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Are some things TABOO to bring up at ICMAG?

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This is a very good,and extremely well moderated site.(Thank You Gypsy)Follow the terms of use,as already stated and you will be fine here.Do not be discouraged by the "banned" under some peoples signatures.You can change that to say banned or whatever you want on your own.A user who has been banned by administration will have red bars/bar instead of green under their avatar.Have fun and start learning.:):):):)

I think red bars means the user has a neg. reputation (you'll hardly ever see this, since on this forum you can disable the rep. system so anyone with negative rep will just disable it), not that they're banned... But I'm not 100% sure


What the real bitch move is people coming on here and advertising their gear under the guise of a smoke report. Gypsy pays for his advertising ... if the bitches want to advertise let them pay for their own.
( I only used the word bitch because the other poster did)

I acknowledge that, but shouldn't mentioning strains by seedbanks not on this site in a context that clearly isn't advertising (i.e. not a "smoke report" saying "WOW THIS STRAIN IS AWSUMZ GET IT NAO AT www.randomshittyseeds.com" or something, but just a grow log of the strain that is completely unbiased and obviously not planted on these forums by the owner of said seedbank) be allowed? Because otherwise, this would kind of take away from my perception of ICMAG as an outlet for discussion about cannabis and would make it more of an advertising business. I'd reckon you don't really need those tactics to be successful, as long as the posts aren't straight up advertising.

Also, if this is indeed allowed, ignore this post. And @KharmaGirl: Sorry, must have missed that (if you were talking to me)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
banning people for talking about strains not stocked by Gypsy is such a bitch move

Your sense of undeserved entitlement is disturbing.

Don't use the word "censorship".

Don't confuse editing and proper etiquette with censorship. Free speech means IC is free to determine what will or will not see print. There is no constitutional right to forced publication. Attempting same would be slavery, theft, communism and censorship.

I acknowledge that, but

When was the last time you walked into the BMW shop and tried selling one of the customers a Chevy from your lot across the street?

Any bets on what BMW does first? Call the cops or just kick the snot out of you...?


When was the last time you walked into the BMW shop and tried selling one of the customers a Chevy from your lot across the street?

Any bets on what BMW does first? Call the cops or just kick the snot out of you...?

No reason to get angry, I was just voicing my opinion. And if you read my post, you'll see that what I'm referring to aren't the people walking into a BMW shop trying to sell someone a Chevy (I agree that you have every right to kick them out), it's the people who walk into a BMW-sponsored bar for car enthusiasts (yes I know, the analogy is getting stupid, lol) and are trying to have a chat with someone else about the new Chevy model. Personally, I cannot see how that would damage BMW's or the bar's business, but I may very well be wrong.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Start your own site at your own expense giving IC and SeedBou all the free advertising they want and you'll have a point.


Start your own site at your own expense giving IC and SeedBou all the free advertising they want and you'll have a point.

I can only repeat myself: I was never, not once, talking about how IC should provide free advertising of any kind to anyone in any way that would hurt their business. All I was saying was that I can't see how allowing normal, non-spammy discussions of strains from other breeders amounts to advertising, or to IC losing any revenue (which it definitely needs, no question about that). And I'm not claiming you should change the rules just because I said so, all I'm trying to do is offer some well-meant user input. I just don't see how banning those discussions (discussions, not obvious advertising) helps anyone, including ICMAG, in any way.
When was the last time you walked into the BMW shop and tried selling one of the customers a Chevy from your lot across the street?

Any bets on what BMW does first? Call the cops or just kick the snot out of you...?

I didn't realize this forum was a shop until now and was that the answer to our question regarding seed strains/products and what and we can and cannot discuss between us so politely given. ?


Gosh. We are told to read the rules and regulations and post any questions so we do and this is the response we get back from a moderator.:dunno:
I'm personally disgusted.


Active member
let me get this straight, just trying to understand here

according to 8a, 8b, and what freezerboy has stated, i am putting together that this is the jist:

discussion of herb originating from sponsors of ic mag is okay, discussion of herb originating anywhere else is off limits/taboo/against the rules/grounds for being banned.

is this correct?


When was the last time you walked into the BMW shop and tried selling one of the customers a Chevy from your lot across the street?

Any bets on what BMW does first? Call the cops or just kick the snot out of you...?

Please don't even mention BMW in the same sentence as Chevy.




Guys, I think those rules are just there so any Douchey McDouche bags who have seed companies don't create accounts and start peddling their wares. I see a very similar rule on two of the other forums (unrelated stuff) that I visit. Any forum that relies on ad's to generate income needs that clause. Why the F am I gonna pay ICMag for ad space if I can just start posting my seed list?

If you read the forums, you know you can talk about any strain you want. At least that's been my experience.

Cookie monster

When was the last time you walked into the BMW shop and tried selling one of the customers a Chevy from your lot across the street?

Any bets on what BMW does first? Call the cops or just kick the snot out of you...?

There is a huge difference between somebody throwing up a diary or smoke report and somebody trying to advertise their wares.

8a. As a privately owned site, we retain the right to prohibit information posted in threads, posts, and signature lines that contains information pertaining to commercial products/entities that do not pay for advertisement or are not products represented by the owner of this site.

Products such as lights, nutes ect from companies who do not pay for advertising are already freely discussed here on IC without any censorship and with probably no loss of revenue to IC.


I still find it a little confusing as to what strains can be discussed and which cant.Case in point I'm growing paradise seeds nebula now and in all my years I've never had a perfect germ rate from 20 seeds and the pics of the strain looks to me like blockhead on steroids!Am I allowed to discuss this strain,my results,and the way I feel about Paradise seeds being that they are not on the vendors list?I would only like other growers to know the deal on this strain/company that looks A-1 to me.Is that against TOU?


ICMag Donor
In short, any seeds sold by Seedbay or the Boutique can be discussed anywhere on the site.

If they aren't carried by the Bay or Boo then you still have the right to include them in the strain guide, grow report section.

8a. As a privately owned site, we retain the right to prohibit information posted in threads, posts, and signature lines that contains information pertaining to commercial products/entities that do not pay for advertisement or are not products represented by the owner of this site.
8b. Any variety of cannabis can be entered for inclusion in the IC Strain Guide and/or Grow Report section of the Strain Guide. However, posting in the forums outside of these parameters are subject to deletion as Spam.


Don't mean to be a buzzkill or start any type of conflict but are you serious?

Does this mean that we cannot discuss types of strains or marijuana related products unless they are advertised by this site owner or we could be banned?

Am I missing something here?

Is this mainly to prevent people from using this site to 'freely' advertise their own stuff?
If this is the case then I can completely understand, otherwise most of the members are guilty since it would be nearly impossible to discuss any type of grow operation without referring to types of strains and products used.
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