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Anyone else got royal blood?



Why are you mentioning this? Are you thinking I wouldn't already know this?

yep, how am I to know what you know ?

I was sharing information, I am sure you can figure out why, but if you are not sure, I would say it's for everyone's benefit

I'd really like to know why you feel the need to be so hostile/arrogant ? (Not towards me, but towards others)

be kind to the unkind, they are the ones who need it the most.
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Active member
Maybe I just can't understand you and how you think. I really don't understand why you would think I don't know about Asperger's Syndrome. If I didn't know about Asperger's, what business would I have diagnosing myself with CAPD? From my viewpoint, if I'm going to go around telling people I'm autistic and have a specific disorder called CAPD.....wouldn't I make 100% sure I'm right first, by doing my research, instead of later finding out I'm wrong and feeling/looking like a moron?

Isn't this the way everyone thinks, or am I just a total freak of nature?

So anyone trying to argue with me over the Internet about something I know for a fact about my own self, and which I've stated and explained multiple times is a fact, is just plain insulting. Don't people sometimes feel a bit miffed when someone implies they are lying or stupid? Especially when this is a recurring theme for one's entire life?

It's like if I posted on a car forum trying to diagnose a no start condition, and someone chimes in and asks "is it out of gas?" Well yeah.....that could be the problem....but wouldn't I be a fucking moron if it was?

Do you understand my response better now?


Active member
Another trend that pisses me off longears (so dont take all this venom personally like it's all personally directed at you, cause it's not) is how it seems like every fucking thread I start on this forum lasts right until the circus of morons finds their way in and wrecks it. I wish for one goddamn minute we could have a happy upbeat thread where people post interesting stories and tales of their families, without a bunch of haters and bitches jumping in with their worthless comments to drag it off track. But no, we can't have that.

Fuck this thread, its done. Thanks to those who chimed in

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah looked like ginger knew her shit lol .. and as far as the doc's knowing their shit I THINK NOT, Ginger is right... the doc's know fuck all they are a bunch of pill pushers and assholes .. If you haven't met them yet? Ask their ancestors , there the ones with all the money..headband 707
But keep in mind though that you might have gained something from it....there are tradeoffs in everything. I think that's what autism pretty much is, at least the genetic version: a tradeoff that went too far.

Absolutely have gained, the downside was that 'conventional' teaching was inadequate to recognize,or adapt...On second thought, not really a downside when all the positives are added up.Fuck conventional teaching anyway...it's all brainwashing.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Cool.....tell me again why I'm concerned what some random Internet stranger imagines me to be based on her own son, who is a completely different person descended from a completely different family with different traits and characteristics? Again, regarding mainstream medical opinion, how can I take seriously the opinions of people who are working pretty much at the bear skin and stone axe level of development?

Modern psychology (like 99% of humanity) doesn't really know half of jack shit, and less than a quarter of what they imagine themselves to know. I mean, here we are living in a society where cannabis is still in 2012 illegal with "no medical use", and you want to tell me this country is full of enlightened forward thinking individuals who are really on the cutting edge of figuring this whole autism thing out? Can't even cure the goddamn common cold but self-proclaimed "experts" opinions on autism should be trusted as gospel?

Truth is, modern medical science doesn't have a fucking clue what causes autism. There's no consensus at all. That's why it's such a mystery with all these rumors and conspiracy theories flying around. So don't sit here and act like a man with a 150+ IQ who's put a lot of thought into it can't have an opinion that's just as good if not better than anyone else's. I'm not asking you to believe me. I don't care one way or another.

Right, and my life was a cakewalk. I didn't spend my entire childhood on the verge of suicide, hating my life largely because of the conflict caused by being different from anyone around me, including my dad who could never understand how I think. I'm telling you, I am autistic.

Sorry you can't accept that, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. I've spent my entire life being not understood or believed. Fuck em all because the proof is in the pudding.

You really should stop touting that 150 IQ, it makes you appear more stupid then sopmeone with a 150 IQ should be. Especially since even people with an IQ of 100 or less know that a high IQ doesn't always mean the person with it is educated or "book smart". All it really means is you have the ability to learn and grasp conepts easier then others. I mean I have an IQ of 164 but I don't go around acting like I can't be wrong about something because I have such a high IQ.

Sure modern medicine isn't as advanced as one might expect for this day and age but I'd still be more inclined to go with the conclusions of people that have actually studied something enough to design tests for it, over someone with a 150 IQ who has just spent alot of time thinking about it. Especially when it seems like most of what that thinking has produced is why they should disregard the conclusions of people who've dedicated thier lives and careers to studying what their conclusions are about.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Maybe I just can't understand you and how you think. I really don't understand why you would think I don't know about Asperger's Syndrome. If I didn't know about Asperger's, what business would I have diagnosing myself with CAPD? From my viewpoint, if I'm going to go around telling people I'm autistic and have a specific disorder called CAPD.....wouldn't I make 100% sure I'm right first, by doing my research, instead of later finding out I'm wrong and feeling/looking like a moron?

Isn't this the way everyone thinks, or am I just a total freak of nature?

So anyone trying to argue with me over the Internet about something I know for a fact about my own self, and which I've stated and explained multiple times is a fact, is just plain insulting. Don't people sometimes feel a bit miffed when someone implies they are lying or stupid? Especially when this is a recurring theme for one's entire life?

It's like if I posted on a car forum trying to diagnose a no start condition, and someone chimes in and asks "is it out of gas?" Well yeah.....that could be the problem....but wouldn't I be a fucking moron if it was?

Do you understand my response better now?

Wow a 150 IQ and you don't know that everyone is different and therefore you can't assume that people would automatically conclude you made sure you were 100% right about something you said? I mean clearly on this forum people say things at times or even all the time based on nothing but personal opinion. So much so that it would be foolish to think everyone has made sure they were right about what they said before they said it. I mean how are we supposed to know you aren't a moron? Because you said so? Because you claim to have a 150 IQ? :rolleyes:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Another trend that pisses me off longears (so dont take all this venom personally like it's all personally directed at you, cause it's not) is how it seems like every fucking thread I start on this forum lasts right until the circus of morons finds their way in and wrecks it. I wish for one goddamn minute we could have a happy upbeat thread where people post interesting stories and tales of their families, without a bunch of haters and bitches jumping in with their worthless comments to drag it off track. But no, we can't have that.

Fuck this thread, its done. Thanks to those who chimed in

Yeah it's especially hard when the thread starter makes comments like he/she thinks he's/she's better or smarter then everyone else. Have you ever considered it's the things you say or how you say things that brings on this "circus of morons" as you put it? I mean right there you've just decided everyone saying something you don't like is a moron trying to ruin your thread. Based on your responses to her I'd have to say you would include Seamaiden in that "circus". Yet when I read Seamaiden's post I see a mother of an autistic child who is somewhat insulted by this person claiming to have a 150 IQ who pisses all over what people who have dedicated their careers to studying have concluded. That's probably too difficult for you to understand though in spite of your 150 IQ so let me dumb it down for you. She didn't come in here to disrupt or ruin your thread. She posted what she did because she felt your self diagnosis might be flawed and if you weren't such a condescending prick you might have even noticed she was trying to be helpful. It's a shame your 150 IQ doesn't give you a better sense of tact because then rather then being condescending and rude you could have simply said, "Thanks for your concern Seamaiden but I've researched things quite thoroughly and am confident in my self diagnosis."


Active member
didnt mean to say i... meant to say IT. If you read what we were talking about, it was pshychiatrists vs pshychologists.
I would never wanna fuck with your brain, youre nuts, and not in the autistic way.

I was simply trying to help you, by pointing out that you need a medical evaluation. by someone, whom hasnt spent 30 years studying themselves, but 20 years studying thousands of cases, and also doing independent, published reasearch.

Your ignorance is part of your battle. best of luck.

Max Yields

Active member
Not sure about if I come from royal descent, but now I want to find out more about my family tree's roots.
One thing is for sure...I will ALWAYS protect my family jewels.:biggrin::dueling:


Now stop dragging this thread off track with this dumb bullshit, please. Some of us are actually interested in reading the interesting stories people want to post, not arguing with assholes from the peanut gallery who always have to throw in their goddamn 1 or 2 cents opinion, whether its worth that or not.

Thread derailed.jpg

Here's what you need. Take it, use it for these kinds of situations. Saves a bunch of typing.

Green lung

Active member

I may have a shopkeeper down line somewhere, that may be my most prestigious ancestor. lol

I come from a long line of farmers. As i believe most people do.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
So i did some looking into things, and guess who I'm related to?


We're all cousins!

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