneys, law enforcement, and the courts cannot afford to expend limited resources prosecuting a crime that carries the same punishment as a traffic ticket.”
The law goes into effect January 1.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
around here, that is how you get out of traffic tickets, request a trial.

They don't want to spend the money on a trial, so they set a trial date, you show up and the prosecutor dismisses your case.

Seriously, if every person that got a ticket did this, the cops would stop giving out so many tickets because the prosecutors and judges would get really pissed.

Even if you know you are guilty, just go through the motions, it will cost them more money than its worth.


Now in technicolor
This was signed into law because now in regard to Prop 19, they can say "why legalize it? There's MMJ and possession is only an infraction, not a crime. It's practically legal already. The laws are good as they are."


Signed by Governor Schwarzenegger

Signed by Governor Schwarzenegger

Mendocino Medical Marijuana Advisory Board
PO Box 2555
Mendocino, CA 95460


Cal NORML Release
Bill to Decriminalize Minor Pot Possession Offenses Signed by Governor Schwarzenegger
Sacramento, Sept 30th: A bill to downgrade the possession of one ounce or less of marijuana from a misdemeanor to an infraction was signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. The bill, SB 1449 by Sen. Mark Leno, will spare petty pot offenders the necessity for a court appearance and criminal arrest record while saving the state millions of dollars in court and prosecution expenses. The bill treats petty possession like a traffic ticket punishable by a simple $100 fine and no arrest record.

"Gov. Schwarzenegger deserves credit for sparing the state's taxpayers the cost of prosecuting minor pot offenders," said California NORML director Dale Gieringer, "Californians increasingly recognize that the war on marijuana is a waste of law enforcement resources."

The new law, which takes effect on Jan 1, 2011, will have an effect even if Californians vote to legalize marijuana by passing Prop 19. Prop 19 leaves misdemeanor possession penalties in place for public use and smoking in the presence of kids; under SB 1449, these offenses would be simple infractions.

In his signing statement, the Governor said he opposes decriminalization of recreational use of marijuana and opposes Prop 19, but "in this time of drastic budget cuts, prosecutors defense attorneys, law enforcement and the courts cannot afford to expend limited resources" prosecuting petty pot offenses.

signing statement: http://dl5.activatedirect.com/fs/di...e=1285912730.7ee1305853a4e425a94c9e30d2a561fb

Misdemeanor possession offenses have mounted to new highs in recent years, reaching 61,164 in 2009 (see http://www.canorml.org/news/2009arrests.html).

California NORML originally called for making petty possession an infraction when the state passed its landmark decriminalization law in 1975, but the legislature made it a minor misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $100 fine. This marks the first time in 35 years that penalties for non-medical use of marijuana have been reduced in California.

Text of SB 1449: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/09-10/bill/sen/sb_1401-1450/sb_1449_bill_20100405_amended_sen_v98.html


I have been waiting to see if this gets signed, good for him the old pot head! One step at a time, like a F'ing AA meeting in reverse!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I know this is great news, Gov. Terminator (of silly laws) rules! :rtfo:


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
You know he still smokes, someone pretty credible told me they know he does actually. :canabis:

Big suprise! :joint:
Just keep up with the pressure folks, and turn up the volume! Vote the old scum out of office everywhere, and in with new. Eventually; the rest of the nation will see, and turn to light, the terrible injustices & miscalculations done in the 1930's, destroying countless lives. Cali's lookin better every day!


WAY Cool ! Good post friend! at least he's not saying Get to the Chopper!! heheheh


Well-known member
This was signed into law because now in regard to Prop 19, they can say "why legalize it? There's MMJ and possession is only an infraction, not a crime. It's practically legal already. The laws are good as they are."

^^^ cultivation likely still a felony in relatively small grows? think this is the big change that prop 19 would bring