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Anyone Here Concerned About Drones?



Once they get trained flying monkeys with video cameras we're screwed.

It's all good. Here in Australia we have highly trained koalas skilled in flying anti-monkeydrone stealth boomerangs. Good for the environment too ;)


New member
I never had fly overs... soon as I purchased seeds online.. I had fly overs........... could be luck of the draw... but i doubt it

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
There was a young grower named Malone

Who lived every day in fear of a drone

He’d look up in the sky, at even a dragon fly

When the wind in the trees would moan


Well-known member
is this end to hobby growing ?? Cause I am aware that there exist drones which can detect the smell of the cannabis plant.


Stupid fuckers...and they say we're broke!! Wonder the fuck why? Too fucking many toys?


Luckily, my little grow will be in a legal State this year. I can't tell you how many years of my life have been shaved off, due to aircraft. I've been terrified, at times, by helicopters and planes and they're fairly effective in spotting grows. Now we have Drones!

I can't imagine how much this will change the game. Just wondering if anyone in non-medical states feel about Drones watching our every move. I read an article last night that claimed by 2050, the entire Country will be under ''Total Surveillance'' meaning that our every word, spoken or written, will be accessible and every move will be watched. This was from a good source and anyone paying attention knows we're already halfway there.

look at the facts.. all these things happening all over the country.. just getting the public scared enough to beg for cameras EVERYWERE in the country.. ..

its just scary that people in this country.. are like that affraid that there willing to give up all there rights .. to a government that hasnt been known for caring about the MIDDLECLASS.. or anyone below that line.. we help people in third world countrys .. before we help our own people?

first its going to be. if u wana smoke.. and think with ur brain.. we will take away ur weapons so wen u realize wats going on u cannot try to fight back.. its wierd that people dont see this?

people dont realize its all used to make us give up our right without a fight. scare us into needing the army and country to protect us ..


Well-known member
I ´am not from the US, but have seen your news lately, and I think it is difficult to seperate right / "left " propaganda. Isen´t you media own by a handfull of big "concerns" or what is the word... But anyway it seems like this willingsness to give up your right as humans is a lill almost non exsiting, and it is spreading worldwide, ( not that it is your fault!!). Just look at the Monsanto act. that was passed lately, I cannot understand why there isen´t already mega demos, or militia oprising.. I thought you guys would fight for your constitution...


Active member
GOOD NEWS FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The privacy issue prevailed i knew it haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa!!
I heard they are developing technology that combines bees with RFID units to detect canna grows. They are already starting to use bees to detect drugs and bombs at airports (it's in the development stage but they have proof of concept units working). If they started using that i fear it would be devastating.


cant re Member
I heard they are developing technology that combines bees with RFID units to detect canna grows. They are already starting to use bees to detect drugs and bombs at airports (it's in the development stage but they have proof of concept units working). If they started using that i fear it would be devastating.

yup bees are great for finding drugs. especially cavity searches. no gloves needed!


Well-known member
it dosen´t surprise me at all. Well better get a drone jammer and som hi-tec gear that can shot out a deadly freq hehe.


Well-known member
Nice, but I couldn´t figure out when he was talking about the drones, could you point it out ?

Best vibes.


Active member
not at all . hell they don't have the man power for all the crops they find now by helicopter. so they might know about more using the drones but no guys to go chop it down. HA HA THERE ARE JUST TO MANY OF US NOW.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
With recent advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology, which include night vision and GPS-based auto-pilots that guide the bird along a series of pre-programmed waypoints, your average Joe Ripper, who owns a hexa-copter with mounted video camera, probably poses more of a threat to weed growers than does Uncle Sam's fleet of crime-prevention drones.

Some of the footage on Youtube, made by hobbyists flying multi-rotor FPV copters, is truly amazing, as those remote control birds can zip in between trees and under obstacles with uncanny precision, while the "pilot" sits on a park bench, recording all that his bird sees along the way, day or night.

It is only a matter of time before some evil genius rigs up a drone with servos to actuate a sharp cutting tool, so the bird can hover over ripe buds and air-lift a few skyward, after some snips of the cutter, working in smooth coordination with a servo-powered bud grabber also hanging below the 'copter.

We have indeed entered the time of airborne mechanical vermin, since all the know-how and the hardware are in existence.

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