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Are 2 plants in one pot really 2 plants?


Because some of our chosen medication doesnt yield the biggest do you think that maybe two plants could be either grafted or trained at the stalk to either appear or actually graft and grow as one plant. Even 2 plants would resemble just one in a say 7 gallon container. Would the untrained eye catch the deception or would it still count as two?

This may lead to future experiments..................


One plant = one root system. You can graft them and then they will become one plant. Yield is largely dependent on the size of the root system. Cramming two plants into one container is probably not going to do what you want, unless you use a 2x larger container. Even then, it may fool someone from a distance but if that someone is closely inspecting things and has any experience there is a chance they will catch on.


you can squish the two stalks together after stripping a side of each of them, put some root gel in between, and seal them with beeswax or garden tape. They will fuse together.


I am trying that soon myself. Got the idea from that same video. I plan on putting a trainwreck, master kush, abusive/bubba, and a sour saver on a Skunk1 root system. Then I will have a few less mothers.


I have seen the experiments with grafting but i was thinking more on the side of trying to beat the plant count in med states. Thank you all for the great input! I imagined two plants more or less with stalks trained to intertwine. I agree either double pot size or I was thinking using sativas that are on the light yielding side of things, eg. jack herrer or kali mist..PS thats a great video!


you can squish the two stalks together after stripping a side of each of them, put some root gel in between, and seal them with beeswax or garden tape. They will fuse together.

This is a great idea but can one still use the entire plant with the exception of the half stalk it lost to fusion? I can visualize a twisted tree lookin plant with two monster branch systems and two primary phat colas of two different strains!!!!YES!


you can squish the two stalks together after stripping a side of each of them, put some root gel in between, and seal them with beeswax or garden tape. They will fuse together.

That sounds crazy but intresting?

Has anyone done this?

and what happens?


The video link above is of the same concept.

Hey did you guys know tangelos are hybrids and seedless watermelons should be considered sinsemilla.


well, sin semilla means without seeds, so in that sense I gues ur right :) But seedless watermelons are triploids, made from crossing a normal diploid watermelon plant with a tetraploid - and this is in no way similar to the way u make sinsemilla with cannabis :)


all you have to say is "I swear I only planted 1 seed!"

Yea that was more of the original thought for me... I believe none of the ways will trick a true conossior (Sp.) but maybe to the ignorant LEO fucker trying to ruin someones day, it will only be seen as one weird plant...


The video link above is of the same concept.

Hey did you guys know tangelos are hybrids and seedless watermelons should be considered sinsemilla.

Im going to try that out, ill keep you guys posted:tiphat:

emerald city

One plant = one root system.
not to hijack the thread but i had a similar question.When is a plant a plant? IF you clone up 10 plants are they considered plants when first cut or only after they have developed a roots system to be able to survive on there own.....I say a clone[or tablefull] dont count till its got roots. :tiphat: E.C


not to hijack the thread but i had a similar question.When is a plant a plant? IF you clone up 10 plants are they considered plants when first cut or only after they have developed a roots system to be able to survive on there own.....I say a clone[or tablefull] dont count till its got roots. :tiphat: E.C

They might have an answer in the legal forums....as far as I know it varies by jurisdiction when it comes to technique on weight, and from how much someone helps them. ie. you admit to it there and then and they may charge you with a pound as opposed to if you lawyer up and then they tag you with 50 lbs and kingpin status....


Active member
and from how much someone helps them. ie. you admit to it there and then and they may charge you with a pound as opposed to if you lawyer up and then they tag you with 50 lbs and kingpin status....

Please stop spreading misinformation. Snitches get stitches, and for sure dont get help from the lying pigs.

I was thinking using sativas that are on the light yielding side of things, eg. jack herrer or kali mist..

And jack herer is one of the best yeilding strains... where do you get this bullshit? The real sun tzu would bitch smack you, lol.


^^Your handle and avatar,...and anger and hostility lead me to believe you should increase the herb intake and cut the big dogs outta your diet, if at all possible.
...just 2 pennies from a 10 year vet, with about 4 years away.

...who's a snitch? What misinformation? You are right about one thing for sure. Jack Herrer genetics can be beastly yielders!

Anyways, I'm no lawyer but I would argue till I was blue in the face that a 'plant' must have atleast ONE root before it can be considered a separate plant, independant of its mother.


I was simply stating somthing OC80, if it is wrong then thank you for your correction but snitch and misinformation thing has no place in this thread please keep it civil. If you have something to share do it, I love knowledge and even if I am wrong I can admit it. I was misinformed on Jack herrer, its no reason to be a rude about it. And my conclusion to what area you are in depends on weight your charged with simply comes from various peoples shared experiences. Please in the future dont be so darn mean!