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ALF and the Fat B*stard AF's..


ICMag Donor
Happy Labor Day!

Dang those little buggers trying to ruin your crop.... Why would they want to just nick the seed? Are they stealing them? Best of luck dealing with the bugs....

I see the resemblance to the old Nirvana afghan beast.... There are several variations to afghan genetics it seems.... :chin:

Best of luck with the hurricanes, Meaty... May they pass over safely....

Hey Buddle, best of luck with the flyovers.... I'll have some extra time here coming up soon... I'll try and find your thread and drop by...

So much clear sun around here lately... :headbange Kind of dry, but roots run deep... They've done locked into the moisture by now... Just need some of this guano to get rained in.... Will be out to check on seed production in a week or so.... :drum:

Great idea mossy, with planting every 4 weeks... Sounds like that method has some potential... All thats needed is a patio table and a site with some airflow... Summer humidity with somewhat stagnant air seems to take its toll quickly around here....

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Buddle said:
Meaty..looks pretty.Is that the Keys?

Nope not the keys...Same state though.

Guys... My patience got the best of me. Decided to pull the girls this morning, they were looking ripe. Also I wanted to be able to try some this weekend :jump:


Active member
Those ants could be a security problem:) Imagine little fucks sprouting everywhere between tiles etc. next spring...

I'm wondering how many seeds do you usually get per plant?


"I see the resemblance to the old Nirvana afghan beast.... There are several variations to afghan genetics it seems...."

pipe..I should be horse whipped.

What I was classing as ugly buds were loads of the classic round afghan buds
fighting for space on the one bud...over-over-production.

how Stupid am I to argue with an over-indulgence of bud. :nono: :nono:

The other thing is right..3 or 4 days ago...I pulled 5 or 6 AF SIBLING males out of her pot..because I wasn't going to cross her.

"Guys... My patience got the best of me"
ha ha way to go Meaty.. :woohoo:
I would have been disappointed it you hadn't..I would have thought you didn't like her.. :muahaha:

You are forgiven for your weaknesses as long as we get a smoke report. :yes:

"Imagine little fucks sprouting everywhere between tiles etc"

blackone..I am manic about keeping the paths clear for just that reason.
The drainpipes from the patio go down to the road.

What put me in full flap the other day way..when I went to sweep the collected dust/soil off the road..it absolutely stunk of Incense.
I nearly DIED. :eek:

I was off down the road like a one-man operated street cleaning machine on treble time.
The smell has never come down to the street before..but that incense one is something else.

I have had as little as 5 but I would say 300 seeds average.
It depends how good you get the Mother.

"Great idea mossy, with planting every 4 weeks... Sounds like that method has some potential..."

pipe..you know how I am supersticious..
(I haven't harvested them yet..)

but I am going to say Better than a Dream m8.

The multi potting..the germ..sex..re-germ the Whole thing.

You know when you have feel you have hit Absolute Optimum..

that is how I feel about it now..
and I have made some mistakes with it..
but by next season I hope to be much better.. :smoke:

On the girls I seeded I have twins..triplets..and I have one that looks like 5 seperate seeds in one calyx.

Timing appears to have just hit the Sweet point.

The Mothers who I thought might be too far over to be bothered have responded with enthusiasm..
and they are not only seeded
but both the ALF and the WR are so happy they have started to fox-tail..
more weight for Mossy. :yummy:

Of every way I have tried..this is how AF's should be grown.


ICMag Donor
Thats insane the incense smell made it all the way down there in the soil! Holy smokes, that must have been a tastey plant.... :yes:

I will have to try your method.... Need to do some spot hunting...

Don't even want to attempt to think about how many DC hybrid seeds are maturing out in the gardens.... My girl and I will be coming out of winter hunchbacked for sure... :headbange

Best of luck w/ the little critters.... Big day tomorrow.... must get to sleep....

Hey be sure and send some positive good luck karma to Eddie Lepp.... Facing federal prosecution for for medical/religious use of cannabis in California.... He was found guilty early this morning I guess... Absolutely terrible....

Search for the thread for more info....

Prohibition CAN'T last forever.... :chin:


Thats insane the incense smell made it all the way down there in the soil!
The insane bit is the fact that I have been swilling the patio down with very stong solution of jeyes fluid ever 2 days to get rid of the ants...and she overpowered the jeyes.
JHC.. :eek:
Jeyes normally smothers everything.

I have only definitely identified it in the ALF's ATM..but I am going to be soil sniffing because there has to be more up there judging by the strength of smell.

WAMEN..if you get in m8..we need to talk about Ugly Betty...
she is a different afghan to what I am used to.


Only super-cropping allows mid buds to develop like that. :yummy:
I have removed all the chuff..
so everything I am harvesting off her comes in @ that size.



Here is one for you..this is Ugly Bettys parents.

Conditional stumpies..(neglect on my part)
all AF line..f2..
neither mother was taller than 6 ins..
you wouldn't bloody believe it would you. :nono:
's like a mouse giving birth to an elephant..

any one of Bettys buds is bigger than the original Mother.
Mother Nature..get you every time doesn't she. :bow:

Like Mother like Daughter....NOT.. :nono:
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Mossy she has some nice buds going on her. I like supper cropping outdoors as well. You get a better yield and nice even bud production. I mostly do it for the eye in the sky. Its a lot harder to find a short plant than a tall one IMO. How much longer do you think she has to go before the chop?


You know HHH...I haven't got a clue..but I would say about 4 weeks..season dependant.
I have just noticed her starting to break the tight bud formation and start to round at the tops..she is taking a colour change
She was a red and white when she first came to flower..now she is developing a Blue..
which is real funny because a Whore should be a Bluey shouldn't she.

(It is Not my purple..but a blue hue..her leaves are deep green)

trics are in..but I expect better..and she is as stiff as a board. Her buds are Donking.

Once she starts to look as if she is finished I will start "Test" budding..see what she tastes like..and I will harvest on that.
(My season went down like a lead balloon second week in Sept last year..so I have a wary eye on the weather.)

send some positive good luck karma to Eddie Lepp
Done pipe..
Big day tomorrow.... must get to sleep....
Signs of Old age creeping in... :biglaugh:

pipeline..you never guess where I think I have found another incense

We have to talk about it..I wish WAMEN was here too.

If I am right..it would tie up an awful lot of lose ends and theories for me.
Fingers tightly crossed on this one. :yes:


ICMag Donor
Blue flowers sounds like a fun plant.... :yes:

So ya found another plant smelling distinctly like incense? Can't remember what strain/hybrid that was that you showed..... Please tell please tell!

Old age? Well maybe its starting to get there now... :eek: I was outside building a 3 tiered 10 ft lumber retaining wall all day on the side of a hill.... Was a drippy sort of day.... Whew.... But by midafternoon it clouded up pretty well and now we have chances of rain for the next couple days.... and then a bit after that.... Then pure sunshine again.... :woohoo:

Them buds is donking, man.... Keep doing whatever you're doing... The girls on yer porch always seem happy, so long as the bugs don't take over the show..... But, can you blame them? :canabis:


Mossy that Ug Betty is one fat, fatty boom-a-latty, that super cropping does seem to do the trick there. I have some limited experience with super crop but will keep working at it till the donks flop out like over there, lol.


Cheers Expertsetup..
hard to believe that Ugly Betty is a component part of your JEMs eh.

I will explain the classifications on the bud..just incase you need to use it.


Imagine this.. :chin:

You are sitting on a settee..8 ft from a wall..with your bud in your hand...ready to throw against the wall.

The first level is Pish.

You know the very light crap that she puts up that doesn't have a chance of maturing.
It is so light it ain't really worth cleaning.
If you took a full stalk of it and flung it...
it would just go pisshh and land at your feet...yuk.. :nono:
Thats level 1.

The second level is Bosh.

The intermediate buds that are a decent 3-5 smoke size..nice but not your end bud size...medium to light density.
Sati buds.
If you took a full size bud and flung it...
it would hit the wall (or just fall short)at about the 2 foot level and fall to the ground with a audible sound..bosh...soft but there
That is level 2 bud.

The third level is Hoof..

End buds..general/good density.
The ones that you have your eye on all season.
Where the trics make the most of the sun and they wink and twinkle at you.
You fling her at a wall she hits 3 ft high with a clang and you say hoofinghell..
I am pleased she didn't hit any ornaments on the way down...
she would have smashed them. :eek:
Level 3 bud.

The last level is Donk.

The Exceptionals. One off's. Sweet point bud.
The ones that make your chest ache as they are maturing.
Mega density. Above and beyond Your personal averages..
Toilet brush feel. Bristling bud.
When you go to move her..she resists..
(and as she gets near harvest point You have to give up and let her because she is stronger than you. :petting: )
When you fling her against the wall..you put your thowing shoulder out of joint..
she hits the wall at lighting switch height..
goes donk as she breaks the outer surface of the plaster..
takes out the light switch
and you get a clip around the ear off the missus for being stupid enough to try it..
but it is worth it.
Level 4.
Rarely achieved..Always Strived for.

Test pilot training m8. :smoke:

Now if you you come in and tell me what catagory your buds fall under..
Level 1-4
I will know exactly What you are harvesting...over the net..without setting my eyes on her.

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pipe..I THINK she may be my holy grail. :bow: :bow: :bow:

My Quest for the last 3 years.

(All those hours homework..and hunches and dogged determination drawing to an end)

Then again..I could be wrong.

(Lets say..everything about her fits the theory I had already worked out in my head in the last 3 years.)

I will try to get it explained over the weekend..so try to pop in if you have time m8.
I would really appreciate you double checking my homework.

Maz x LR on paper pure IBL.


ICMag Donor
Now thats how you judge flower density! Thanks for the chart mossy! :bigeye: Not sure if I have the heart to be throwing my pristine flowers around though... Then again we're set for somewhat of a bumper crop this season....

Awesome to hear you think you've found your grail... I'll be around, mate..... Stay tuned for the update as well...


Ha Mossy that system you came up for judging your buds made me laugh right now. I like how the buds are filling in on her. It looks like she is all buds no stem. Cant wait to see her in a few more weeks... Good work M8.


HHH..can I say..are you chuffing psychic..or what...?
Look at those 3 central buds... :nono:
Bad senario..mold...good senario..over ferts
Hunch over fert..I have been feeding them up incase my season closes down.

ATM I don't know ifit is animal vegetable or mineral..so if in doubt..cut it out.
Saves it spreading if it is something nasty.
Looks like I will be trying my tester bud a bit sooner than I thought..
Shame.. :joint:

Damn..just a hoofer eh..!

(BTW..the Donker chart was courtesy of a real Good Maz.. :joint:
she Fills your head with trippy fast moving links like that. I laugh from the inside out)

Buddle join the huddle I need as many heads as I can get to talk Afghan..non AF's.
More educated opinions..better brain-storming IMO.. :chin:

Stay tuned for the update as well...

pipe..as if I'd miss that. You are in a very exciting stage my m8.
I will try to start the maz story over the weekend.
Once it is down on the thread feel free to comment or opine only when you have time.
A little miracle occured today that I was privelliged to watch.
You know I haven't seen a stink bug all season..
well I must have at least a breeding pair.

Stink bug babies..just hatched.
They look like an untidy fire drill.
but pipe..the only ones eh..
last season every plant was fully booked.



Active member
Hey Mossy..just happens to be i pollinated my first plants ever today..Proud PaPa is an Afghan Dream by BCSC and the proud ladies are Triangle and Chem D..I don't know much about any of this I just know this guy was stout,HEALTHY,HUGE leaves,smelled dank, and had some purpling on his pollen sac clusters.Are those his buds? Told you I know NADA..Actually Pipe had a name for them in his thread now that i think about it..


ICMag Donor
No idea what the trouble woule be with those 3 center flowers.... Kind of strange... They look a little uncomfortable... Good call cutting them... :yes:

You'll get that lost weight back in the other flowers now... :headbange

Good to see the stink bugs are finally out.... A bit late, but better late than never... Looks like you've had a few spidermites on those leaves.

Congrats on your first pollination, Buddle! Sounds like a winner! :woohoo:

Watch out its habit forming... :D

Pollen sacs, stamen, are the inflourescence (flower cluster/buds) of the male (staminate) plant. Great to hear he was stinky and stout... You won't regret it... Spread em far and wide! :canabis:

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