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anyone topdress organic dry nutes indoors and nothing else?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
I've been collecting a variety of forest leaf mulch, forest floor fungi (long strands of networks on the forest floor and underneath the root zone), and various peoples compost and plan on combining everything to make a diverse AACT.

cool, you might be better off with a BIM ( beneficial indigenous micro organisms) culture. it uses far less material for a stronger end culture. 6 bags is enough to brew up thousands of gallons of ACT. when a good BIM culture can make thousands of gallons of microbial culture with only a few handfuls of soil/forest duff.

Would the amount of each ingredient I put into the brew affect which microbials dominate the AACT, say if I wanted a bacterial (cow compost dominant) tea; use a ~65/35 bact/fungal ratio?

of course it would have an effect, every variable has an effect. your goal is overall diversity.

the rest is just too complicated. you dont need molasses, rare earth or floralicious (lol) for a guerilla grow. molasses will probably attract something that likes sweets.

your soil sounds fine. all i would do is apply one ACT batch preferably of homemade castings. then some BIM culture and plant away. use the mulch you collected as mulch.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
please forage/harvest/collect responsibly!

I cannot stress how important this is. Not only can you deplete forests of needed organic matter and fungi but you can unknowingly transplant the wrong type of microbe into a foreign environment where it can become harmful. If you are going to such efforts, it is better to manage your own nutrients on site [worm bins, compost piles, plant plants].

I drove through a farming community the other day where signs were posted to watch for pot growers dumping their used soil which has been causing various infections in farmer's fields. I'm not saying you folks are doing that but the microbial influx path can go both ways.


this is a great thread. lots of useful info in here. ive been topdressing with ewc and POM. seems like i should step it up


thanks for the info, never heard about BIM but it looks like it for me, very neat

i collected 1 bag from separate various locations as to not harm the wildlife; also dont want anything coming by seeing big scraps of land dug up and alerting potential enemies ;)


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Hello, I have 5 big plants (vegging for about 80 days now) that are about to enter flowering in 2 weeks from now. 3 are sitting in 20 gal pots, 2 are sitting In 15 gal pots.
Per 20 gal pot I mixed:

3 liters of Worm Humus (covering about 2 inches of the pot)

6 oz kelp meal

3oz tomato fertilizer

3 oz bat guano

3 oz neem meal

Per 15 gal pot, I want to top dress accordingly. Is it ok to topdress the soil with these quantities? I have noticed major yellowing in one of the plants (underwatering did not help them) and various deficiencies appearing on the other one (mostly looks like Mg deficiency)

Also want to apply ACT next time i water in combination with top dressing