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Area 51 ~ QX-1

lookin good peat, glad to see some AREA51 genetics up and running!

i look forward to seeing how these babies turn out.

i'll be watchin ...



Lookin' good Peat...I use a modified Heads/Rez formula with GH...mine are in 4" squares of coco...about a month old...feeding full strength no problems...I start feeding...out of a turkey baster...right from the start...about 200pm and increase with every feed unless I see burn...QX1 took it all in stride. Happy hunting dude.pablos


A couple of days short of 3 weeks old

A couple of days short of 3 weeks old

I gave 'em 1/2 strength last time. And, the yellowing started setting in.
So, I bumped back up to full strength this time.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
git r dun!!! those girls are a changing.. Looking good my man.. peace.



Thanks Sacko!
I think they're starting to come around.

BTW, I'm with you!
I'm calling 'em "girls", til they prove me wrong! :D


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I ran 20 QX1s last run...all femmed, only one hermed. one other threw a nanner or two at the end...but no seeds or pollen to be seen. But there was one full blown.
No boys though! This strain is fem only

good vibes

again...Im SURE you will pull em through peat!:friends:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? I hope those gurls got it together for ya.. Just peepin in to see if ya got some new pics.. bbl peace.



Active member
ICMag Donor
They look like they are going to pull through fine and dandy.

Just my observation....looks like they may have had some wet feet and a bit too much to eat. When I get one that needs a little tlc, I usually start fixing things by flushing the hell out of it (even, and especially, ones that may have been wet feet waterlogged), then letting it get light pot dry before I do anything else at all. Get the stagnant out, and some O2 in. Sometimes that is all I need do. I see so many young growers go into hyper-add mode when they sense trouble, and it usually ends up a vicious circle of chasing deficiencies and pH imbalances, and ending up locked out.
Fresh pallet makes it easier to paint, imo.

Rock on, my brother!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
They look like they are going to pull through fine and dandy.

Just my observation....looks like they may have had some wet feet and a bit too much to eat. When I get one that needs a little tlc, I usually start fixing things by flushing the hell out of it (even, and especially, ones that may have been wet feet waterlogged), then letting it get light pot dry before I do anything else at all. Get the stagnant out, and some O2 in. Sometimes that is all I need do. I see so many young growers go into hyper-add mode when they sense trouble, and it usually ends up a vicious circle of chasing deficiencies and pH imbalances, and ending up locked out.
Fresh pallet makes it easier to paint, imo.

Rock on, my brother!

Sound familiar?.....lol. You'll pull em through just fine Peat! They look good considering. I thought in your post last that they were a lot worse. You gto it man, Im SURE of that. Peats got shit locked;)

good vibes:friends:


I hear ya, Hoo! :yes:

I'm kind of scared of flushing, cause they yellow on me so bad. :redface:

But, I did drop back down to half strength, just in time for xplanting.

They were a little root bound.
&, still not drying out as completely, or as quickly, as they should.
So I figured I'd see how they do i bigger pots.

After settling in their new pots, they should be ready for irrigation in another 10 days.
More like 16 days, lately though...Perhaps longer, if I'm gonna let em get REALLY dry.

I'm kind of scared of that, too. :redface:
Historically speaking, the ones I wait to irrigate, fall behind in development. :crazy:

Good eye, my friend! :respect:
You'll get another look at them next wknd.
If you still think I should flush 'em then, I might hafta. ;)

&, thanks for calling me young! :jump:

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Looking good Peat !!

they've grown pretty good in a week.

Keep Rock'n On :joint:



I think hoosierdaddy said it correctly for what to do now. Although for the future I would test one with just water for a month, and compare it to those that you are feeding. The results will surprise you. At the seedling stage the plant is just setting up its root system and the food that's in plain old tap water is more than sufficient. After that the plant is able to use the nutrients you are feeding them, before that it often shocks them and creates problems. This also goes for topping so early, it can stunt new growth and I think it has a cause and effect down the line. What ever that is I'm not sure. When you let the plant grown naturally the bottom leaves always die off as it gets older, it nature. That's normally when I transplant and put dirt above the then pulled off dead first, second, sometimes third set of leaves. From that it will create a whole separate root structure and your plant will be that much stronger. But please do what suits your set up, I am merely trying to help and give advice on what I would do. Best of luck and I'm looking forward to seeing how these turn out. WhiskeyTango seems to have some very legit gear.



Active member
ICMag Donor
Man, I wish we had the internet when I was a young man. All the shit we learned over the years was mostly by trial and error, and passing by word of mouth. And the clandestine nature of our sport alone made the wise words passed around very few and far between.

I want to go into why I often give the flush advise out before anything else...
And this is just a laymans view of thing....
When we overwater a plant, things start to happen at the root zone. Specifically anaerobic bacteria starts to set up and multiply like nobody's business. Things get "stagnant" in an excessive anaerobic situation...or in other words, rotting starts.

And with this fast paced change of things at the root zone, the pH level has got to see some swinging. Often times folks will do the add thing until it only exacerbates the situation and things get worse.
And just letting a stagnated root zone dry out somewhat may help some, but the anaerobic material that caused the problem to start with is still in the medium, and waiting for a chance to mount a counter attack.

By flushing and letting dry before doing ANYTHING else, give me peace of mind that I have washed out the bad. It was wet anyway, and no way is a drenching of oxygen heavy water gonna hurt anything at all, even if the problem is not stagnation at the root zone.

Myself, I would be flushing with a 30cc/gal hydrogen peroxide and water mix, but I don't want to enter that discussion here, as it seems to be very controversial with some.

Anther thing I have found to be so true over the years...
If we love our plants, and I mean truly love them...they will do just about what we want them to. Funny how that works, but it works well!
No doubt in my mind that Pete loves his mj plants.


I think hoosierdaddy said it correctly for what to do now.

Although for the future I would test one with just water for a month, and compare it to those that you are feeding. The results will surprise you.

I hope I would be surprised.
Because I might be a little stuck in the paradigm that yellow = hunger.

At the seedling stage the plant is just setting up its root system and the food that's in plain old tap water is more than sufficient.
After that the plant is able to use the nutrients you are feeding them, before that it often shocks them and creates problems.
The seedling stage has alwys been a hurdle, of sorts.
Maybe, that's why I want to rush it?

On paper, I give the "Seedling Stage" 2 wks.
In practice, I usually (always?) feed by the end of the first week. :spank:

...the yellowing leaves tug at my heart...:puppydoge

This also goes for topping so early, it can stunt new growth and I think it has a cause and effect down the line. What ever that is I'm not sure.
Oh yeah, the early topping stalls them a bit.
The only defense I have is my twisted theory that,
they have more veg time to recup, than if topped closer to flower time.
But, it may just be too much for the young seedling.


What is now known as child abuse, was once known as discipline. :whip:

Some of us were raised that way.
And, look how well we turned out! :crazy: LOL

I'll change my ways! I promise!
I never meant to hurt em. :petting:

When you let the plant grown naturally the bottom leaves always die off as it gets older, it nature. That's normally when I transplant and put dirt above the then pulled off dead first, second, sometimes third set of leaves.
From that it will create a whole separate root structure and your plant will be that much stronger.

Up to the third node? :yoinks:
I can't plant em that deep. I'll run out of container. :tounge:

Yrs ago, I tried a "deep xplant" and rotted the stem.
(More overwatering issues, eh?)

But please do what suits your set up, I am merely trying to help and give advice on what I would do.
:respect: I very much appreciate it!

Best of luck and I'm looking forward to seeing how these turn out. WhiskeyTango seems to have some very legit gear. [/quote]
Thanks again, UP! I need all I can get!
WT's true "legit gear" is intangible. :ying:


...like, wow, man...
All of a sudden,
I feel a little ... upside down, inside out, & backwards. :crazy:

Thanks UP! :friends:
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Man, I wish we had the internet when I was a young man.
Me too! ;)

All the shit we learned over the years was mostly by trial and error, and passing by word of mouth. And the clandestine nature of our sport alone made the wise words passed around very few and far between.

I'm more than a little embarassed to tell you how many years I've been at this.

Unfortunately, word of mouth does not reach all corners.
And, trial & error doesn't always move in the right direction.


I want to go into why I often give the flush advise out before anything else...
And this is just a laymans view of thing....
When we overwater a plant, things start to happen at the root zone. Specifically anaerobic bacteria starts to set up and multiply like nobody's business. Things get "stagnant" in an excessive anaerobic situation...or in other words, rotting starts.

And with this fast paced change of things at the root zone, the pH level has got to see some swinging.

I'm with ya...

now I'm worried about the relative recent stagnant-tive-ness of the rest of my garden! :yoinks:
...clones, flowers, moms, ...ALL OF IT! :yoinks::yoinks:

I don't suppose there's any need for more perlite in my soil mix?
I use LC Mix #1.

Often times folks will do the add thing until it only exacerbates the situation and things get worse.
Uh oh...
Have you seen my latest shopping list? :redface:

And just letting a stagnated root zone dry out somewhat may help some, but the anaerobic material that caused the problem to start with is still in the medium, and waiting for a chance to mount a counter attack.
So, this is where I am at now.

By flushing and letting dry before doing ANYTHING else, give me peace of mind that I have washed out the bad. It was wet anyway, and no way is a drenching of oxygen heavy water gonna hurt anything at all, even if the problem is not stagnation at the root zone.

Myself, I would be flushing with a 30cc/gal hydrogen peroxide and water mix, ...


but I don't want to enter that discussion here, as it seems to be very controversial with some.

No controversy on this end, brother. :joint:
(Im not actively growing soil microbes...But, I wish 'em luck!)

I suppose I may bark from time to time.
But, mostly, that's just my crude humor gone askew.
Like, so... :moon:

Overall, I try to be friendly & reasonable & cool headed.

Anther thing I have found to be so true over the years...
If we love our plants, and I mean truly love them...they will do just about what we want them to. Funny how that works, but it works well!
No doubt in my mind that Pete loves his mj plants.


Thanks , hoos! :friends:
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On all my A51 veggies:

I flushed the small / stunted ones with 30ml/gal H2O2 a few days ago.

After this pic, I took cuts from the healthier ones.
And, "trained" them a bit...:whip:
They're due for a flush ASAP (tomorrow, if not today.)

Hopefully, the smaller ones will be ready to give cuts soon...

Most of the rest of my garden has been flushed over the past week.
The vibe has improved.
I'll be done flushing today, or tomorrow.


Wish me luck!


Bad news. :badday:
My tap water is 8.5 pH

Good news. :jump:
I have GH's pH Down (& "Up", lol).

Other news, tap water EC = .77
I dunno what that means. But it doesn't seem to leave alot of room for ferts.

I'm researching how to approach the next watering.
I have them penciled in tomorrow for 1/2 dose PBP & 1/2 dose LK. (6.0 pH)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? They look like they are pulling thru.. Front two look to be stunted some.. I would even go down as far as 1/4 strength then work up.. Just my two rusty coins... Sendin good vibes yer way peace.


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