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Are some things TABOO to bring up at ICMAG?

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I'm relatively new to ICMAG, but I love it already. I've never really been into the whole online community, but I find myself here more and more often.

I'm a little curious because in some of the journals and threads on this forum it will say "Banned" under their user name.

I really don't want to get banned. However, in the course of my interweb ramblings, I came across a "scandal" (or whatever) in the Online Cannabis community that many of the long-time users around these parts are no doubt familiar with. I've been reading for hours about what happened to OG in 06, but most of my searches direct me to other websites.

From what I have gathered, it was a pretty scary mess that put tons of growers in a state of fear. For the most part, there are just tons of rumors. Even most of the facts seem tainted with bias.

As a newbie to the community, I really don't want to come across as a troll or bring any negative energy at all. Does anyone know of a reliable recount of what happened online? It's like a mystery novel with all the drama, accusations, and intrigue I've found attached to this story.

I mean, I have specific questions, but I'll wait to see if someone would even have the answers before I ask them.


Thanks. Read that when I signed up, but always good to give it another glance.

I'm more uncertain if bringing up the whole OG thing would be considered trolling.


You telling me I've been putting shampoo on my sandwiches?

Well, if you've been using the mayonnaise, then yea.


Parker Schnobel
I'm a little curious because in some of the journals and threads on this forum it will say "Banned" under their user name.

This is a very good,and extremely well moderated site.(Thank You Gypsy)Follow the terms of use,as already stated and you will be fine here.Do not be discouraged by the "banned" under some peoples signatures.You can change that to say banned or whatever you want on your own.A user who has been banned by administration will have red bars/bar instead of green under their avatar.Have fun and start learning.:):):):)


Right on, thanks all.

The well moderated thing is a definite. There are VERY few places on the web where dialogue and learning takes precedence over name-calling and arguing about bs. This and reddit are pretty much the two reasons I don't get work done :).

So, if anyone's still following, what the hell happened between Marc Emery and Gypsy? I read an article where Marc outs Gypsy by his real name for seemingly no reason(won't do it here).

Where is Richard Calrissian AKA Richard Baghdadlian these days?

Did Gypsy ever have to shut down ICMAG for a brief period? On Cannabis Culture Mag's forums, Marc Emery said something along the lines of Gypsy being sued so badly that he would have to shut down.

Is there some sort of culture war between Gypsy and Marc that I'm not seeing? I've found a lot of hate and accusations here and there on the web. Is this just a touch of seediness as a result of competition for the global cannabis seed business (pun intended), or is it personal? something else?

Who was Plural of Mongoose, and did he claim ownership of OG or ICMAG at some point? I saw Xeroxed copied of a court order filed by Gypsy against PoM, and in so many words, it basically said "Shut up and stop lying about shit"

Did anybody ever get busted as a result of those servers being seized? Or was the paranoia mostly unfounded?

Lastly, and this is a little unrelated, but does anyone know anything about Chris Doty and his murder?

Space Toker

Active member
Taboo? I guess asking anything about how to avoid trouble/problems. You can learn everything here you need to grow, but info on finding a good place to grow at, ways to avoid giving yourself away to a potential landlord, how exactly to get a safe addy if you don't want to break rule #1 (tell no one), how to send things in the mail. I couldn't understand it when I was first new here, just tell me what I want to know dammit, that was my attitude. But anything that you can read cops can too, and no one wants that, so some of it may be a response to that, and some may be selfishness (not wanting to give away trade secrets, thinking I will move into their neighborhood and put them out of business or something). :D And don't dare ask something that has been answered before! At best, you will get a link to a helpful thread. At worst, they will tell you to do a search or get even ruder! :D People here, like anywhere else, can be funny, but also like elsewhere there are some extremely nice and helpful people.
Keep your eyes and ears open and be willing to read and learn and you will gain much knowledge just the same.


The OG thing was surrounded with mystery for the purpose of disinformation in some ways not just because nobody could get the facts straight.

You see if you have 10 version of the truth and only a few people know which truth is true then you are in a better situation legally.

Lots of people were scared, but ALL those people should have been on proxies and so should everyone on here unless it's legal in your area and even then why not be anonymous.

This is one lesson I don't think enough people have learned and being anonymous has only gotten easier since those days. I wrote several articles on OG trying to convince people to use proxies but it was arguably more complicated than now.

If you don't know.. use the Vidalia bundle which is a nice prebunded version of TOR and Firefox. You simply download it, decompress it, it's portable so you can put it on a USB and and keep every modular so you can easily delete your tracks and not have them all intertwined with your normal browser. You click on tor and it load up firefox and you anonymous. It's a great setup. It's not encrypted, but it's good enough for 99% of people.

Encryption without proxy is pretty much useless because your computer is still seen connection to icmag. However the overall risks are low even if you don't use a proxy it's just there is no reason not to use a proxy when they are free and easy to use via the Tor network.

As far as taboo. I think ragging on breeders is looked down on and a common reason for banning, though in some cases you have other breeders coming on here and pretending to be average growers so they can give bad reviews of their competition so that makes moderate hardly I imagine.

I don't think you are allowed to talk about hard drugs though it seems shrooms are ok. In general it's good manners to not try to come off like some kind of big time drug dealer and basically not talk about selling weed as much as reasonably possible. Light allusions seems ok, but bragging about how much product you move isn't very cool/smart.

All in all the OG thing didn't effect 99% of people on the site except by scaring them. The bigger concern was if you had just ordered from Heavens Stairway and you name and addy might still laying around or whatever. It scared people, sure, but that was the main net effect not actual busts.

Oh and just like any forum there are tons of people who would rather post hateful messages telling you to go read the FAQ or do a search. I find the search feature sucks ass, but that's more or less the case at most forums like this.

I think most people probably get banned for just getting attitudes and crashing threads and starting fights. Though again banning people really has no effect since you should be on a proxy and can make unlimited handles... just saying. Giving bad karma is probably more effective than banning though I guess some people still don't know what a proxy is. I don't support banning people on any site because I feel it's a censoring of speech and has no real point .. just like any rule which you cannot enforce. Rules that can't be enforced should not exist because they just waste people's time.

If you get into an argument with joe nobody .. you don't get banned. If you get into an argument with a moderator or breeder in a bad mood you can get banned, sooo like anything there is too much bullshit and ego involved in that process.

Go get vidalia bundle and don't worry about the the drama and you'd be just fine no matter what happens.
Right on, thanks all.

The well moderated thing is a definite. There are VERY few places on the web where dialogue and learning takes precedence over name-calling and arguing about bs. This and reddit are pretty much the two reasons I don't get work done :).

So, if anyone's still following, what the hell happened between Marc Emery and Gypsy? I read an article where Marc outs Gypsy by his real name for seemingly no reason(won't do it here).

Where is Richard Calrissian AKA Richard Baghdadlian these days?

Did Gypsy ever have to shut down ICMAG for a brief period? On Cannabis Culture Mag's forums, Marc Emery said something along the lines of Gypsy being sued so badly that he would have to shut down.

Is there some sort of culture war between Gypsy and Marc that I'm not seeing? I've found a lot of hate and accusations here and there on the web. Is this just a touch of seediness as a result of competition for the global cannabis seed business (pun intended), or is it personal? something else?

Who was Plural of Mongoose, and did he claim ownership of OG or ICMAG at some point? I saw Xeroxed copied of a court order filed by Gypsy against PoM, and in so many words, it basically said "Shut up and stop lying about shit"

Did anybody ever get busted as a result of those servers being seized? Or was the paranoia mostly unfounded?

Lastly, and this is a little unrelated, but does anyone know anything about Chris Doty and his murder?
nothing like stirring the pot right from the 'get go':laughing:

Inquisitive minds wanna know but how inquisitive we gotta get here:dunno:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
None of these topics benefit the community. It's a flame war waiting to happen. We dropped it years ago. Best it stay there.


Mobudda- I appreciate the advice. There'll always be the people who shrug you off, but it's the awesome people who take the extra time to answer everything in detail that keeps me at ICMAG.

More than anything, the situation mentioned above rattled me about long term security of posting here. I'm the first to admit, computers and the internet are not my expertise, and installing a proxy would be new to me.

FreezerBoy- That's what I was checking to see. If this is a heated argument waiting to happen, then I'm backing off, and I'll leave it for something I check out on my own. But, I do think that these topics benefit the community, at least for newer growers. I think there is a new generation of growers completely unaware of what happened back then, and it just serves as an important reminder that you have to be careful what information you choose post-- even in areas with lax or medical laws regarding cannabis.


Follow the terms of use,as already stated and you will be fine here.Do not be discouraged by the "banned" under some peoples signatures.You can change that to say banned or whatever you want on your own.A user who has been banned by administration will have red bars/bar instead of green under their avatar.
I'm pretty certain that members aren't able to give themselves the user title 'banned', if you try to change your user title to that then it will show up as ******. Members with 'banned' as their title were actually banned. The red reputation dots on certain people's accounts was actually done by admin as a joke, reputation points have nothing to do with who is banned

On Cannabis Culture Mag's forums, Marc Emery said...
I would take any of Marc's 'opinions' on canna dramas with a huge pinch of salt, especially ones he wasn't even involved in and really had no clue about

There are still plenty of threads about the Overgrow situation and other things you asked about on these forums if you do some searches. There may be some good info about it buried in this forum if you haven't looked already

It's not against the rules to ask about OG stuff, but this thread may end up closed if it gets out of hand ;)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah.....on ICM we try and keep the focus on cannabis and not get embroiled in all the dope-opera/gossip, flaming and rumour surrounding the persons/entities who may or may not be involved with it.....

If you are in doubt as to what might be allowed here or not allowed then consult the TOU (Terms of Use)......it's at the top of the Announcements forum ......


Patient Grower
I'm relatively new to ICMAG, but I love it already. I've never really been into the whole online community, but I find myself here more and more often.

I'm a little curious because in some of the journals and threads on this forum it will say "Banned" under their user name.

I really don't want to get banned. However, in the course of my interweb ramblings, I came across a "scandal" (or whatever) in the Online Cannabis community that many of the long-time users around these parts are no doubt familiar with. I've been reading for hours about what happened to OG in 06, but most of my searches direct me to other websites.

From what I have gathered, it was a pretty scary mess that put tons of growers in a state of fear. For the most part, there are just tons of rumors. Even most of the facts seem tainted with bias.

As a newbie to the community, I really don't want to come across as a troll or bring any negative energy at all. Does anyone know of a reliable recount of what happened online? It's like a mystery novel with all the drama, accusations, and intrigue I've found attached to this story.

I mean, I have specific questions, but I'll wait to see if someone would even have the answers before I ask them.

Now that's a really silly question. How could we list the things that are taboo to mention here?

But rest easy, you have to be an outrageously extreme asshole to get tossed off of ICMag. The TOU are here very laissez faire. Being that I'm just a garden variety asshole I can testify that what I've said is true.
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