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Are you flying anymore?

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traveled all my life been just about anywhere never been searched or questioned. i usually light up a joint or smoke a few bowls go to the airport and smile. may be they think im retarded, dunno. did all kind of shit like forgetting to use plastic bags for liquids and what not and nothing happened. they asked to turn on my laptop but that's it. oh once i was too drunk but they allowed me to board in the end cos i am really calm and good looking dude. its all about personal touch folks. i think it works for me cos i never look busy and i truly never am, just flyin u know


I will be flying on Thanksgiving day from Rome-Chicago. As a former airline pilot, let me tell you I fly now as little as possible. There is just too much shit to have to go through.

What has not changed since 9/11 is the IQ of people running the search, they are basically illiterate. My last trip was fubar as they thought EWC was somehow explosive.

Bear in mind that several Airline Pilot unions are telling their members to not go through the full body scan because of yet unknown dangers of radiation.

Furthermore, as the banking nightmare has revealed the ineptness of gov't regulators to do their job either through complicity or incompetence, the same must be said of the TSA.

Lastly, what I find incomprehensible is the traveling public's belief that this is about terrorism and protection of tax paying citizens....it is about covering up their mistakes and expanding the role of gov't. What a coup they have had to expand into a new department (TSA) with more federal jobs paying top rate with mandated healthcare and retirement that you and I can only dream about! It's all about employment.
I'll drive 10 or 11 hours to avoid all of the hassle involved with flying, not just the groping.

? What do you tell people you meet what you do when you work for TSA with your primary occupation being pat-down specialist ?


they can get a female bomber to stick a 10 inch dildo bomb in her pussy and board a plane...what are they gonna do, have TSA do a fingering check to make sure you arent hiding anything in your human trap?

hahahaa....fuck the god damn government...nanny state bullshit.

always wondered about this, theres plenty of pictures on here of hash eggs, why not make some explosives eggs?


Active member
Denver Post today front pic

Damn son he looks too happy to be doin that job....NO pun intended! avoid this line at all costs


I experienced the body scanner in Sept on my way to L.V. from San Jose. I had 10g in a backpack as I stopped hiding it on my person about 2 years ago. Nothing on person, nugs and hash got x-rayed, picked up my stash and flew to Vegas. After smoking all my hash after 3 days in Vegas, I had about 5g nugs to take to Mexico. Once again, in the backpack, through the scanner, and Hola Mexico! Needless to say, I didn't try to bring anything back to the states, and a little basset hound smelt me up, but I havent had any trouble flying with weed and I could give a fuck less if someone sees "my junk". Aint no shame in my game.


Freedom Fighter
Next time I need to fly, I am taking a Viagra first...and making every fucking person I can, pat me down!!!:jump:

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
We flew down to Mexico recently, and I was with a couple of people who are bad ass ex marines, and they pulled all three of us out to do the body scan, and we opted out to go for the pat down.

Funny thing though, we talked about what we would do before this happened, just in case. We told the TSA agents we were gay and we looked forward to them fondling us. They felt in our pockets and they never went near the crotch.

We told them that the pat down was very disappointing, and they said we were clear to go. What a bunch of stupid ass people they had there.


honestly due to the infringement of our rights and the elimination of our constitutional rights i am against the patdowns/scanners, but i so want to manipulate those thug TSA agents...like dude above me said either act gay or make sexual noises as the pat down continues....record that shit, youtube it, make it go viral, become a star...my plan for success


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The War on Terror is a farce. Al-Queda is a American creation. Al-CIAduh. The invisible bogeyman to keep the public scared and constantly accepting more intrusion of their freedom. Not even accepting it, but it keeps the public begging to have their freedoms taken away.

These naked body scanners are meant for one thing. To get the public use to submitting to the state. Obey and submit.

Welcome to Fascist USA.




spastic, have you watched the interview with Aaron Russo? (reflections and warnings)


ICMag Donor
Do you always make false assumptions? I don't see anywhere where I said I trusted anyone to keep me safe. I said I'd rather be scanned than blow up in a fireball and asked if anyone had better ideas?

And what does the official 9/11 report have to do with anything? How many more years are you going to ride that train. Anyone is capable of trying to bomb a plane.

I'm not even commenting on your other paranoid ramblings.


Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Second, not everyone believes the official 9/11 report. 9/11 is what led to the increased 'security' and apparently you don't care about the potential health risks these backscatter x-ray machines might be giving people... i never expected to hear a grower tell the world he trusts the TSA and the US government to keep him safe!:laughing:

Terrorists is a loosely defined term to (now a days) describe anyone who disagrees with the establishment and/or uses violence to get their point across. Sometimes, depending on the situation, violence is the only option for a solution. Not that I am condoning bombings, but you have to understand that NOT EVERYONE believes that middle-eastern 'terrorists' hijacked planes and flew them into the towers causing them to fall at freefall speed along with subsequently causing small fires in WTC 7 and causing the entire building to 'collapse' in on itself at free fall speed from a small office fire.

The recent issue with 'bombs ready to detonate over the US' is complete and utter bullshit, it's CLEARLY staged to reinvigorate fear in the american public so the establishment can keep pushing more and more restrictive policies. I bet my last damn dollar the CIA planted those bombs...

Also keep in mind you are more likely to be killed by a law enforcement officer than a terrorist...so, according to the logic of the state, we need to outlaw police and put more restrictive policies upon the american people because there is a remote chance a cop will kill us.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I haven't. I hadn't heard of him till now. I just briefly checked him out. I'm going to watch his movie. American: Freedom to Fascism right now though and the interview latter.


ICMag Donor
I'm surprised people let this stuff control them. I'll be damned if I'm wasting any of my life with these conspiracy theories on who did what. I wouldn't waste one minute reading or watching any of that slop. It's been almost ten years and people are still obsessed by this stuff.

Why waste any thought on it whatsoever? It is what it is.....
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