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Are Organics people more snobby than other Potheads ?


ICMag Donor
greenhead said:
Why is it that I catch a certain vibe from some people whenever I read the organics forum ? As if they're members of a religious cult, with some of them bordering on the fanatical in their faith.

It's nothing personal. The organic growers just find discomfort with the hydro growers that are dumping bucket loads of synthetic chemical feed onto their plants :biglaugh:

Hydroponics conflicts with many of the principles behind organic cannabis cultivation and the people that still practise it. There are very few commercial organic growers yet there are plenty of commercial hydroponic growers, who are mainly responsible for the low quality b/s weed ppl are smoking. Amsterdam serving as a perfect case. :wink:

Peace out :joint:
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Active member
icysurfer said:
It is a committment to a different, sometimes ethically-based lifestyle, for some. That is prob. what you are picking up on.

Yeah, that's probably what I was picking up on.

I was over at the organics forum a few days ago, and like I said earlier, there is a lot of good info there, but sometimes the topics just seem a bit too political and not scientific IMO. Like the plant gives a crap how the guano was acquired, or as if the plant that you're growing cares about the environment. It doesn't, because most likely it will die soon, after it is chopped and you have plucked all of the buds off of it.

I'm just interested in reading up on how to grow good weed using various techniques, and I base my decisions upon what I think is best for the plant, and not other factors that have nothing to do with the plant growth at all, like any supposed environmental reasons. But to each his own I suppose.

:joint: :wave:


Take Five...
The real term should be refined nutrients vs natural nutrients, as in there was cow shit on this planet long before there was General Hydroponics, dig?.

I can tell the diff between "chem" ferts and organics, especially if chem plants were not flushed sufficiently. That smell in the hydro store...that's what the taste is like, chemmy...
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Careful, Pete, with statements like that. lol There are some strong people here that will disagree with you. I think the key phrase is "flushed sufficiently". If people are snobby because they grow organic or they have the right kush or chem plant then they will/would be just as snobby about something else. I'm snobby because I am a God. Ask my plants but not my wife, please?


tenfeetofganja said:
I feel yah man. I get a buddy who is an obsessive ogranic farmer. He truly believes that if your not growing organic, your growing schwag. :muahaha:

Honestly, to me it seems like this organic shit is a fad. Its just the image that comes to mind.

You think organic and you think pure cleanliness sun made sweetness. Than you hear chemical and you think of the skull and cross bones.

Ive grown chem for years and love it. Ive had friends grow organic for years and i love it too.

The more I think about it, I just like GOOD HERB. I couldnt give a shit about how its grown, as long as its grown well.


I like organic or at least mostly organic over chem nutrients because the weed doesnt make you sick twenty minutes or whatever after smoking it, plus it tastes better, burns better, smells more, but most importantly has a clean clear high. :smoweed:


Active member
Lucky440 said:
I like organic or at least mostly organic over chem nutrients because the weed doesnt make you sick twenty minutes or whatever after smoking it, plus it tastes better, burns better, smells more, but most importantly has a clean clear high. :smoweed:

Make you sick? I have only felt sick after smoking schwag.Im sure if its given a proper flush and is grown properly it would be quite similar to the organics.


I just hope people who only grow 100% organic because they are worried about their health... aren't smoking it lol

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
Ahh it comes down to ego. Both sides of the fence have some with larger egos then others. Just look at the chem-organic arguments. I grow the best bud in the world.. My way is better then yours, blah blah blah, blah duh... It's all ego for some.

I think when it comes down to it, organic growing is a bit more involved, a bit more personal, and much more individualistic then a 10ml of this 15 of that, and flush way of growing. No one would choose to grow organically, and play with shit if they didn't truly believe it was a superior way of going about things.

I find in the organic crowd your much more likely to run into the spiritual, the tree hugger, and those with a hippie mother earth loving mindset. IMO hippies have always been passionate about their beliefs, changing the world, and trying to get others to view things as they do.
Every "organics" person I've met is humble and friendly. You're just generalizing. There are people out there which fit both types. Question answered!

Honestly, to me it seems like this organic shit is a fad. Its just the image that comes to mind.
You think organic and you think pure cleanliness sun made sweetness. Than you hear chemical and you think of the skull and cross bones.
Ive grown chem for years and love it. Ive had friends grow organic for years and i love it too.
The more I think about it, I just like GOOD HERB. I couldnt give a shit about how its grown, as long as its grown well.

It isn't a fad to me although it's great that it's 'caught on' lately. It's a philosophy of sustainability and common sense. Working with nature, not against it.

-Not only is it beneficial to your plants, but it is better for the planet

-Your petrochem ferts take more oil to make, then, say, ground up fish
emulsion that was recycled from fish industries) and do more harm to the
environment (from leaching immediately due to excess ferting and/or
insufficent organic material in your soil from not following organic methods)

Organics is about benefits (working *with* nature, not against it, so your
crop gets treated correctly AND so the earth is treated in a more sustainable

With organics you get more fungal action working in symbiosis with your plant
roots, you get better CEC (cation exchange capacity), you get better
buffering action of your soil (resisting large pH swings), get get more biological
life, more organic matter in your soil, less erosion, better nutrient retention,
better soil structure, better soil texture, better aeration, better root
penetration...the list seems endless..

Organic gardening is the way it should be, and the way it was meant to be,

If you don't give a crap about wasting oil for your ferts that generally leach
out of the soil faster than organic ferts, then, well..that's just irresponsible in
my book...and there ain't nothin snobby about that.

Some of these things, like biological life in your soil may not apply for some of
you, but all of this sure is true when you're doing outdoors. And for indoors,
even buying petrochem ferts means you just wasted some oil =/
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The Scientist said:
Every "organics" person I've met is humble and friendly. You're just generalizing. There are people out there which fit both types. Question answered!
You better believe it,there's people out there that fit every type!For instance I'm the asshole type,what type do you fall in? :wave:


**AWD** Aficianado
I start one little thread with the word "Fanatic" in the title and look what happens...

But seriously I think most of how I feel about organics has already been said.
To me it's not about just weed it's about sustainable agriculture, I'm passionate about the way people think about the world and the things we use.

Some threads are heavier in debate or content and yes sometimes the details are very "in depth" to say the least, we are trying to "weed out" the unbiased information from what we can research and back with information and studies, disinformation has plagued organic growing and marijuana growing period from the start.

There are hydro growers here that apply alot of care and common sense in growing a great quality crop using few rez changes if any and making the most of their nutrients, much respect to those growers :joint:

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ICMag Donor
hydroponics is a fad,,, just like wearing luminous odd socks and thermal-glow jackets.. in the long term it's non-sensical! chemical farming produces a larger yield at the cost of everything else around it!

while the coco growers are getting closer,, the traditional hydro growers are still playing catch-up IMO... no offense... hydro weed taste funny and produces a clinical effect on smoking. couple this alongside the fact that most hydro growers don't understand the analytically contents of the chemical feed they are feeding. :no:

just as within the mainstream horti./agri. industry, as soon as the media and the systems to support organic feed programs are in place more and more hydroponic farmers will see the light and switch back to biological methods of cultivation.

rasta is the future... :canabis:


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
well i havent really read the entire thread but i toot organics cause ive had chemical weed b4 and i always notice a "fizzle- pop" affect once the high dissapates.

as far as teh difference in high, to me organics provide a more rich/ deeper high, especially organic soil. just how i feel due to what i have noticed smoking over the years.


DocLeaf -
What do you mean, the coco growers are getting closer?

And also what do you mean about hydro producing a clinical effect on smoking?

Joe Hawkins

Active member
Yes, Of course they are, because they have a right to be, they have followed all the rules and disregarded the Phantasmo Propogando and deserve recognition because Poo and Wee rule as ferts.

Poo and Wee buds taste so Much better than Hydro buds, they do, but Hydro is still better for speed, the difference is very minimal once you get it down pat, but when you do, Hydro wont be much diff, diff but not by much.


Pot is pot is pot is pot.

Grow it, love it, abuse it, smoke it, share it. whatever, theres always going to be the self righteous, ignoramus Seppo organismo.
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all praises are due to the Most High
it seems like some people do not understand the real difference between chems vs. organics.
to understand the differences, we should know that the difference is the origin of both; chemical ferts are products that are made by the petro-chemical
industries, this means the elements (n,k,p etc...) are by-products of petroleum after refinement processes.
because chemical fertilizers originate in petroleum, they break down in a way that leave residues, the most notorious ones being salts, which in turn kills the health of soils and water, thus polluting them and making them not-safe for either human or animal use. water ways next to farms where petro-chems are the norm are polluted and not fit for drinking or even watering plants.

organic ferts are produced from organic matter that decomposes completely into the environment and leaves no harmful residues as they are easily biodegradable. however, if used not properly, organic ferts can also end up polluting water, but the depth of pollution is much smaller and it is easier to clean if mis-handling were to occur. organic ferts add life to the living sustrate/soil, and a good live organic soil can even invade not so fertile places and make them fertile.

imo, it is people who use chemical fertilizers who are the snobs, who think their way is best and causes no harmful side-effects because the stickers
on their bottles are pretty and colourful :wink:

did we mention that organics is way cheaper as well? it simply makes more sense anyway you look at it. why do chem-ferts are still in use if it is not due to some
snobby kind of trend? as DocLeaf said, these guys are falling behind the race...



Haps said:
We hydro farmers are cleaner than the rest of you lot.
i dont know about all that. soil here, and very clean.

iv ppl compare my soil wares w/the hydro from clinics. they seem to like mine more. say it taste better. i wouldnt know. im a snob and hardly smoke unless i know the grower the weed came from.

I believe in simple growing. it works for me.