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Arcata, the Californian town that has gone to pot over marijuana cultivation



dankbudz said:
A third (1/3) of ALL assets seized from the entire united states were from CA.

There's 50 states yet instead of 1/50 being seized nationwide from CA it's 15/50th's so 15 times more than any other state.

cali is also one of the biggest states, we have one of the strongest economies and everything here is worth way more than in any other state. so take those figures and look at it this way. a 2 story 3 br 2 bath house on 1 acre is over 500,000 dollars here. lok at he same house in say south dakota, west virignia, mississsippi etc etc and it probably wouldnt even touch 200k

Here's a fact for the our quacking friend...California has something like the 5th largest economy, IN THE WORLD! One could easily assume a large portion of asset seizures would come from this wonderful place. That said, SCF is right on point, it fucked, no matter the argument.

I'm willing to bet however, that MOST of the seizures come from other things...IRS debt, and harder drugs...Coke, speed, heron, ect...I doubt very much, that any portion (large or small) comes from pot growers having properties seized. Most of us are not commercial growers...Most of us, therefore, have nothing to worry about in terms of having our house's seized for personal grows contained within said homes....

IF we could afford to buy one. Check out the prices out here...



Active member
Did you even bother to read the link I posted that had a pdf from the DEA showing that figure of over 9 million seized and that was all from pot. They listed number of plants seized, etc.

I can't even find the other post I replied to that says asset seizures have gone up 300 percent in the last 10 years. So that 2005 figure of 9 million is prbably more like 25 million now.

I'm sure the total amount of money seized from ALL drugs in CA would blow your mind.

Probably well over 50 million. Where do you think the DEA gets it's money to operate on anyway? Taxes. lol they are just double dipping there.
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Bong Smoking News Hound
inflorescence said:
Did you even bother to read the link I posted that had a pdf from the DEA showing that figure of over 9 million seized and that was all from pot. They listed number of plants seized, etc.

I can't even find the other post I replied to that says asset seizures have gone up 300 percent in the last 10 years. So that 2005 figure of 9 million is prbably more like 25 million now.

I'm sure the total amount of money seized from ALL drugs in CA would blow your mind.

Probably well over 50 million. Where do you think the DEA gets it's money to operate on anyway? Taxes. lol they are just double dipping there.

Yes but they are property owners who occupy the land, and are doing illegal activities themselves. Not renters. You still have no proof of that. and your long drawn out point, just proves the war on drugs is a Money Game.

I still stand by all my comments. You are blowing this way out of proportion as your comments hold no water. Just more accusations and lies. Keep spiting them out as if they have any sort of meaning to the medical user. Keep trying to create fear. Because it wont work.

Fear tactics are the last resort for Psychological Warfare. And you are now a tool. Good work.

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Active member
SCF said:
You still have no proof of that.

Dude, Scott Imlers dispensary was one of the first operating dispensaries in LA. He got busted and the gov civilly seized the ENTIRE building he was renting in.

What, you think they gave up on that practice since then? LOL
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Bong Smoking News Hound
We are talking residence not Businesses first of all. Second of all please show a link of seizure? Third of all the owner knew exactly what he was doing in there. So once again. You are proving my point more than yours.


Active member
I already posted a link. Post #74 (the pdf) I'm sure all that was not just cars and boats or "businesses" for that matter.


Bong Smoking News Hound
im not going to go back and forth with you. I have no clue what you think you are trying to prove. But like i have said in the past. Choose your battles wisely. Because this one is pointless and a waste of my breath through your thick head.



EasyBakeIndica said:
The LACRC owned that building. They didn't pay rent.

Here's an article about the dispensary which was seized. You could use a history lesson: http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle-old/240/lacrc.shtml

Good article i hope this lights a fire under north hollywood's ass.

"The LACRC and its executive director Scott Imler have built a good working relationship with the city. Now West Hollywood has even more reason to be concerned: The city authorized a $350,000 loan to help the LACRC purchase its property on Santa Monica Boulevard; it stands to lose that money if the feds prevail."


The revolution will not be televised.....
KMK - To understand why it is still illegal would require a discussion of our drug laws, the political and cultural climate that led up to it being placed on the same level as other hardcore drugs back in the 40's. I dont have that kinda time so I am gonna try to sum this up in just a few words. The plant is illegal in my eyes "because" it cannot be taxed or regulated. That is the reason you can grow, use , and not sell. It is a weed and grows anywhere that vegetation grows. Your gov. would love to make MJ legal and tax it the way it does cigs or alcohol. Cha Ching!!!It cant so it scares you with the war on drugs and uses that type of mis- information to fund how many police agencies and "keep you safe". DEA, ATF, FBI, Border P., Customs, and the locals all get a share of your tax $$ to fight a war on drugs which mj makes up about 80%. Even though there has not been a single substantiated case of a violent crime caused by the ingestion of herb in the history of Cali.(did my thesis on the subject) Now why so many agencies involved in the war you ask? Tax dollars my friend. When you see the bust on tv goin down that gives them more juice to ask your rep. for continued funding. Pharmaceutical comp dont want it legalized cause they would lose billions in competition with their mj pills. They cant treat mj like other meds for a simple reason its a weed that can grow anywhere. Not like most other meds that are found in obscure and hard to reach places, in plants that are rare. Anyone can grow it and benefit from it. Pharma comp. have no profit marjin in that arena so no interest in seeing it made legal. As far as the legalization of the plant it is well known that most voters have already made up their minds and believe it should be legal in one way or another. The issue in our country is its not the voters who decide what becomes law or important to your politician but, who ever spent the most in his campaign to get him elected. That person's/company's agenda will win out over the voters in our system evertime. How does a Texas oilman President give us the highest gas prices since the 70's you ask? Who made up almost all of his campaign funding you ask again? Well that would be the OPEC nations who are now slappin us across the ass! Pharma co. gave something like $50 million total during the last campaign. Its not a we dont want to be wrong issue so much as we cant make any money off of it issue. Also, you cannot have either of those drugs mentioned in such large supply and not get a second glance even with a script. The drugs you speak of are much more dangerous than herb and to have them in such large # would at least raise any LEO eyebrows you come across. Even with your script. You and your doc would be answering ?? in the cold precinct on that one. What it really boils down to in my eyes is that my gov should not be in the med. business and I should be able to medicate myself as I see fit. The mass growers are taking advantage of sick people and they give the mj community a black eye everytime their is a big bust. I have no problem with the mass growers at all. My problem is when they are linked to our movement and shown as the same in every publication on the subject.

And as always opinions are always welcome bros so no hard feelins at all. Peace!


Last year I got raided and charged with felony cultivation and sales for basically running a small private dispensary out of the house I was renting. The landlords didn't get charged with anything, they still have their house AND they knew what I was doing.



bad business model, can you see now why comings and goings at the residence are one of the surest signs something is up?


Freedom Fighter
Rainman-- That is all well and good...but you seemed to help my argument more than yours--
Don't let my screen-name fool ya...I am not a youngster-- I am also very well versed in the history and attitudes of the Marijuana Prohibition--
But you have sited all the reasons that I hold important...as to why we need to fight this system!! I still stand by what I say...that there is no legal or moral reason to regulate marijuana at all...except for the greedy fucks in the Governing Agencies!!
Supply and Demand dictate that as long as there is a market...there is a need for the product-- Do you really think that the millions of tokers in Cali alone...could possibly grow their own?? Most can't-- Commercial growers are as important to this movement, as Farmers are in supplying the World's food supply--


Wow so as for my first post on IC in quite a long time I get to make lifelong enemies. Well here it goes. First off SCF you sure have gotten bitter over the years, and I have to say that your wrong.

That article was right on point with what we are experiencing both at city council meetings and other civic gatherings. The crime rate HAS gone up, and the city is getting dirtier by the minute. Its just not safe to let my kid play in the street anymore, and that is a total shame.

Arcata has NEVER been a haven for marijuana growers, thats Garberville and the surrounding hills in southern humboldt. NOT in town. As a matter of FACT there was a city ordinanace in arcata limiting indoor growing to 10 plants. That was until Eric Hiemstadt a local community leader, and dispensary owner(and personal friend) rallyed and eventually lead the Medical Marijuana Task Force to a decision allowing 100 sqft of canopy to be grown in all of humboldt county. There is no plant limit, the 99 plant limit is the cut-off before a grow can legally be considered within federal jurisdiction. However all of these laws have been thrown down the shoot now that SB420 has been ruled unconstitutional.

If a landlord within the confines of the state of california knowingly rents or otherwise provides a place for the production,manufacture, or sales of a controlled substance they can be charged with a felony crime under CA health and safety code 11470. Now for marijunana a conviction must be associated with the forfeture and the conviction must detail at least 10 pounds of marijuana. That is just for residences comercial or business properties would be found guilty under H&S codes 11366.5 and 11570. Now prop 215 legally known as Health and Safety code 11362.5 specificly grants amnesty from all of the above mentioned H&S codes to medical marijuana patients.

All of this aside the recent burning of homes(up to 4 now) has started a great commotion within out little paradise over just what should be allowed. Recent figure from teh local Association of Realtors shows that rental rates have increased over 30% in the last 5 years and the affordability index(percentage of people who can afford to buy homes) has plummetted to under 15%.

However I do agree that this article in particular did have a negative feel to it. Almost like the writer WAS indeed attempting to insite anger in their readers.

I DO NOT agree with people making blind accusations at another with the intent to harm or deface a fellow forum user. Especially not the MODERATOR of what is supposed to be a Compassionate forum.

Now before any of you go off half cocked screaming who the hell is this guy and why should his opinion matter. Or, facts, facts, where are your facts. Here are the basics:
1. I have provided very specific legal codes that anyone should be able to google. Dont be lazy look it up yourself, I have this shit memorized.
2. My name is Wes and I live in arcata, california. I'm a Real Estate investor and have worked with dispensary owners from here to san diego since 1998. I am a medical patient and caregiver who has felt the cold icey touch of the feds many times. I have been acquitted 5 times in 3 different counties. I have felt the joy of walking into the property hold area of the police station here in arcata and haveng them hand my medicine back to me. 3 times. In other words I know the hoops, been there, done that, got a t-shirt.

I hope I didnt offend, just wanting to get my 2 cents in.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Wes - That kind of insight into the situation is what is needed and I am sure SCF will agree. SCF is bitter but is has nothing to do with this post!! - its all the babysitting that has to be done so cutem some slack for everyone's sake.

KMK - Sounds like we are in agreement then my friend. Guess when you get past all the smoke and huffing we are all trying to do it the right way just in different way. Peace.


wes do you have the charts that eric used to help with that ruling? the ones were they did the average potency of meds in humobldt. they did some math and said if the pot was like 13.5%thc people would need 3 lbs a year.


The revolution will not be televised.....
T-Type - If you are gonna throw negative rep on me for giving my opinion you should at least have some nanners and post something! Anything! in the thread giving me your opinion of why im hating on the commercial growers. And for the record I got no problem with them. I just feel that when their thing is mentioned in the same sentence as my thing, that makes it harder for me to do my thing!!! If you wanna grow 1,000 plants then go for it!! Just don't try to call it a medical grow to the cameras when you get busted!! Just looking for some dialogue!


Hey DB hows it going....
No I dont have the charts but I'm sure he still does. His club, Humboldt Medical Supply is listed in the book. I'm pretty sure he's got alot to do with the new humboldt chapter of the ASA as well. You can find that number on the ASA website. I havent talked to him in a while. My wife and I just moved back down into town about 4 months ago. I been in the hills the last 2 years, so I kinda been oughta touch. But now that Im back I'll be getting back into the swing of things and plan on joining up with ASA again.

See ya around


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