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Arizona Congresswoman Shot, 6 dead, 12 wounded

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in america, weve had a great number of people enter into the political discourse that have very little understanding of our political system and how it is intended to work, nor do they have even a basic understanding of our constitution and what their responsibilities as citizens are. They have a tendency to believe that their way of thinking is the only legitimate path forward, and if anyone disagrees, they are of less value as a person and are demeaned and called names.

This fellow walked up to a U S congresswoman and at point blank shot her in the head. He believed the rhetoric of those who demogogue every issue as if the nation is in peril if their point of view is not accepted. People such as this disturbed young man believe that rhetoric. He believed that the federal government is taking his rights away and he says so in his writings.

Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth.

I hope this will be an impetus for all americans to lower the tone and remember our national motto. Epluribus Unum: from many comes one. Those who disagree are our political oponents, not our political enemies.


A woman named Caitie Parker has been tweeting that she went to school with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' alleged shooter Jared Loughner and that he had met Giffords previously.

Also," he was a pot head & into rock like Hendrix,The Doors, Anti-Flag. I haven't seen him in person since '07 in a sign language class" and "As I knew him he was left wing, quite liberal. & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy."

I guess crazy comes in all sizes..

I heard he was a US military recruiter, who rambled on about the CIA MKUltra expiraments. And now they demonize gun owners, liberals, and the schedule 1 substance list because people are looking for something to blame. The guy was a nut, plain and simple, he went off his rocker and killed people. Sure, he was a conspiracy theorest - so what, he was a gun owner too, should we go around and point fingers saying "to hell with this or that", or should we realize that some people go off their rocker?...

I also heard that he was shot by a civilian, who legally owned and carried his firearm.

And now everybody here wants to say "hang the conspiracy theorists!" Well, read the patriot act, and take it to heart. And you say that America is unchanged, well people still have freedom of speech. Nobody's advocating slaughter or descrimination, people are just being alarmist. So what, if you want to point fingers and say "he went off his nut because of this", then you might as well watch reefer madness and believe it. I had thought that the idea was not to be sucked in by alarmism. If you want to be above that, then be above it, there's no need to trash talk or call names.

I agree with moondawg to a certain extent. But nobody's yelling "fire!" in a crouded theater. The deranged are deranged, and they will find reasons to do things if you don't give them one.

In the end this all boils down to paranoia. The shooter was paranoid. People here are paranoid of alarmists. The people of america are going to be paranoid of the things they heard in the news, this being guns, drugs and people who excersize freedom of speech in a strange way. Maybe we should all start to divide, and be suspicious of and derogatory to everybody. Or, we can look at the bigger picture.


I used to live right around the area she was shot. Lived in Tucson and Phoenix 2 years each. When I was in Tucson in the early 90's got a taste of the hard core gun scene there. Lots of gun shows. Arizona in general was very conservative so a bit surprised upon reading she was a Democrat. I'd regularly see peeps with handguns on their hip walking around town. Go to the local firing range and rent an automatic to play with if you could afford all the ammo they eat up...lol.

Terrible thing that happened. The shooter was nuts.


Tragic. There will always be unstable personalities who decide to act out their angst in a violent way. But the level of political discourse these days gives these nuts something that really engages their psychosis.

They ought to just make an announcment that in 2012 on the Mayan new year in Roswell New Mexico JFKs real killer will be announced, the government will release new information on the World Trade Center attack, and evidence of alien visitations will be shown. Then just round up all the nutjobs that show up and society will be that much better off.

Green lung

Active member
Tragic. There will always be unstable personalities who decide to act out their angst in a violent way. But the level of political discourse these days gives these nuts something that really engages their psychosis.

They ought to just make an announcment that in 2012 on the Mayan new year in Roswell New Mexico JFKs real killer will be announced, the government will release new information on the World Trade Center attack, and evidence of alien visitations will be shown. Then just round up all the nutjobs that show up and society will be that much better off.

Thats what I'm sayin! Lets put them in the FEMA concentration camps:listen2:


Thats what I'm sayin! Lets put them in the FEMA concentration camps:listen2:

Can you imagine what a raving, cauldron of insanity the camps would be. We'd have to import tin foil from China just for the hats !

You'd have to aerial spray antipsychotics with crop dusting planes just to keep the peace.
most of the posts didnt have the benefit i had of watching all the news shows talk about it. he is NUTS plain and simple! nothing you could have done about it any more than john lennon's killer stopping. nutbag.

as much as i myself advocated killing off our congressmen, i realize the error of my ways, because whoever would have listened to me would have killed the wrong guy, just like here. where i would say kill the Republican leader of the senate, or rush limbaugh, the only one who would have gone off and done it, is somebody who would go out and kill obama, the worst thing imagineable in my book. so i guess that is why we have serious laws against offing our stupid ass senators and congressmen. if the killer was a Patriot, who at least THOUGHT he was doing it for the greater good of the country, i could understand why, but this guy is just another nutjob out there doing what the voices in his head tell him to do. and in my mind, you couldnt possibly kill a democrat and call yourself patriotic, just stupid. the country is full of stupid people and nuts. whats the point of killing the judge or the little girl or any of the others who died? none. no more so than blowing up the fed. building in okc. all political changes have to be done at the polls, which sux because now big business owns them. blow them up and maybe we'll start getting middle class reform.


I have been worried for some time that the political
vitriol in the US was going overboard and it was just a matter
of time before someone resorted to violence.

That said,I really hope the shooter is just some random nut
and not a political martyr for some cause.

That sorry piece of crap opened fire on the crowd,after
accomplishing his goal of shooting the Congresswoman,and killed
multiple people including a 9 year old girl:mad:


Maybe they need to take the fluoride out of the drinking water in Arizona and substitute Thorazine. Lot of fear and hate coming from AZ lately.

It's probably all the meth. Shit makes people unbalanced.

Space Toker

Active member
damn right wing nutjobs! And we just elected a whole boatload more of these asses. And those who voted for them are asses too! now we will know nothing besides gridlock


Active member
Just read that the Westboro baptist church are on there way to Arizona to protest at the funerals of those killed in Arizona.

For those not familiar
It's a small "Church" in Kansas, that became known for protesting at the funerals of fallen soldiers.

The circus is comming to town.


Just read that the Westboro baptist church are on there way to Arizona to protest at the funerals of those killed in Arizona.

For those not familiar
It's a small "Church" in Kansas, that became known for protesting at the funerals of fallen soldiers.

The circus is comming to town.

I usually abhor violence. But I really hope those Westboro douchebags get their asses kicked. Not killed mind you. But beaten badly enough so that they'll think twice before they bring their twisted, hateful asses out in public ever again.

Green lung

Active member
I always wanted to drop those westboro baptist church members off in Waziristan.

Just like via helicoptor. Come in there land and just push those asjoles out the back.:mopper: Take off and forget about them:coffee:
I always wanted to drop those westboro baptist church members off in Waziristan.

Just like via helicoptor. Come in there land and just push those asjoles out the back.:mopper: Take off and forget about them:coffee:

I like those Westboro Baptist Church guys. They are funny to me. They are basically Real Life Trolls. I appreciate that. I guess I have a crazy sense of humor?

I get annoyed by Christian trolls pretending to be intellectually serious people- GW Bush, et al- those people are worth getting annoyed over. But the Westboro folks seem to be on the verge of laughing at all times. They are like real life yummybuds. I support that. Not enough humour in the world as it is.


I like those Westboro Baptist Church guys. They are funny to me. They are basically Real Life Trolls. I appreciate that. I guess I have a crazy sense of humor?

I get annoyed by Christian trolls pretending to be intellectually serious people- GW Bush, et al- those people are worth getting annoyed over. But the Westboro folks seem to be on the verge of laughing at all times. They are like real life yummybuds. I support that. Not enough humour in the world as it is.

If they were just doing this stuff in the privacy of their own homes and churches I'd agree. But they are going out and protesting at the funerals of dead soldiers. The families of these soldiers are in emotional agony and these douchebags are so caught up in their religious fantasy life they go and rub salt in that wound. Scumbags pure and simple.

Green lung

Active member
I like those Westboro Baptist Church guys. They are funny to me. They are basically Real Life Trolls. I appreciate that. I guess I have a crazy sense of humor?

I get annoyed by Christian trolls pretending to be intellectually serious people- GW Bush, et al- those people are worth getting annoyed over. But the Westboro folks seem to be on the verge of laughing at all times. They are like real life yummybuds. I support that. Not enough humour in the world as it is.

Now thats funny!:tiphat:

But think about this they are real life trolls. You would want drop off yummybud in Wazirstan if you had to live with the guy.

Madrus Rose

post 69
I like those Westboro Baptist Church guys. They are funny to me. They are basically Real Life Trolls. I appreciate that. I guess I have a crazy sense of humor?

I get annoyed by Christian trolls pretending to be intellectually serious people- GW Bush, et al- those people are worth getting annoyed over. But the Westboro folks seem to be on the verge of laughing at all times. They are like real life yummybuds. I support that. Not enough humour in the world as it is.

One almost could draw the parallel of "mental midget inbreeding" with these biblically crazed maroons ... but the conservative christian coalition really has had their last waltz in America or is coming very near it . The more they rear their heads in public on any of the major issues , politics, even natural disasters & so called "acts of God " like Haiti or Katrina... they have usually done more harm to their "God-cause" than any Atheist or Pantheist or liberal secular groups could ever do .

Europe has gone completely secular now the clock is ticking in America for these throwbacks . Yummybuds & yummybud heaven , lol, but not nice or
funny people really. Hopefully natural social evolution weeds & thins them out eventually .

Now let's not forget the part we all speak in tongues
& pass the rattlesnakes !



Active member
If they protest in front of the 9 year old girl's funeral, i will be shocked if nothing happens.

If they are dumb enough to protest at the Federal judges funeral, I'm sure they will be added to a "special" list. I doubt they still have tax exempt status. I'm sure they must also be on the do not fly list. I'm sure they must get audited every year by the IRS. They are such outcaste, that all they have is each other. The more blow back they get, the closer their bonds form.
Fred phelps loves the attention.
He makes Paris Hilton look like Howard Hughes.


Active member
One almost could draw the parallel of "mental midget inbreeding" with these biblically crazed maroons ... but the conservative christian coalition really has had their last waltz in America or is coming very near it . The more they rear their heads in public on any of the major issues , politics, even natural disasters & so called "acts of God " like Haiti or Katrina... they have usually done more harm to their "God-cause" than any Atheist or Pantheist or liberal secular groups could ever do .

Europe has gone completely secular now the clock is ticking in America for these throwbacks . Yummybuds & yummybud heaven , lol, but not nice or
funny people really. Hopefully natural social evolution weeds & thins them out eventually .

Now let's not forget the part we all speak in tongues
& pass the rattlesnakes !


Aww c'mon, don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole lot !

Some do terrible things in the name of God or Christianity or Islam. That is man's fault only.

Doesn't mean we should all turn our backs on a belief system that preaches showing unconditional love towards each other, forgiveness, and solid moral principles which our country was built upon !

The world is the way it is, because of human choices. Shit like the Haiti earthquake and Hurricane Katrina happen, yes nature is brutal, should we curse God for that ?

Just sayin.....
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