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Anyone notice the overgrow vibe making an appearance at icmag?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I did explain what I was getting at. I even said that I understand that not everyone was an actual 100% english speaker. That would cover actually being in an english speaking country too.

Ppl tipe lik dis an itz fricken annoying

I was obviously talking about people that actually speak english. Doesn't matter what country they're in. People were complaining about stuff that bothered them, so I complained about something that bothered me. It has nothing to do with being better than anyone. I'm bugged by the fact that they sure aren't doing anything to improve the stoner stereotype.

....alright then I will make you the Moderator of the Bulgarian forum.....I can't do it....I have'nt got a clue....BTW who is 'they?'.......lol


Yeah, turn everything into a racial issue. I already said I understand that people that weren't raised speaking/writing english aren't going to be the easiest to understand.

My issue was with the obviously-english-taught (people from america for instance, go read the close calls/arrests thread for ten minutes)


Active member
i was an old school overgrow lurker; have a huge library of old posts and a nice copy of the growfaq thanks to usenet... this site has taken the mantle and run with it as far as i'm concerned... i just see it as picking up where overgrow left off in terms of knowledge and diy systems; thanks to this site i've got to play with 5gal biobuckets full of bright white roots; solved all my bug and environmental problems; and picked up some awesome genetics; not many other places one can chat with the breeders

like all forums the one where everyone is at is going to attract the trolls, i also think they come out in summertime maybe when they're out of continuation school or something; it's not hard to filter and ignore posts of those who bug you and if that's not enough then maybe you're part of the problem and not the solution; honey vinegar etc... do unto others... and so on

but i think it's just the heat bringing out the bad vibes

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah, turn everything into a racial issue. I already said I understand that people that weren't raised speaking/writing english aren't going to be the easiest to understand.

My issue was with the obviously-english-taught (people from america for instance, go read the close calls/arrests thread for ten minutes)

...racial issue?......sorry I just had the feeling that you might be able to communicate with the Bulgarian people and tell them about close calls/arrests....

...didn't mean to get ya all fired up....


Un - Retired,
Of corse there's an OG vibe here, where else would OG refugees have gone? Cannabis.com? Pfffff.

For the uninformed as I believe the question was asked: RC, Overgrow's head proprietor, allegedly was growing the ganjas (big surprise). The big mistake was growing of the ganjas in the same location as some of the servers that where home to OG. Servers that held the forums where located in Holland for the protection of the users but the rest of the site was split up between a server farm in Vancouver and a set of machines that RC ran himself up in Canada.

The authorities up there, being reasonable people, weren't particularly bothered with RC and his website but of course the good old US of A had to intervene with these 'evils abroad'. Adding to our long and illustrious history of sticking our goddamn noses where they don't belong the American CIA harassed the Canadian Mounted Police Force into busting RC. Presumably it took years, but those assholes have nothing better to do. Unable to find any real threats to America they decided to do what American authority always does when idle: go on a witch-hunt.

OG was such a huge, vibrant, active hotbed of common-sense and free-thinking that it made an obvious target for our puritanical overlords. Bringing OG down was like shooting fish in a barrel. No, scratch that, it was more like nuking tadpoles in a bucket! All of the 'evidence' was publicly available on the web. It was a case of maximum back-patting from their superiors for a minimum of effort on the part of the authority. This is how bureaucracy works!

Happily, those idiots don't realize what they are dealing with. They shut down OG and congratulated themselves for 'defeating' the supporters of the devil's weed. What they don't realize is that the millions of dollars and countless man-hours that went into shutting OG down made no real impact whatsoever! They looked at OG, a website, as a physical entity. They attacked it like they have attacked so many foreign sovereign nations not knowing that this strategy won't work in cyberspace. For all of their effort they where barely even able to inconvenience us cannabis cultivators, let alone actually make any kind of dent in our ranks. The futility of their actions is laughable.

The website domain Overgrow.com may be gone forever, but the community that it once housed will continue to thrive so long as the American Constitution holds fast. They might have claimed a small victory but there is nothing they can do to stop us from winning eventually. ICmag is now home to much of that community, and if it ever gets shut down we will just move to a different one.

We are anonymous

We are legion

We cannot be stopped!


just about every statement in this post is wrong, get your facts correct before you post


I like IC mag. Good vibe here. My only complaint would be that some people's signatures are completely out of control and that can make it hard to read the boards sometimes, but I guess life is to short to worry about such things.



Non Conformist
There are also a ton of borderline illiterates. I understand that some people weren't actually raised speaking english, or are having a hard time focusing on the keyboard, but come on.
Their stories/posts just make me sad for the future.

...and all lot of us think it's sad for a real member here to hide behind a fake name and account jus so they can be rudly judgemental of others. Food for thought... BC


I spent my teenage years in moms house with my mouth ajar looking at overgrow gardens. I was raised on that website.


OG was a legend but i'm sorry people it is dead....for awhile now.


all praises are due to the Most High
oldpink, hello man :)

has the real story of what happened to og and rc been out yet? i still do not know the facts from the myths.

thank you



Un - Retired,
paz theres a lot of myth & rumours about OG and very few know the truth
what I can say openly is the bust was due to seed sales nothing else
the OG servers are safe and intact
RC's trial was a few weeks back, last I know he was waiting on his sentence
due to the internet based business he was running he was forbidden to go on line so can't post
possible outcome was for him to get probation or a jail term of up to 5 years
once the trial is finished and sentence passed there will be more info but for now due to legal restrictions
it can't be made public as it could have consequenses on the sentencing
I thought something changed on OG, this feels safer like it once did. The old server is still accessible, I have not heard of anyone requesting permission to fire that old girl up. I don't see as much activity since OG, not as many show offs.


all praises are due to the Most High
thank you oldpink, that must help us all understand what really happened. it sucks, I wish RC all the best, he has to get the lightest sentence, , while corrupt politicians bleed the nations, some dude gets a sentence for selling seeds, this is ridiculous.

much peace


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Tolerance is the answer!!!

Tolerance is the answer!!!

Hey, Alaskan! Tolerance is the answer!!!

If you don't like reading shorthand English or whatever, don't pay any attention to it!

This is the INTERNATIONAL Cannagraphic, not the US Cannagraphic, and is especially not The ALASKAN Cannagraphic, we cater to all peoples and languages from around the world!

America does not OWN the planet. Americans don't get to decide what language people speak elsewhere... as a COURTESY many folks around the world spend a lot of time and effort learning OUR language so we can communicate with them.

I must ask Alaskan, how many languages do you speak? How many countries have you visited? How many states in the US have you been to? Have you ever been outside of Alaska or where ever you call home?

PS - one of the beautiful things about any language is it's ability to change with the times, add new words, and expand. Languages that don't, well they get spoken less and less every day. An example would be the rigid languages of French and/or Dutch, which are disappearing from the planet at an extremely fast rate in comparison to other languages...

IMHO the International Cannagraphic serves ALL of the cannabis community worldwide, and we need to tolerate all different levels of language skills and just communicate! That's what this place is about...

Peaceful communications lead to a stronger community, a community of cannabis lovers all lending a hand to each other, not tearing them apart for poor spelling or language skills.

So let's all smoke some bud and chill!


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