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Anyone ever had any mail intercepted by Aust Post?


Doing what we do because we are who we are
I have also been told " dont touch the dog.... i said dont touch the fucking dog" go figure...

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
LOL Pat the dog, HC don't do that mate the frackers always told me to not touch their dog and if I did they could charge me, guess they didn't like the looks of me :bigeye:

These dudes didn't seem to mind people patting their dog. There were kids coming up to it and the dog seemed to love the attention. The police were just smiling...maybe it was a dog training thing.


im wondering if its the same situation with you - theyve intercepted, but they were too small quantities for them to be bothered with?

i'm just guessing here tho

I think they would have to have a bit more than a couple packs off seeds to be bothered my self +you have plausible deniability ,so what if a few seed arrive in the mail doesn't mean that you ordered them or had any thing to do with it a t all,if it worked like that I would be ordering Barry O Farrell (NSW Premier) pack's off seeds cheap one's off course ..I had some African Artifact have trouble years ago come to think off it ,a few piece's were saw in half and a letter explaining that one of the piece's contained prohibited animal matter and was confiscated


Lost one order. A couple of hundered beans. Went a bit crazy drunk one night and just ordered and ordered. Nothing came of it. Not even sure if it was sent as a few people claimed they didnt get there order at the same time (xmas)

Had a thank you letter sent from a friend overseas for letting them stay at my place and taking them up to Byron Bay for a week. Just a letter, however customs opened it and resealed it with a sticker saying that they had checked it. Get plenty of packages from over seas fishing equipment, books, tshirts etc nothing gets opened but this letter.
I have had bud and hash confiscated in the post before. It was quite a few years back now. I got a letter from customs people saying they had confiscated the illegal goods, they had a telephone number if I wished to contact them to claim the goods. Seriously how fucking stupid do they think we are??


I have had bud and hash confiscated in the post before. It was quite a few years back now. I got a letter from customs people saying they had confiscated the illegal goods, they had a telephone number if I wished to contact them to claim the goods. Seriously how fucking stupid do they think we are??

*riiing riiing... riiing riiiing*
"Hello, Australian Customs & Quarantine, how may I help you?"
"Yeah g'day, i got a letter in the mail saying that you'd confiscated two ounces of Sour Diesel buds i ordered from a mate in America, how do I go about getting those?"


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Someone stupid enough to ever make that call please can they tape it or video it with audio from customs on the other line :bigeye:


Sativa King, what quantity did they seize?
I wonder if they have a limit... ie "5gms or less, just send them a letter" kinda thing


New member
In the sunshine state 21 seeds confiscated by customs resulted in a visit by about 12 feds and a dog. They went away empty handed. About 8 weeks later there was a follow up visit, another 12 plus dog from, would you believe, the local major crimes unit. In the deep north police state it appears they take these things quite seriously.

hard rain

In the sunshine state 21 seeds confiscated by customs resulted in a visit by about 12 feds and a dog. They went away empty handed. About 8 weeks later there was a follow up visit, another 12 plus dog from, would you believe, the local major crimes unit. In the deep north police state it appears they take these things quite seriously.
Find this a little hard to believe, even in Queensland.:tumbleweed:


New member
Hi hard rain. I can understand your reluctance to believe this, I found it a little hard to believe while watching it happen. No disrespect intended, beliefs are not always founded on fact. I still laugh at the memory of the locals introducing themselves as the major crimes unit! They were polite but quite thorough. The warrant included knocking down walls and digging up the yard, which they said they would only do if they deemed it necessary. I only posted to warn people.


Hi hard rain. I can understand your reluctance to believe this, I found it a little hard to believe while watching it happen. No disrespect intended, beliefs are not always founded on fact. I still laugh at the memory of the locals introducing themselves as the major crimes unit! They were polite but quite thorough. The warrant included knocking down walls and digging up the yard, which they said they would only do if they deemed it necessary. I only posted to warn people.

And so what was the final result.

Where you charged?

Fake name i take it, with no plants growing, have you had a order since or other mail intercepted and opened by customs. 21 seeds is a funny number. what country did they come from if you dont mind me asking?


New member
Hi Terroir, final result was no charge. Never admit to anything. I get mail from Nepal occasionally, every letter since has been opened by customs even Xmas cards. None were opened before then. I suspect I'm on a list somewhere. It was 21 seeds because 1 was a free seed, some stupid thing that would grow about 6in tall here. They came from G.B. I'm really paranoid now.

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