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Arizona Congresswoman Shot, 6 dead, 12 wounded

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Active member
I am going to listen to christian rock and kill people and say the christian rock made me do it so they can blame christian rock


Active member
For the legally savy on this site:

Will he be considered an enemy combatant?

He assassinated a federal judge and attempted to assassinate an elected federal official. Also mass murder of civilians.

How is this guy any different than the time square bomber?

Other than location and weapon of choice.

Ganja D

This is so tragic,the next generation of Americans is fucked. I wish we could go back to the 80's when things were more simple.
As much as I love IC I believe the internet and computers are the worst thing ever to happen to humanity.


Active member
This is so tragic,the next generation of Americans is fucked. I wish we could go back to the 80's when things were more simple.
As much as I love IC I believe the internet and computers are the worst thing ever to happen to humanity.

Please don't lose hope.

As bad as things got today,
this would be considered a slow news day in Mexico.


I wonder if Sarah Palin has taken the picture of this congresswomen down from her website. The picture showed REP Gabrielle Giffords with a cross hairs on her like she was targetted in a weapon. There was a stir when the pictures first went up before last years election that was dismissed by the Palin camp.

Unfortunately another all to routine mass killing in a public place here in America. The only thing positive from the whole situation is that the sheriff there is one tough SOB and that guy will get whats coming to him.

To pull a little side bar, people who need help from the public aren't getting it because as a country its easier to put people in jail rather then get the LONG term help they need. Maybe one day the country will pull tons of money from the war on drugs and get more sick people in rehab or whatever they need.

Green lung

Active member
The scary thing is these CT's believe this delusional crap and are prepared to kill to prevent Americans being put into dealth camps or whatever. They belive they are patriots or something

You see them "preparing" for the apoclaypse ect. Hell they WANT that, and they will attempt to bring it on if it doesn't happen.

This guy probably thought he was saving us from the the evil chemtrails. Morons


Active member
tell that dumb bitch tweeting to shut up.

i smoke bud and listen to punk bands like anti-flag

but have no desire to go kill people. what does his taste in music have to do with anything?

Rudolf, They will jump to ANY conclusion if it fits their agenda. The article accuses "Tea Party" of being the catalyst for this. Just like Bloomberg in N.Y.C.
Of course they will attack anti-flag.... Because they (the Media) are
very wrong.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The scary thing is these CT's believe this delusional crap and are prepared to kill to prevent Americans being put into dealth camps or whatever. They belive they are patriots or something

You see them "preparing" for the apoclaypse ect. Hell they WANT that, and they will attempt to bring it on if it doesn't happen.

This guy probably thought he was saving us from the the evil chemtrails. Morons

It's like you are a conspiracy theory conspiracy theorist.



ICMag Donor
I have to say we are going to see more incidents like this as people become more desperate and lose a house, retirement, or whatever. Emotionally stable folks are vulnerable too. Herewegoboys raises some good points and the general sentiment from many posts on many sites is people arent really happy with never ending wars, gov and wallstreet robbery,plus the constant erosion of civil liberties. The trend is a guise on getting tougher on terror( You and I ), more check points and national ID card and backscatter x-ray vans coming right up! Conspiracy? absolutely.
Random violence is never condoned by me but nature is harsh and we should expect nothing less with the "genetic diversity" of our mostly stable species. NS


Active member
I spent some time reading forums these last few years while at work. Forums of course allow people to express themselves honestly without social repercussions; it's the most honest form of discourse there is in some ways. I have concluded that most of us on Earth are one death of a loved one and 3 months pay away from going absolutely batshit insane, and potentially pulling some shit like this.

Quoted for truth.


Kiss My Ring
autosuggestion as the media pours it out into your enquiring minds.
go watch your televisions and forget it.
betcha there is a conspiracy to disarm americans and he was just a pawn in it!:moon:
then post more links to cbs/nbc/abc/colorectal exams/douche wash

oooops, should have been a bit more empathetic towards a certain class of citizens who suffer the indignities of what others believe is their beliefs.
This is so tragic,the next generation of Americans is fucked. I wish we could go back to the 80's when things were more simple.
As much as I love IC I believe the internet and computers are the worst thing ever to happen to humanity.

I don't understand this. To me, this is quite obviously the greatest time to be alive in the history of the human species. And it's not even close IMO.


Active member
ICMag Donor
This Loughner guy is clearly a nut job...

"My Final Thoughts: Jared Lee Loughner

Most people, who read this text, forget in the next 2 second!

The population of dreamers in the United States of America is less than 5%!

(next slide = jumble of numbers outlining "the previous year of B.C.E.")

If B.C.E. years are unable to start then A.D.E. years are unable to begin.

B.C.E. years are unable to start.

Thus, A.D.E. years are unable to begin.

If I teach a mentally capable 8 year old for 20 consecutive minutes to replace an alphabet letter with a new letter and pronounciation then the mentally capable 8 year old writes and pronounces the new letter and pronunciation that's replacing an alphabet letter in 20 consecutive minutes.

I teach a mentally capable 8 year old for 20 consecutive minutes to replace an alphabet letter with a new letter and pronounciation. "

It goes on and on like that....

Regardless of this guys political affiliation he was clearly delusional and in serious need of help. It was only a matter of time before he did something horrific.
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