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Are you flying anymore?

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HK, like i mentioned in my previous post I have no desire to argue with someone who "knows it all" or feels that their opinion is the law. Both you and JJ hold this mindset and have shown this through your responses repeatedly, you more so than JJ. You spout off ideas and opinions without backing anything up with evidence, you clearly have no grasp on history and taking the 10 minutes out of my life to respond to someone like you is not worth my time.

I'm done discussing 9/11, the evidence has been presented in small forms and is available in larger forms on the internet. I am not going to rehash over and over what has already been documented on the record with evidence.

Sure, close the thread after you and your buddy get in the last word. Typical.
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ICMag Donor
You don't get it do you?

It doesn't matter what HK, myself or anyone else thinks. Do you get that? You can't prove anything you're saying. And we can't disprove anything you're saying. We all have opinions.

This threads getting way to political and you're beginning to skirt the edge of racism with your "cavemen in turbans" comments. It seems to me if you didn't think they weren't responsible you wouldn't be calling them derogatory names..... It also seems HK answered all your previous posts.

Thread closed.......
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