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Apartment Growing



I would say not a good idea.

I grew in my apartment way back when. My g/f was living with me at the time. She didn't smoke but was fine with me growing a few plants in a small cab in my closet. So that's what I do. 4 CFL's in a small kitchen cabinet and a small PC fan to vent. About a month into it we get a knock at the door- It's the bimbo next door (her room was adjacent to mine). She starts acting all cute (not seeing my g/f behind me) and after pussyfootin around the subject for a minute she asks me if I have any weed. I gave her my very best are-you-crazy?! look and said nah, sorry. I actually didn't have anything..and I NEVER spoke to anyone around the complex about anything let alone weed. But then she starts in with "Oh c'mon. I know you grow in your closet or cabinet or something...these walls are paper thin. C'mon, I just want like a dub." I said nope, have nothing, sorry. She left. G/f was maaaaaaaad. :wallbash:

A few weeks later our 6-month lease was up. Instead of getting a renewal notice we got a notice to vacate premises. Landlord wouldn't say why. Not sure if was the chick...or the maintenance guy who stole my knife and a couple of our rugs. You never know if those guys are gonna snoop around while you're gone and where they're gonna look, and what they're gonna tell the landlord.

Eventually the landlord ended up telling my g/f that it was because there were a few noise complaints..but that was crap, because we both worked really long shifts and came home to sleep pretty much.

There's way too much shit that can go wrong at an apartment. You're better off renting a house if you must rent at all.


man reading threads like this makes me feel so lucky to have such a cool landlord. he's a pothead (i pay half my rent in weed quite often), he actually encourages me to grow, and always gives me heads up way ahead of time if there's ever inspections or if he has an offer on the building or something... and because he knows he's the one at risk of losing his building, he assures me that if anyone asks he has no idea whats going on in my apartment

he even pays the electric, lol. i'm definately staying here for a long time


I grew in a remote closet of my 2bm apt. for exactly 3 weeks until i couldnt' take the paranoia anymore. I murdered a beautiful, healthy dutch passion orange bud plant right before switching to 12/12 because I didn't have the constitution to deal with the day to day apartment nonsense and risk........

Makes me so angry that I can't PLANT A FUCKING SEED IN DIRT AND GROW IT OUT. How fucking....... bah never mind.

Planning on a house but need to find one that doesn't get scorpions before I settle on one... that's a big reason I've stayed in apartments for so long is that there are NEVER scorpions........ i fucking hate scorpions....


Another important thing to think about is genetic selection. I live in an apatment and on my last grow I had 9 plants (400w HPS + secondary T5), but just two small Sour Diesel IBL x OG Kush bx plants absolutely overpowered the rest of the plants and my odor c
sour Disel they stink if you grow in a flat that can be a problem even with best filter...


I grew in a remote closet of my 2bm apt. for exactly 3 weeks until i couldnt' take the paranoia anymore. I murdered a beautiful, healthy dutch passion orange bud plant right before switching to 12/12 because I didn't have the constitution to deal with the day to day apartment nonsense and risk........

Makes me so angry that I can't PLANT A FUCKING SEED IN DIRT AND GROW IT OUT. How fucking....... bah never mind.

Planning on a house but need to find one that doesn't get scorpions before I settle on one... that's a big reason I've stayed in apartments for so long is that there are NEVER scorpions........ i fucking hate scorpions....
scorpions??? i would be shitting myself ....


scorpions??? i would be shitting myself ....

yeah :( I'm non-native here. The scorpions scare the shit out of me. They are the most poisonous variety in the US, "bark scorpions". I sleep with a blacklight on because they glow brightly under a blacklight..... please get me the fuck back to the midwest ASAP!

Lord Doobie

curious what makes you think scorpions aren't in apartments there, too
where are you? AZ?
sure that blacklights don't attract them?



curious what makes you think scorpions aren't in apartments there, too
where are you? AZ?
sure that blacklights don't attract them?

yah i'm in AZ....... i figure that's a big enough area to not out myself too badly (especially with no grows going on due to paranoia).....

sorry to divert the thread but to answer the question, the scorps don't seem to like the apartments for some reason. I am in a complex with 270 some units and the managers say noone has ever seen one in a single unit here for years... i've not seen one here in 3 years, while people i know in houses see them weekly, sometimes more. It seems to be spotty where they are or aren't. Some of the older areas where houses have been for a long time seems to have driven most of the scorpions out, and even the houses you don't see them. In newer, developing areas however, plan on seeing them DAILY. People I know that built recently in new developments in the desert have been stung multiple times.... they will be just watching tv and up comes bark scorpions crawling up their legs...... stung once on the leg while swatting and another time on the hand while swatting it away. haha. most people don't need antivenom, some do......

supposedly the babies are worse to get stung by because they have no concept of 'deterrent dose' and 'lethal dose' while stinging.....

I've not heard of blacklights attracting them...... but it sure lights them up

I am scared SHITLESS of them....... i am BUG SQUEAMISH. In fact, typing this made me wriggle around and swat myself several times, so i will bring this topic to a close. lol. Good, because the next topic would have been the black widows that are in every arizona nook and cranny. Everyfuckingthing out here stings or bites i swear to god.....

fortunately, i've never heard of bark scorpions (or any other type) eating marijuana plants, so that's a good thing! :D
Yeah f*ck scorpions, that sounds like no fun at all. On the sbject of apartment growing: I've done it, successfully, but would not recomend it. I lived in a huge complex next to a large university, 95 percent college students. Owners/managers were real cool, didn't snoop and could care less that my apt. was hazed all the time. I just ran 3 LST bushes in the corner of my closet, no filter or fans or anything, just kept the closet door and bedroom window open. Bedroom locked. I was so stressed out evey day, just waiting for leo to come barrelin through


man reading threads like this makes me feel so lucky to have such a cool landlord. he's a pothead (i pay half my rent in weed quite often), he actually encourages me to grow, and always gives me heads up way ahead of time if there's ever inspections or if he has an offer on the building or something... and because he knows he's the one at risk of losing his building, he assures me that if anyone asks he has no idea whats going on in my apartment

he even pays the electric, lol. i'm definately staying here for a long time
This is just too awesome...


Active member
I worked for a maintenance company for a couple years, and you would be amazed at the shit I have seen(I don't judge or even really care what other people do, I grow my own, and I am sure some people think some of the stuff I do is strange too). You can almost always tell when someone is growing in their place, unless they are super professional about it. For instance, this one kid had a "roommate" that seemed to be out of town all the time. His place didn't reek of weed, just what he was smoking on before we got there. Well, we were going there like once or twice a week because his bath tub drain was clogged up, and one day he slipped up and left his "roommates" door wide open for the world to see. He had one of those 72 site Aeroponic tube systems setup under 2 1000 watt bulbs. I couldn't help it, and I just started laughing my ass off after I seen this, because I finally figured out why his tub was getting clogged up so often-he was dumping his res right down the drain, roots and all. He seemed pretty surprised when the only thing I said to him was to start dumping him spent nutes out in the flower beds instead of down the drain. He ended up living there and hooking me up with a couple decent cuts, until his mom found out what he was doing(she found out the same way I did, she thought that he had a real job and a real roommate for about 2 years)


Active member
I like little places, duplexes, fourplexes, much less intrusive from a maintenance standpoint.
I think a little odor controlled, shut mouthed, closet grow like you described will be just fine. But unexpected shit does happen just when you think you have every angle covered.
Odds are you will be fine though IMO
I worked for a maintenance company for a couple years, and you would be amazed at the shit I have seen(I don't judge or even really care what other people do, I grow my own, and I am sure some people think some of the stuff I do is strange too). You can almost always tell when someone is growing in their place, unless they are super professional about it. For instance, this one kid had a "roommate" that seemed to be out of town all the time. His place didn't reek of weed, just what he was smoking on before we got there. Well, we were going there like once or twice a week because his bath tub drain was clogged up, and one day he slipped up and left his "roommates" door wide open for the world to see. He had one of those 72 site Aeroponic tube systems setup under 2 1000 watt bulbs. I couldn't help it, and I just started laughing my ass off after I seen this, because I finally figured out why his tub was getting clogged up so often-he was dumping his res right down the drain, roots and all. He seemed pretty surprised when the only thing I said to him was to start dumping him spent nutes out in the flower beds instead of down the drain. He ended up living there and hooking me up with a couple decent cuts, until his mom found out what he was doing(she found out the same way I did, she thought that he had a real job and a real roommate for about 2 years)

This is so funny, i would have given anything to see the look on the kids face when you told him not to throw is spent nutes hahahaha:nanana:


Power Armor rules
I've grown in multiple different apartments/duplexes/townhomes successfully. The key is to gather intelligence and feel things out for a month or two. Observe the people that live nearby first off, and then start checking out your place specifically. Make sure all your drains work, check all the outlets to be sure they work, and be sure to monitor your appliances and HVAC system. If everything is working well you have less to worry about.

Do things randomly break? Yes. Is it a major pain in the ass? Yes. Shit happens sometimes so you MUST have a backup plan. Maybe a buddy's house/apartment? Maybe take some clones and toss the rest? That call is yours. Use your brain, and stay under the radar while you're growing. You will reap the reward in due time.



Well-known member
So about 6:30 this morning I'm leaving for work. I open my apt door walk into the hallway and I surprise three guys standing 2 doors down. I lock my door and walk past them and notice that there Fucking plainclothes cops( they had their badges hung around their neck) I keep walking and a fourth one comes around the corner with a cell in her hand. They didn't say a word and walk out the hallway door to the stairs. Scared the fukin shit out of me.I have no idea what or who that there looking for. Possibly me? Anyway thats the third time I've seen to many cops around this building, I told my partner/buddy thats it I quit no more apartment growing for me until we get a house this summer. I'm giving serious thought to trashing current grow.
well I am doing the grow in a apartment...luckily i live on a corner, and my neighbors upstairs come down to smoke...they don't know about the grow...but expects the smell...so i'm kinda clear there...but I do have my license...and I am under my legal limit...so I'm not too paranoid growing.
only cost me $120 and showed them my scar where I broke my leg...and that was good enough for a license :smile: haha...just be safe and then you wont have to worry


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
So about 6:30 this morning I'm leaving for work. I open my apt door walk into the hallway and I surprise three guys standing 2 doors down. I lock my door and walk past them and notice that there Fucking plainclothes cops( they had their badges hung around their neck) I keep walking and a fourth one comes around the corner with a cell in her hand. They didn't say a word and walk out the hallway door to the stairs. Scared the fukin shit out of me.I have no idea what or who that there looking for. Possibly me? Anyway thats the third time I've seen to many cops around this building, I told my partner/buddy thats it I quit no more apartment growing for me until we get a house this summer. I'm giving serious thought to trashing current grow.

damn. thats the thing about apartment growing, or growing in general.. you have to worry about this shit. it just sucks to be always on guard. No matter if you're growing a lot or a little, when you get home everyday you have to wonder, "is everything going to be okay?"

that is a hefty price for us to pay. :wallbash:


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
well I am doing the grow in a apartment...luckily i live on a corner, and my neighbors upstairs come down to smoke...they don't know about the grow...but expects the smell...so i'm kinda clear there...but I do have my license...and I am under my legal limit...so I'm not too paranoid growing.
only cost me $120 and showed them my scar where I broke my leg...and that was good enough for a license :smile: haha...just be safe and then you wont have to worry

what happens if you get busted (Landlord or 5.0) if you have your med license? what if you are over the 6 plant count?


When you guys say apartment what exactly do you mean?

I think of two kinds. One is an apartment complex, one big physical building with 20, 30 or 50 rooms (units) inside, own parking lot, etc. Or number two, a more house-like apartment. Maybe a small house where the upstairs/downstairs are rented out.

I would feel uneasy growing in an apartment complex but I have friends who have rented what are basically two-family homes. They'd have the entire upstairs to themselves, private entrance and no neighbors physically connected to them (except below). That type of place seems safe for a small grow to me, then again it is still a rented space.