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Are YOU A Fan Of Alex Jones?


Well-known member
Jones can be annoying but the info seems well sourced. From what I seen he uses lots of different sources and they always referenced. Don't see where he only gets it from one source. Always several different articles he comments on from big name papers to local write ups. But his conclusions based on those sources can be pretty extreme and fear mongery for my taste. Guess I'm not so pessimistic as he is. But often you will get info on things before anyone else. For instance, according to his site, Romney is planning to make a run and has put on his Facebook status that he is currently running for president. No one in mainstream covering that. Yet.


Active member
he's the very definition of controlled opposition.

10% real information & 90% garbage to spin you into outerspace

****head slap****

I think you've got your numbers reversed. I'll admit he is a bit over the top at times but 90% of what you get from AJ is news before it's news, but you probably don't read his website every day so you are probably just throwing out a baseless opinion.


Well-known member
i used to listen to him, i've seen probably every documentary he's ever made up until 2009-ish and that's including his earliest ones... he's been barking the same conspiracies from the early 90s that still havent come true. 9/11 being an inside job, "crisis actors" at staged false flag shootings, fema camps, marshal law, global warming being a hoax, and on and on it goes.

people like jones give you a bit of truth covered in nonsense with talks of satan worshipping child sacrificing elites who stage most events like 9/11 and school shootings, ect. it's a way to keep that person busy in fantasy land worrying about fictional threats, and to discredit themselves when they try to engage in conversations about these topics.


New member
Its not that there isnt an element of truth to what he talks about...its that he has nothing positive to say...like, ever...dooooom porn!!!


Active member
The man just talks, and talks, and yells, and yells....but doesnt ever say too much. He repeats himself constantly and almost never has anything constructive to say...doom-porn!

He should do real doom porn. Where people are actually having sex on top of a prop atomic bomb, while he reads the news in the background. His face is already all red, with a nervous smile, so it ought to look natural.


Active member
While he's getting worked into a lather, people could be screwing in a shower while he's at the back of the shower, looking at them and reading the news. And he could just reach over and start washing their hair with lots and lots of soap.

Or maybe while he's getting blown, he could wash some woman's hair and tell you the news. Now that would be some real brain washing.


I love it when someone else hosts his show. Best host out there hands down is George Knapp from Coast to Coast AM Sunday Nights. He likes fringe but not woo woo.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I love it when someone else hosts his show. Best host out there hands down is George Knapp from Coast to Coast AM Sunday Nights. He likes fringe but not woo woo.

I heard David Paulides on that show a while back. He had some interesting things to say about the thousands of people that have gone missing without a trace in the National Parks around the US and Canada.


New member
That National Parks stuff is truly creepy. Coast to Coast and Ground Zero are way better shows. Cant always get into the ghost/demons/posession stuff but they are a lot more interesting than Jones babble.


Well-known member
never cared for Alex Jones before, but i gotta admit...he was funny as hell when he ripped chunks out of that asshole Piers Morgan in an interview on gun control i watched the other night. :biggrin:


I heard David Paulides on that show a while back. He had some interesting things to say about the thousands of people that have gone missing without a trace in the National Parks around the US and Canada.

Yep those are my favorite episodes. George Knapp always gets Paulides on once or twice a year. Other than that I don't listen much. Unless however I'm working my claim in the mountains. No tv but AM radio comes in at night.

Un nerving listening to those Missing 411 shows while up on a mountain. My claim is within one of his biggest clusters of missing people.

We are the new fried chicken.