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Anyone out there still spinning vinyl?


Crotchety Cabaholic
What's up fellow toker?

I was curious if anyone still enjoyed listening to their LPs and singles. I just picked up an Ortofon 30 stylus for my Dual 627Q which has been in mothballs since my ex tore the stylus off one night trying to play some Dead after too much drinking.

With the right setup, an analog LP sounds better, imho, than the compressed, drm laden bullshit the record companies and Apple want us to buy.

After setting up the turntable and getting everything balanced, I found I kinda missed the little pops and ticks found on LPs.

First album to see the new stylus: Zeppelin II. I'm making my way through the rest of the collection.

Lady Gaga fans need not reply. Not like you would know what a LP was anyway.



Active member
i have several records and keep a player around.

i like electronic music, i like to take samples of sounds and use those samples in creation of electronic music, i prefer if the samples originate from vinyl over cd or mp3 or anything else really, once i start changing the recorded sample and altering it i can tell a huge difference between a sample that originated from vinyl recording or some other method

sometimes i just like to put a record on and actually listen to the whole thing through, the beatles sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band is the last record i purchased, some dub reggae as well like vivan jackson/yabby you i play on vinyl

if i had some moneys to burn, i would like to invest in 2 technics 1200 mk2 turntables at the least, it's just fun mixing old disco records into new house records into breakbeats into whatever the heck else


i put myself through school in buffalo, with my crates of records and a pair of 1200's (technics). matchin beats and smokin grass


on special occasions in the booth, we'd make a ring of powder on the record label, spin the record, and whackerdoodle! lines aint always straight...


ICMag Donor
Hell yea I still got my record collection and definitely still got the 1200's! Got everything from Bob & the Whalers to Iron Maiden (awesome album art work) to the Beatles and the Doors to The Beastie Boys (love that record album photo!) and newer hip hip. Will always keep the vinyl collection!


Crotchety Cabaholic
Hey Dr.
I had to ask my son for my copy of Number of the Beast back. He was displaying the album in his room at my ex's. Agreed, some of the best art work out there.
Love Bob and the Wailers on Rastaman Vibration.


ICMag Donor
Listened to dark side of the moon last weekend on an old boys ancient hifi , unchanged since the 1980,s and was the best available at that time , quad valve amps and pre amps , electrostatic speakers and a glass platter weighing thirty pounds ect.

After a half hour to warm up and stabilise , the analogue LP sound was of stunning quality , the CD version was noticeably poorer to the ear in direct comparison , too clean and tinny.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
like I smoke...........Heavily and regularly!:jump:

I got hundreds of em and want hundreds more. Mostly old rock/blues/folk but some 80s punk and some rap mixed in too.

I would rather listen to vinyl any day of the week.


Listened to dark side of the moon last weekend on an old boys ancient hifi , unchanged since the 1980,s and was the best available at that time , quad valve amps and pre amps , electrostatic speakers and a glass platter weighing thirty pounds ect.

After a half hour to warm up and stabilise , the analogue LP sound was of stunning quality , the CD version was noticeably poorer to the ear in direct comparison , too clean and tinny.

great description foomar. vinyl has potential to create sound that cannot be matched. but if you grew up with scratchy old records and cardboard speakers, it was still magical. the smell of static for instance.


I still own all my old vinyl and a technics sl d2, but these days for simplicity's sake, its all on the pc in mp3 format which is wired to my ghetto blaster.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Once my stylus arrived I dug out my Discwasher and Zerostat.
Have you seen the price of a Zerostat today? Over a hundo for a new one, and used ones on feebay are going for $70.


my very first record player came in its own little plaid suitcase. and we'd get books with records for storytime. my mom is really oldfashioned, bet she's still got it


Crotchety Cabaholic
Mine was a 3 in 1 combo, with a AM/FM tuner, a 8-track player and a turntable with similarly crappy detachable speakers.


the prior owner of the home left the attic stocked, including a reel to reel recorder. she lost her son in Nam and was too heartbroken to pack his stuff. we used to pin on his medals up there and smash their old christmas bulbs. stupid little shits me and my brother were, prolly 5-8 years old


only a couple left

only a couple left

i gave all my albums to my children, but i kept 3, live adventures of al kooper and michael bloomfield, grand funk, survivor, and a old mahogany rush. I grew up on Bill Quarry venues in the S.F.,s East Bay When I turned 16 and could drive I started going weekly to winterland and on and on. My weed likes walter trout and joe bonamassa.


ICMag Donor
When CD,s appeared they were promoted as almost indestructible , thirty years on many of my early purchases have corroded and been scrapped or exchanged , vinyl from the 60,s is still as good as it was and will likely remain so for centuries with care.