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Are Bubble Bags really made from Goretex?

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Everywhere I've seen the price of Bubble Bags defended I hear "they're made of Goretex"... but I bought a set of Bubble Bags and they're 1680 Denier Nylon with a Urethane coat -- not Goretex. Goretex is a breathable membrane that disperses water droplets but allows air molecules through ('breathable material'). It's designed for jackets and clothes so you are waterproof from the outside but your skin can breath so you don't sweat to death.

The Bubble Bags definitely do not have this 'breathable' membrane (nor are they anywhere near a tri-laminate). It's a urethane coated nylon.. not Goretex.

Bubble Man did you change manufacturing practices? If the bags aren't Gore Tex anymore, why was goretex used in the first place?? It doesn't make sense for a simple 'waterproof' material for this specific application.


Active member
yeah but those are only 8" in diameter.. i'd do that if I were looking at 1 gallon sets... would be a pain to work with such small diameter.

I'm fully aware of all potential pre-made or macgyver methods of ice water extraction...

i'm just wondering why I saw BBag's being touted as Goretex when they obviously are not.


Active member
I dont think people are buying bubble bags because they think they are gortex...
I think people are buying bubblebags cause they like to produce bubble.

just my two cents.

Bubble man


Active member
I dont think people are buying bubble bags because they think they are gortex...
I think people are buying bubblebags cause they like to produce bubble.

just my two cents.

Bubble man

I agree... but people also have a right to know if a product is being misrepresented or not. At $60 a bag I don't think Meerkat, your OZ distributor should be quoting they're made out of an expensive material that they are not. That is blatant misrepresentation:

"The bags are made out of heavy duty, industrial strength gortex.."

Real trademarked 'Gore-Tex' is much more expensive than 1680D Nylon with PU coat. Maybe that's why Meerkat calls it 'gortex' .. a nice way to mis-associate it with actual 'Gore-Tex'?? Was this intentional? Or did Meerkat receive bad information from Bubble Man headquarters?

PS: I bought Bubble Bags because I thought they were made out of Gore-Tex. I wanted to see how much better they were than the 600D PVC coat Ebay bags. Let's just say, I didn't get what I expected, or was led to believe I would receive.
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Active member
In my oldest set of bubblebags I can see that there is a film on the blue colored bag that is rubbing off in places. There old but not gortex for sure. I'm not sure why bubble man recomends many things...Like spreading your finish out on paper to dry? Why? Ok for maybe for a newbie...but smoking the sand looking finish is not the best smoke. And why sugest to people that you should mix in the bag....Thats just plain old BS your bags wont last to long if your scraping stirring mixing driving little sticks and twigs into the bottom of the bag????? why not mix in a saparate bucket then pour into the bags...they last a whole hell of alot longer this way....But he is in the buisness of selling bags...Most of my Bubblebag failures have been the stiching...poor quality control. Because the stich was fucked from the start not abused..You would think when buying the "original" that someone would inspect them before shipping them out...I got charged well over a $100 for just one 20g bag.:joint:


Active member
Anyway to tell which bags are pvc and not?

punx.. the PVC will look like a dull coat - like a life raft. First pic is bubble bags (shiny pu coat) and the 2nd pic is the ebay bags (pvc coat) the third black bag is sprung bags. Sprung bags have a nicer nylon than bubble bags and sprung bags have a smoother PU coating.

You can see on the Ebay bag where the PVC coat is wearing off and that set hasn't even been used - that was just from shipping:

Bubble Bag:

Ebay Bag:

Sprung Bags:


Active member
In my oldest set of bubblebags I can see that there is a film on the blue colored bag that is rubbing off in places. There old but not gortex for sure. I'm not sure why bubble man recomends many things...Like spreading your finish out on paper to dry? Why? Ok for maybe for a newbie...but smoking the sand looking finish is not the best smoke. And why sugest to people that you should mix in the bag....Thats just plain old BS your bags wont last to long if your scraping stirring mixing driving little sticks and twigs into the bottom of the bag????? why not mix in a saparate bucket then pour into the bags...they last a whole hell of alot longer this way....But he is in the buisness of selling bags...Most of my Bubblebag failures have been the stiching...poor quality control. Because the stich was fucked from the start not abused..You would think when buying the "original" that someone would inspect them before shipping them out...I got charged well over a $100 for just one 20g bag.:joint:

Yeah it would be a good idea to sell a 'complete kit' that comes with two 5 gallon buckets. The first, a plain jane mixing bucket. The second, a bucket with a drain valve at the base. It would save so much wear and tear to pre mix, use the bags to 'sift', then pop the drain valve and let the water run out - no stress on the bags.

Goretex or not.. PVC or PU.. nothing will hold up to extended twig blending and improper pull/drain methods. Guess that's why the Bubble Now machine (the uh.. $20 generic Chinese washing machine that sells for..uh..$225) was put on the market - to help alleviate bag wear. Cheap insurance for your $280 bags for only $225 :bigeye:


Active member
I dont think people are buying bubble bags because they think they are gortex...
I think people are buying bubblebags cause they like to produce bubble.

just my two cents.

Bubble man

I have had three sets of your bags over the years...Didnt ever care about the "goretex" part....But why mislead people...thats not very honest. Hell why not claim titanium thats the shit man....Columbia Jackets did.... sold them a bunch. Could never find the titanium in my jacket...lol And I guess there is no "gortex" in your bags either is there? But they sure do work, those ice extraction bags....:joint::joint::joint::joint:


Active member
actualy our bags are guaranteed for life.
If you have a bag that is in anyway falling apart ( some of our older material bags have had that problem, but since we've changed up our materials a little bit.
IF you feel your bag is falling apart. contact us at 1866melting or [email protected] and we will sort you out.

Bubble man

Ps. As for Dondi. he use to be my Manager way back when.. we actualy used gortex in our materials. The material now is a Nylon.
The thread we use is a parachute thread... nice and strong stuff that doesnt break or come apart as easy as regular thread.
Anyway like i said if you have a bag you need replaced let us know... they are guaranteed for life....
THus the price of bubblebags ... making it even more worth with it.

Pss.. i will speak with Dondi.. i havent even seen his site... he definitly means no harm... sorry you felt lied to.


Active member
actualy our bags are guaranteed for life.
If you have a bag that is in anyway falling apart ( some of our older material bags have had that problem, but since we've changed up our materials a little bit.
IF you feel your bag is falling apart. contact us at 1866melting or [email protected] and we will sort you out.

Bubble man

Ps. As for Dondi. he use to be my Manager way back when.. we actualy used gortex in our materials. The material now is a Nylon.
The thread we use is a parachute thread... nice and strong stuff that doesnt break or come apart as easy as regular thread.
Anyway like i said if you have a bag you need replaced let us know... they are guaranteed for life....
THus the price of bubblebags ... making it even more worth with it.

Pss.. i will speak with Dondi.. i havent even seen his site... he definitly means no harm... sorry you felt lied to.

Cool man. Yeah lifetime warranty is good, if you have $280 to drop in the first place. Do we ship bad ones back, or you just take our word they ripped or failed? Glad to know even though they're not goretex I can work 'em to death and get 'em replaced for free.

Yeah if Dondi = meerkat (i'm assuming) it's in the FAQ section of his website.. and it's the argument most widely used on most message boards by everyone as to why the price is justifiable and why they're better than everything else (just google bubble bags goretex and you'll see.. ozstoners, bcbudonline, cannabis culture, etc etc repeated posts touting Bbags as goretex).

It actually turned out a nice surprise for me, that they weren't goretex. I was wondering why on earth such an overpriced material would be used.. it works out much better they're nylon. :joint:

Thanks for your input and honesty - a sad rarity these days.


Active member
actualy our bags are guaranteed for life.
If you have a bag that is in anyway falling apart ( some of our older material bags have had that problem, but since we've changed up our materials a little bit.
IF you feel your bag is falling apart. contact us at 1866melting or [email protected] and we will sort you out.

Bubble man

Ps. As for Dondi. he use to be my Manager way back when.. we actualy used gortex in our materials. The material now is a Nylon.
The thread we use is a parachute thread... nice and strong stuff that doesnt break or come apart as easy as regular thread.
Anyway like i said if you have a bag you need replaced let us know... they are guaranteed for life....
THus the price of bubblebags ... making it even more worth with it.

Pss.. i will speak with Dondi.. i havent even seen his site... he definitly means no harm... sorry you felt lied to.

Shit I guess I could of returned it, but I cut the bottom out of my 25 bag for a squeezer...lol Good to know bubbleman seeing everything fails sooner or later...lol...lol I just got a visual of Steve Martin in The Jerk....writing those checks....lol


Active member
well i should reiterate what im saying is that if the bags fail you in an unreasonable manner. They are replaceable and guaranteed.
If you trash them with an outboard motor or never put them away dry and let them go moldy> thats on you.
I have used this method of guarantee for almost ten years now and it always seems to work out.
If the bags are failing you in anyway that is on US. we guarantee replacement.
that goes for bubblebox's and bubblenow's as well.

Bubble man


Active member
The only person i saw promoting the gortex aspect of the bags was DONDI... my old manager. He lives in australia now and still hasnt gotten back to me in regards to this. ( he travels alot apparently )

Either way i have dozens of distributor's as well as hundreds of resellers world wide.

I have had to deal with all sorts of logistics over the years.. and this is just one more that will be dealt with.

If you feel that we lied GDK do us a favour DON"T SUPPORT US>
but for all those of you that believe we are an asset to the community and that we create a good product , then continue to support us.

Bubble man


Active member
The only person i saw promoting the gortex aspect of the bags was DONDI... my old manager. He lives in australia now and still hasnt gotten back to me in regards to this. ( he travels alot apparently )

Heh.. sorry I don't mean to needle but this made me laugh because another 'argument' for the high cost of Bubble Bags I read was related to 'having the support of a real company, not a guy working out of his garage'....

but your OZ distributor disappears leaving you open for a product misrepresentation class action lawsuit (of course this won't happen.. most customers are probably too stoned to go through that ordeal even though it PROBABLY would uphold in court..LOL)....

As a small business owner I'm giving you a respectful hard time... but I just really think all the justifications for the high price have proven to be an illusion.... don't get me wrong you've done a lot for the community with regard to education and selling tools to those willing to part with hundreds of dollars...but with a cost basis of under $5 a bag selling them for $60 isn't exactly helping anyone but yourself.. Ain't nothing wrong with that tho.. business is business and Bubble Bags ain't a charity.
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