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Anyone try the iolite.....

Max Headroom

Well-known member
a friend owns an iolite.
pretty nice device!
personally, i don't like that it is made mostly of plastic and that can get pretty warm.
i got myself a MFLB for portable uses, but nothing tops my 'cano at home ;-)


New member
Had mine for 2 years now and love it. It's a must to use the refine butane. If not you run in to a lot of ignition issues. The older model I have does get a bit hot also. I find the high a bit different then smoking but gets me bombed so I'm happy. Plus the stealth factor is great.

They have a new model now that has addressed the ignition issues, heat issue and apparently much better hat vaporizing the hits. Has anyone tried it? It's called the Iolite Wisper. Dopefiend does a podcast review at http://dopecast.libsyn.com/dopecast280-the-ultimate-wispr-by-iolite-vaporizer-review-


Senior Member
i love my iolite and no the butane doesn't get in, it heats up an element in a completely different compartment that transfers energy to the bowl, no way for butane to get in your weed. you get good at smoking it with practice but vaping just wont get you as high as you could by smoking it, plain and simple, i like the idea of vaping but for the most part i would rather get really high over really healthy...

Max Headroom

Well-known member
do you mean "vaping just wont get you as high as you could by smoking it" just for the iolite or vaping in general?

if you mean in general i have to disagree strongly.

vaping (in my case with a volcano) gets me MUCH higher than any form of smoking i have tried over the years. it's not even close.


I am going to agree with max on this one. I purchased a volcano because I had reached my limits with smoking. And rather than take the obvious break, I went and out purchased probably one of my favorite toys in the world. I really do love it. As I type this love letter to the 'cano I am enjoying a bag and a cup of coffee.

It is amazing walking around the house with a filled bag enjoying yourself, and leaving little to no smell anywhere. I usually load around .3g in a bowl and start on 379, that will fill a turkey bag which gives me maybe 7-10 hits. I can do this again. Then grind the bud up, turn the heat up to 389, and get yet another full bag. Although it is possible to save bud with it, I find my self using it almost all day on my day offs because you just don't reach a peak, its like really good brownies that you keep eating. I haven't been able to make it through a game of sunday afternoon football yet without needing a nap:smoke:-basket

Damn Im sorry guys I really didn't mean to go on a rant about the cano in an iolite thread.(shows how strong the cano is) Just supporting my opinion that the effects of vaporizers are better(IMO) than smoking. After hearing all the positive talk about the iolite I am pretty sure that will be my next purchase.


i have had one for a year and a half. i put some bad butane in i guess. been trying to "clean it out" with the vector, but not much luck. i call it my 'iwontlite'...

Sour Deez

I opted for the Magic Flight Launch Box instead of the iolite when I was doing portable vape research, and wasn't that impressed with it. It's small and discreet but that means small hits. I get high but it's unsatisfying. Maybe I expect too much because I usually hit my vapor bros thru a glass on glass attachment into a bong. I love hitting a fat chamber of milky vapor.
Anyone know if Iolite gives bigger hits?

I also got the MFLB and love it for on the go. Getting your hitting technique is crucial for the MFLB, so it does have a little learning curve.. I can get some pretty thick clouds that its not so discret anymore lol but a full trench gets me plenty high.

Although i will say, my SSV seems to be way more satisfying.

Vaping also gets me way higher then smoking ever did, but sometimes going threw a whole vape session is tiresome and a quick bong hit is nice.


High Grade Specialist
do you mean "vaping just wont get you as high as you could by smoking it" just for the iolite or vaping in general?

if you mean in general i have to disagree strongly.

vaping (in my case with a volcano) gets me MUCH higher than any form of smoking i have tried over the years. it's not even close.

yup i have the volcano and agree. it gets me high as fuck!
i dont even smoke anymore, only volcano through the bong. its the best! i can run and catch the bus now without puffing and coughing. i took two puffs off a joint last night (first time in weeks) and it was plain nasty, i passed on the rest.

too bad the iolite doesnt hit me like the volcano does, i woud LOVE a portable vape as cool as the volcano. the iolite simply didnt do it for me though. im still wondering if i got a shitty model or sth since other ppl seem to like it.


Active member
I have had a Iolite for about a year. I bought for traveling and it gets the job done but doesn`t compare to a volcano. What it does work great for though is kief. Load that baby up with some nice kief and you will be steamrolling some nice vapor.

Peace, Afi

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