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Anyone notice the overgrow vibe making an appearance at icmag?


I never heard what happened to og. Lost internet service for a few months, and when I came back it was gone without a trace.

Is it a no-no to discuss around here or are people sick of talking about by now or what?


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
of coarse the og vibe is going to rear its friendly head. a huge percentage of us are OG ex-pats so naturally it is bound to show through. i really appreciate IC MAG but the fact of the matter is OG spoon fed me into the master gardener that i am today and that is something i cant ever forget or stop paying homage to. i have always loved weed on a level i cant put into words and OG promoted me from a complete layman into someone that understands the plant on an intricate level. there is simply no way i would have ever been able to progress my relationship to the level it is at today without OG. before i found OG i dabbled with growing with almost no understanding even though i had 3-4 books on growing that i had red cover to cover numerous times. not everyone can learn from reading. i am a hands on kinda guy and OGs tutorials and such totaly put things into perspective for me. thanks everyone that made og what it was.and especially thanks to richard calrisiane(sp?) who payed the ultimate price for our benefit.
Overgrow, ahh... While i wasn't growin yet back in those days, They started the foundation of my quest for knowledge about our beloved MJ plant.

I gues you could say i'm a hybrid of sorts. Overgrow Born. ICmag Raised.

Muahahaha. That's just what it is.

I never will forget the endless articles on overgrow however.

There will always be an overgrow vibe amongst us as alot are Ex OG.



Original Editor of ICMagazine
I wonder what percentage of us were at OG during the day? Seems like a lot of us!
But then again, OG went down just as ICMag was taking off, and Gypsy's natural charm was seemingly irresistable to folks wanting a grow community online...

Thanks again to Gypsy Nirvana for supporting this site for years, to Skip for creating the site and now maintaining it and growing it into the future, and my hat is off to all the mods and supermods who run the place on a daily basis.

From my perspective a lot of hard work and beaucoup $$$ have made this site a success...from bandwidth to software and more, these sites cost money to run! And it ain't cheap...believe me!


Non Conformist
Different channel, same show, One Love!.... I think the vibe is alil better here, more laid back. They won't put up with as much trolling and childish bullshit. And that's a good thing.....lol BC


Big Amen to that. I came for the information but stayed for the mostly excellent company.
Learn to grow from folks who know and enjoy serious and not so serious dicussions. Kind of like those old smokin circles of yesteryear as different people would drift in and out.
Good tokes with good folks

Thanks GN and Company , For all you do ...this buds for you.


of course the OG vibe will come through as most of us are refugees. i know if it werent for OG id still be thinkin wtf is a ppm and ec or gpw.


I do not understand the OP's question.

Overgrow made me. Overgrow was the EDGE.

IC is awesome. I see no negatives about either.



I haven't noticed it. But then again, nobody has tried to sell me exstasy via pm yet.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Overgrow born and raised here...shit when i joined overgrow i was underage...stayed there for 5 years atleast. But yeah the vibe is the same here pretty much. Overgrow got shitty in the last days. It was so popular that many first time growers joined and not many of them had manners. That and the old timers leaving. But IC took us in and we are grateful. Gypsy always treated us well and was our spiritual leader even back on OG. I always saw gypsy as more of a leader than RC...well guess that vibe was right huh ? :D


Active member
they are both awsome in their own way.this site is evolving all the time,i loved og but it aint coming back. id like to see some of those things here like grow faq's and mabey some cover stories like they used to have like the bubble bags and visiting swiss greenhouses ect...and i dont mind all the old OGer's chiming in,at all.


The only difference I've noticed is there are tons of racists here. I try to ignore them, but it's hard sometimes. Racism pisses me off, especially in the cannabis community (which I always assumed was open-minded). It makes no sense at all.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
The only difference I've noticed is there are tons of racists here. I try to ignore them, but it's hard sometimes. Racism pisses me off, especially in the cannabis community (which I always assumed was open-minded). It makes no sense at all.

Yeah, I got labeled "green" the other day because I recycled some cans, fuckin A, Icmag gets me soo mad!


There are also a ton of borderline illiterates. I understand that some people weren't actually raised speaking english, or are having a hard time focusing on the keyboard, but come on.
Their stories/posts just make me sad for the future.


New member
i come from overgrow

i miss that site

i had so many grow journals that i lost
because that was the only copy of pix that i had

i would delete them from my computer once i uploaded them

i learned alot about growing from that site.

R.I.P OverGrow


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
The only difference I've noticed is there are tons of racists here. I try to ignore them, but it's hard sometimes. Racism pisses me off, especially in the cannabis community (which I always assumed was open-minded). It makes no sense at all.

I see a lot of racism here, certain political beliefs are always labled as racism as a last resort argument by the weak minded.:2cents: