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Are you prepared?

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Active member
Did anyone see "Prophets of Doom" last night on the history channel. I post it here cause they covered alot of similar topics. If not they will be replaying it all next week or catch it on hulu etc.

A few days before that The History Channel had a what to do if DC get's n ked.

Alot of doom and gloom on the history channel lately.


Active member
these threads induce paranoia big time

AGREED, you guys are brave walkin' that fine line of paranoid vs. prepared.

In these uncertain times I don't blame y'all, but like someone else said, if a bomb drops let me be the first to get killed by it ! Problem is, if we have another depression or societal collapse, death will be a slow starvation.

I have a contingency plan in place, family has guns/horses/supplies/ so i'd hike up to them. With that said, I really don't worry about that end of the world stuff anymore. Ignorance is bliss ! :wave:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I consider myself a survivalist and fairly know a lot about the subject. I can't predict the future, but i can name some things that are more likely to happen than others. Do i personally think the world will end on December, 21st, 2012? No, for the same reason the world didn't end on Y2K. It's all hyped up drivel from the media. Such things that are more likely to happen are natural disasters, and terrorist attacks. The main thing i worry about is natural disasters such as solar flares or the like. The second thing i worry about is terrorism, such as extremists getting they're hands on nuclear material, bio-weapons, or EMP's and setting up coordinated attacks across the country. The best bet is to be prepared, the government will have a lot more on they're hands than to be worried about you and your family. Stock up on canned goods and non-perishable items, as well as water and medication. One thing the users of this forum have over other people is the knowledge to grow. Growing marijuana is very similar to growing tomatoes and other vegetables. Marijuana could also be used as medicine for pain relief, as well as Papaver Somniferum poppies to produce opium. You may be saying opium is used to make morphine and heroin i don't want that junk! But if you or a loved one is in extreme pain you won't have much choice. Back in the mid to late 1800's opium was used as a cure all, and actually sold by Bayer the company that's best know for they're aspirin. I could go on all day about this topic but i am going to cut it short, if any one has any questions about survivalism don't be afraid to ask it, i'll answer your questions to the best of my abilities. :tiphat:


Active member
well its a good thing Alberta and the oil sands are now the largest supplier of us foreign oil. Maybe some of the Hollywood's types should think about this fact before billboards, and movies are made?

It doesn't matter WHERE our oil comes from. what matters is that it's ALL priced in US dollars. Go read the "gas is rising" thread...it's explained there why it's so important for oil to be priced in dollars...and why we'll keep it that way by hook or by crook! We don't have the largest military for nothing!


Active member
Is it just me, or has this been a very odd 1st 8 days of the new year.
I'm watching the news right now.

Is this what the start of the "Sheet hitting the fan," look like?

El Toker

Is it just me, or has this been a very odd 1st 8 days of the new year.
I'm watching the news right now.

and hearing voices telling you to kill the neighbours. Tell me about it dude. I've got a filling in one of my back teeth that acts like a spy radio receiver and I get messages all day from GCHQ. I'm just so glad I can come here and share my experiences with all the normal people.


Active member
and hearing voices telling you to kill the neighbours. Tell me about it dude. I've got a filling in one of my back teeth that acts like a spy radio receiver and I get messages all day from GCHQ. I'm just so glad I can come here and share my experiences with all the normal people.

I was commenting about 3 package bombs going off at dc area post offices and a congresswomen and a federal judge getting shot today.

But please continue,
did you have to go to a special dentist


Active member
Is it just me, or has this been a very odd 1st 8 days of the new year.
I'm watching the news right now.

Is this what the start of the "Sheet hitting the fan," look like?

Just excuses for more control...the shooting will lead to gun control. Even though it's the equivalent to taking away EVERYONES car because of a few drunk drivers. The "mail bombs" are just an excuse to open ANY letter/package in the US mail...it it's suspicious. We're already being urged to "be aware", and report suspicious activity. Your privacy is gone...and the means to defend yourself threatened. Wake up, it may already be too late.


Here is site I get some of my survival stuff from http://www.majorsurplus.com/Default.aspx Im sure there are others. $1600 for a years supply of food is not bad. I also have a full variety of food seeds stored properly and water. Sell a LB and get a years supply people. Start with a 72 hour back pack. You can grab it and go. This can be good for even local disasters too. Anyone remember Katrina or Haiti. Many local jurisdictions also offer free training. I personally took a 30 hour course on emergency response training. I don't think this is paranoia. I have a good freind that worked years with the red cross her quote is " Its not whether a disaster will happen it is when a disaster will happen. I can't tell you when so prepare today."


am i the only one that doesn't have any desire to live through an end of the world scenario?

Im just saying that the entire world might not end. But your personal world might collapse around you. Im sure the people in disasters feel like the world is ending esp. if you and everything around you is dying.


Active member
am i the only one that doesn't have any desire to live through an end of the world scenario?

i'd be down to live thru and beyond an "end of world scenario"

aside from my self, my family, and friends i don't really give a shit about other ppl. (most have some fuked up selfish agenda anyway)

.....and when i finally get back to alaska and on w/ the homestead i really really really won't care. (i guess that's my own fucked up selfish agenda)

have u guys watched any of the youtube stuff about the mass graves and shit that fema has stored?.....pretty crazy shit....ill dig up a link or two.

don't get me wrong tho....im glad that there are ppl in the world who care and have compassion and dreams of peace on earth ...i just don't see it



ruger 500
hey yukon,you know your right ,and potasium iodide is a mut for every member of the family ,you are very near a first strike location ,if you dont already know it ,gas mask are a must also with extra filters and a water bottle provision,


ruger 500
dont forget the bio attacks from the air where a million birds fell dead from the sky and there insides were like jelly ,all from an inhalation of some posion that is fast acting ,just think it turned there guts to jelly before they died then they fell to the ground from flight dead befor impact?this has happened in ar la ky ,and now there is a very large fish killed off of over a million that have washed up on shore on the east coast


Active member
You people watch to much fucking TV and youtube garbage what are you in to that 2012 bullshit. Get out and do something instead of worrying about this BS fucking funny....:moon:
am i the only one that doesn't have any desire to live through an end of the world scenario?

I'm with you brother. I'm mid-twenties, healthy, and barely hanging on as is. Everything in society goes to shit?

That's what shotguns are for.

You fellas wanna hang out eating spaghettio's with high-tech talk radios in your underground dwelling for 20 years, go nuts.
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