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Anyone Here A Mason?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Im Currently A "Knocker"...

Been Hanging With The Brotherhood The Last Few Months. GREAT Bunch Of Guys I Must Say...

They Can PARTY, drink me under the table....


Active member
Practicing yes, card carrying, no. I'm American first. My only allegiance is family and the state.

Natural law and the craft are one thing, but subversive hereditary organizations within the States, I'm not good with. Having said that, some of the best advice I've received has been from a 97 year old cousin, an eastern star. Advice founded in love. And having said that, mystical jews and european spies should go see moloch.

My grandfather's brother made good business connections, but he also said it was the faggiest thing he's ever been a part of. He was one of those die with your boots on kind of guys, not much of a metaphysician.

Do what your heart tells you. Focus on the non-physical. You'll learn the natural laws of the ancient world. Or maybe you won't. My co worker had been a Rainbow and knows absolutely nothing at this point. She's still adjusting to the scope of the world around her.

And finally, find something you enjoy and apply your magic to it. Yes, it's real, but you have to study it for yourself and experience the transformation. If strange things are too strange for you, stick with the social aspects.

Red Fang

Active member
I thought these guys were described in other threads here as some evil illuminati that controlled the world for millenia and out to tighten their grip. Who they REALLY are I would like to know. Someone is trying to get my brother to join, but my brother thinks it's a "Boy Scouts for grown men". Are those the guys that wear silly antlers on their head or something? sorry, I really don't know much but would like to, out of curiosity, not interested in joining.


Active member
Freemasonry was subverted and ruined long ago. There is the royal Egyptian college aspect of it, which is great. Astrology, Harmony, Rhetoric, Cryptography and more... The magic and majik aspect, which can be wonderful or fatal. And the hereditary aspect, which has been ruined by the Crown, the Cross, the Banks and Nations.

Watch the Magical Egypt series by John Anthony West if you want to go deeper. It's on youtube.


To Have More ... Desire Less
my uncle past away last year... he was of the 31st power... masonic lodge no 2
Nacogdoches, TX.... never got he's ring... it's still w/ my aunt

Harry Lime

Active member
Maybe it's different stateside but in the UK Masons are socially challenged, no mates kinda pussies who band together to fuck others over without consequences. We tend to spit on 'em when we realise they're Masons.


Active member
my uncle past away last year... he was of the 31st power... masonic lodge no 2
Nacogdoches, TX.... never got he's ring... it's still w/ my aunt

The old Eastern Star left me her mirror. Being that she wouldn't ship it, I had to go to the deep south to pick it up. She passed before I could make the trip. It would have been cool to have, it was over 100 years old.


I thought this thread was about stonework???? I'm not much of a joiner.............btw I need a good mason cause I live on a very steep hill and my retaining walls are On the way down.....


Active member
krunch is in a position to really change things. sell every mason a vape pen and they can change their logo a little


tell me the world wouldn't be a happier place:ying:


What were we talking about?
I saw this tread title and this immediately came to mind:

I looked at him in surprise. He repeated the movement --a grotesque one.

"You do not comprehend?" he said.

"Not I," I replied.

"Then you are not of the brotherhood."


"You are not of the masons."

"Yes, yes," I said; "yes, yes."

"You? Impossible! A mason?"

"A mason," I replied.

"A sign," he said, "a sign."

"It is this," I answered, producing from beneath the folds of my roquelaire a trowel.

~ The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe


Active member
I am sure by now you have given them a full blown broad mite infestation Krunchbubble. That is what you are famous for now. You knew those GSC cuts were infested with them too.


I love my life
Im Currently A "Knocker"...

Been Hanging With The Brotherhood The Last Few Months. GREAT Bunch Of Guys I Must Say...

They Can PARTY, drink me under the table....

We needed someone to wake the trolls! :thank you:

I might know a crew that could party just as hard as the masons....

Keep kicking ass.



Active member
My buddys joined but I'm the fucking captain of the ship . They try to recruit me per say but I'm to independent to wanna be a part of any group . Reading the New World Order didn't help . There a watered down bunch but it has its benefits . And yes parties are off the chain , evryday is kickn it time at some point .

Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
Oh, the synchronicity....


A shouting stenographer was removed from the House floor as lawmakers voted on a deal to reopen the government and avoid a debt crisis.

The stenographer began shouting as the the House approved the number of votes needed to pass the bill. According to reporters, she was yelling about God and Freemasons

There is a video of the incident, unfortunately with crappy audio, on the link above...scroll down to bottom.