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Anyone ever had any mail intercepted by Aust Post?


Just wondering if anybody has ever had anything intercepted by Australia Post, and if so what happened?

The only thing ive ever had intercepted in the mail was a DVD that is a bit controversial but i wouldnt have thought would be illegal ... I just got a letter in the mail basically saying the DVD was illegal here, and that if I had a special permit to import it to send it to some address, otherwise the item would be destroyed in xx days.

But im curious if the same would happen if cannabis was intercepted in the mail. Even if it was addressed to my address with my name on it how could they prove I had ordered it and wasn't say being set-up by an enemy? Would they come and seize my computers etc over 28gms of pot in the mail?
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Never had any domestic mail intercepted when sending/receiving buds, hash or seeds.


Likewise, ive received plenty of seeds over the years, also hash and buds a few times, but the DVD was the only thing intercepted... my guess is they saw from an initial scan that it was a DVD (pretty easy object to make out!) and opened it to check it wasnt extreme stuff like kiddy porn


Doing what we do because we are who we are
yes but it had nothing to do with MJ, ending up getting CBO, ICO running concurrent for 24 months... not to bad considering i could have gotten some serious time over it... body building is a crazy life style ;)


forgive my ignorance shroomy but whats CBO, ICO ... ?
and did you just get a letter in the mail about it, or what exactly happened?


Doing what we do because we are who we are
CBO = community bassed ored and an ICO = intensive corrections order

they are the basical like serving time but you are not going to jail you are still in the community kinda like a house arrest but not quite... you got to check in every day at a police station and corrections office and subject to random drug tests.. also cant leave the state with out written consent from the corrections office.

I got a letter in the mail warning me of the first find but had many many more on the way... house was raided a few days later and yeah what can i say... I learnt a very valuable lesson...

I have had friends in the same boat who have only done it once but got caught and all that happened was that customs/AFP came the property the item was ment to be delivered to after it has been delivered to of course and said they had a warrent to search the property for "said" item... in the paper work it said it was called a "controlled delivery"

its not nice having you house torn apart but some smart arse mother fucker who is making smart arse remarks about everything he comes across... you just wanna drop him where he stands.. but at the end of the day if they caught you.. its your fault not there's for doing there job...


were you importing a big amount relatively speaking of whatever it was you ordered, or was it just a tiny amount?


Doing what we do because we are who we are
originally it was for personal use but when other started asking can they grab some off you it kinda snow balled.... thats not to say that getting it for personal use use not safe as it was.... but when you got from x amount to 50 x the personal amount it became a bit of a gamble... and to be honest after the first one made it through i was just waiting for the knock at the door... people need to understand if you are going to order anything illegal do it for your self and nobody else.... cause in the end they will want nothing to do with you when the LE come a knocking... im just glad i had just met a new girl at the time that helped me out and taught me not everything is about having the perfect body and lost of money....


thanks mate, really appreciate your feedback and thoughts as somebody who's experienced what hopefully none of us have to! :)

Anybody else with any experiences? :)


I have had seeds not make it from Holland a couple of times, but i never heard anything about them?

I have read that i should have got a note with the opened envelope, but i didn't?

I guess seeds just get incinerated?


Bubble: yeah, mail from Netherlands seems to get scrutinized a bit more ... im assuming they were all for very small amounts?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Have had several packs go missing from the post all around the same time of ordering, but didn't get no opened letters with customs stickers on them in the PO Box, just nothing at all.
Gave up on ordering seeds for over a year then tried again not so long ago to the same box and all good :D


Bubble: maybe for small amounts (say 2gms of hash for example) they just discard it without bothering to contact you or investigate further, i mean they do have a lot of mail to get through!!

im wondering if its the same situation with you - theyve intercepted, but they were too small quantities for them to be bothered with?

i'm just guessing here tho


I think hash or drugs through the mail is a much more dangerous/ illegal thing to do. I don't think seeds are illegal everywhere?

Plus it would be a lot easier to detect from smell, i would imagine?
If they had a sniffer dog wandering around, i think it would be able to smell it, even if it was a small amount.

On Mythbusters a sniffer dog found a small envelope of something that had been well hidden in a warehouse amongst coffee and other things. It was unbeleiveable. :)


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Could be the case bro, I wouldn't trust the bastards though, the pricks get bored from time to time.
Also my po box is not connected to me in the slightest and once the I knew the packs weren't showing up, I stopped checking and I only went back there once every 6mths :D
It pays to create the biggest cop free buffer zone as possible in this draconian island we live on :D

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I think hash or drugs through the mail is a much more dangerous/ illegal thing to do. I don't think seeds are illegal everywhere?

Plus it would be a lot easier to detect from smell, i would imagine?
If they had a sniffer dog wandering around, i think it would be able to smell it, even if it was a small amount.

On Mythbusters a sniffer dog found a small envelope of something that had been well hidden in a warehouse amongst coffee and other things. It was unbeleiveable. :)

I was at Perth domestic airport recently coming back from work. There was a Federal Police dog doing the rounds of flights coming back from the mines. It was a cute little thing and I felt like giving it a pat.

But paranoia got the better of me even though I had nothing on me. However I did have a jar of coffee which has in the past been used as a masking agent for cocaine and these dogs are trained to detect these smells.

OK so don't pat the dog. I sat back at a bar and had a beer. It was funny to watch when it wagged it's tail and sat down. Another Federal Police officer would turn up and the poor buggar with the luggage had to go through an embarassing short search of the luggage. Nothing was found and they were on their way.

It was a great dog...I still want to give it a pat one day...when I don't have coffee with me.
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
LOL Pat the dog, HC don't do that mate the frackers always told me to not touch their dog and if I did they could charge me, guess they didn't like the looks of me :bigeye: