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Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

  • I care not who's in the game, I want it legalized!

    Votes: 62 29.8%
  • I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!

    Votes: 99 47.6%
  • I don't want it to be legalized!

    Votes: 33 15.9%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Name a single person who has argued that MJ should be sold out to "whatever big corporation can get it legalized".

Red herring.

The idea that legalization means a big corporate takeover that will ruin the quality of our MJ is just bunk. Has it happened with wine? Cognac? Distilled spirits? Home brew beers? Tomatoes?

This Monsanto bogey-man sounds a lot like the squeal of a vested interest under pressure, trying to figure out how to frame it as a "public interest" issue rather than for what it is: a blatant attempt to protect a current economic privilege among cash croppers.


i think we are miscatergorizing M³'s position.
his motivations are not fiscal but the perceived protection from monied interests.

What's the difference btw "fiscal" interests and the interest in "protection from monied interests"?

If the fear is that quality MJ will go away, I call bunk. There is no reasonable basis for that fear. Is there an example in history where a product became heavily commercialized and the "good stuff" just stopped happening? When Wonder Bread was still around, people still baked good bread at home.

If the fear is that MJ legalization with have a fiscal impact on those currently profiting from the War-On-Drugs premium, I'm not down with that as an argument for prohibition.


Tomatoes are a great example.

Run with that.

I grow great heirloom tomatoes at home, bypassing the corporate hybrids. You can't give 'em away they are so plentiful. Still the growers get great prices at the local market. Don't like corporate tomatoes? Grow your own! Easy and (thankfully) legal.

So your point is.... That making tomatoes illegal would be a good step forward to "protect" the heirloom varieties?


Game Bred
What's the difference btw "fiscal" interests and the interest in "protection from monied interests"?

If the fear is that quality MJ will go away, I call bunk. There is no reasonable basis for that fear. Is there an example in history where a product became heavily commercialized and the "good stuff" just stopped happening? When Wonder Bread was still around, people still baked good bread at home.

If the fear is that MJ legalization with have a fiscal impact on those currently profiting from the War-On-Drugs premium, I'm not down with that as an argument for prohibition.

because you or i disagree does not make his position any less his position.

we belittle ourselves to act otherwise.
mustard is not duplicitous in his motivations. we just don't see the same dystopian outcome...

i buy heirloom seeds every year.
my favorite spot is here
the orange flesh watermelon is fantastic!
but people love the sugar babies and jubilee that are commercially available.


Game Bred
indeed am keen to ask to you at how you to feel at when contaminate to you heriloom orange flesh watermelon?
if i am understanding correctly the question is "how will you feel when your orange flesh watermelon is contaminated with a gmo product"

most likely i will not even know unless the contaminant variety includes terminator genes.
if that is the case i will feel bad when next years seeds dont germinate.
i would have to go into my existing seed stock and take a few precautions from doing so in the future.

we have this misconception that "monsanto" is sneaking around and pollinating plants with their genes at night...

the farmer next door in an effort to increase his yield and protect his crop is using a tool at his disposal.
that tool is GMO seed.
he has a family to feed and the prices for his wares are artificially kept to low.
the only way he can keep the farm is accept the subsidies and use every tool at his disposal.
hell GMO aint the worst of it.
monocropping and injection of anhydrous ammonia as fertilizer have created barren wastelands only capable of growing corn or soy.
there may be a boon there.
imagine the insurance of legal status if entire swaths of the country are only capable of producing cannabis.
(sorry for the above ramble....
goddamn dabs and whatnot)

in essence the answer is.
i will feel neutral about it. i realize Mr. Richardson(the family farmer who owns a few thousand acres around me)needs to grow his jubilee watermelons to survive and while it negatively effects me i get why he must do what he must do.
so i will protect myself against further contamination.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I grow great heirloom tomatoes at home, bypassing the corporate hybrids. You can't give 'em away they are so plentiful. Still the growers get great prices at the local market. Don't like corporate tomatoes? Grow your own! Easy and (thankfully) legal.

So your point is.... That making tomatoes illegal would be a good step forward to "protect" the heirloom varieties?

You have to grow good tomatoes at home because what's on the shelf SUCKS and you know it, so you grow your own.

That's my point.

You're blessed to have the right to grow your own.

I don't see that happening with cannabis.

Maybe you do.

That's okay.

You still think I want cannabis to remain illegal.



how you do?

gurt technology indeed to include such and such with respect to terminator effect
similar within gurt technology such to title genetic restriction, perhap not for analysis with respect to next year seed crop
at which gene for restrict? such variability am not keen for experience

one perspective perhap to contaminate with not much signal, for contaminate with drops
if you are not to test current seed perhap you already are to purchase contaminate gmo seed with thinks of being heriloom, similar am within such reality

with respect to increase to yield and such and such

am keen to relate you to visit india and africa at where such genetic cause great economic distress such to cripple the farmers

condolonces to families of farmers who commit suicide with respect to such economic opprotunity

am keen to think tool depend with perspective

am effort for relate you to you link, perhap you not enjoy such thinks within you seed community rareseeds?

monsanto not sneak around to poison and contaminate food supply and soil underfoot, monsanto do such actions clear to day sunlight, not within shadows of dark
one perspective ignorance to knowledge create such dark and such light
within moment, both to exist within same space, such chaos

how to precaution against repeat contamination? hepa filter glasshouse with such and such technologies and wash chamber?

am enjoy to garden within nature, natural sun, natural dirt, natural air

indeed am argue against freedom of monsanto to poison, again am not parasite
such is being to form

what we are to be?
indeed choice

glyphosate subsequent to agent orange and such and such, trend to parasite behaviors

glyphosate ruin and continue to ruin many area at where not much to thrive similar you to mention such ammonia fertilizer
buckets and drops

am experience to buckets at where total landscape destroyed
indeed nature for recover, with respect to many moments and thinks for not contaminate more

what happen at when not more saved heirloom seed and within natural to become toxic?
indeed mother earth and universe for heal
human not to benefit such moments

gurt perhap to help facilitate genetic makeup to allow for patent to cannabis variety and such and such
restrict such gene for exibit stability and medicinilized cannabis

true breeding with respect to genetic manipulation

indeed rambles....hehehe

am respect to you dagnabit
respect to all
respect to monsanto

with not total, not any to exist

good with not bad
bad with not good
such preference to determine

chant down babylon

positive vibrations


Game Bred
That's exactly what is happening.

How is there any misconcception?

All is I see is your head in the sand.

much more likely is the farmer next door is using RUPP or the like and pollination happens.

monsanto is guilty of thuggery via the legal system and manipulation thereof.
the sneaking is not to pollinate rather,to collect "tainted" samples.

the evil bit is then suing the farmer after trespassing to collect the evidence of pollination.

GMO will not be outlawed nor should it be.
what needs to happen is changes to patent law involving organisms.

the answer does not lie in protecting the status quo of prohibition. the answer lies in pressuring your elected representatives on patent law.
the answer lies in not voting in cronies of corporations.
we must take back the reigns.
but the idea that the answer is to make or keep an entire plant illegal to protect it is silly.
would you advocate the prohibition of soy and soy based products to protect heirloom soy?
of corse not.
nor would you for corn.
what you would do is use your dollars and voice to protect and preserve heirloom varieties.
what we should do is stop believing in the fear based false two party dichotomy that keeps corporate interests in power.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
A really interesting vision is one where the reins left our hands some time ago.

It is too late to stop GM crops from spreading.

It is impossible to beat plant patents in courts.

They have the money... and what does that mean I wonder?

Let's just drop all the reins and believe we can make a change later.

If you think writing a letter to a congressman is as effective as taking him out for blow and hookers think again.


Game Bred
If you think writing a letter to a congressman is as effective as taking him out for blow and hookers think again.
no but firing them tends to send a bit of a message ;)
Let's just drop all the reins and believe we can make a change later.
1 every 42 seconds..
what is keeping your possible nightmare at bay worth.
because all in all thats what it is.
there must be some place where you feel it's worth risking that the nightmare MAY come true.
1 every 15 seconds?
one per second?
will you still say my fear is not worth it at 1 per second?
conversely where is the high mark?
if the number is reduced to 1 every 15 minutes? is it worth the risk that what you fear MAY come to pass?
1 per day?
for 1 person every 42 seconds in this country the nightmare IS a reality. for 1 person every 42 seconds it is not a fear of what MAY happen it is a reality right now.

where is the number where your imagined fear is outweighed by your fellows reality?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
where is the number where your imagined fear is outweighed by your fellows reality?

Where the fear is only imagined and my fellows couldn't attest to the dirty underhanded system that imprisons them.

Why do you have such faith in an openly corrupt system?


Game Bred
i dont.
but we live in this system.
barring revolution we have to work within its confines to change it.
i don't believe the idea of outlawing a plant and jailing anyone who posses it to protect it is the correct course.
you would not advocate it with any other plant would you?
felony possession of eggplant?
if we can reduce the rate from 1 every 42 seconds lets do so.
do you believe the rate would change if your nightmare became a reality?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
i don't believe the idea of outlawing a plant and jailing anyone who posses it to protect it is the correct course.
you would not advocate it with any other plant would you?

I'm not advocating it for cannabis either.

I'm just pointing out that it's prudent to care by whom and how the "product" gets to market.

If we can get our shit together on just one aspect of legalization we stand a good chance of actually getting it done.

Now as for that "Who cares if Monsanto does it?" attitude, that would warrant plenty of hands up from within our very community.

Oh look there's 77 of them in this poll alone.