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CO2 in a grow tent



I am considering buying a 4'x4'x6.5' Secret Jardin Grow Tent.

I would like to add supplemental CO2 via compressed canister.

My question is this...is this too small of an enviorment to use

CO2? If not whats the best way to control the CO2 since its not

a sealed enviorment?


as far as i remember breeders like BOG would use 2 canisters a day for supplemental co2 but I can't see this being very effective. I would also like to hear what other people think


Active member
^^^^^ i agree. i use a grenair lp . same size grow. check my albums. propane is cheaper if you can handle the temps. only run 2 min or so to reach 1500ppm

lost in a sea

I am considering buying a 4'x4'x6.5' Secret Jardin Grow Tent.

I would like to add supplemental CO2 via compressed canister.

My question is this...is this too small of an enviorment to use

CO2? If not whats the best way to control the CO2 since its not

a sealed enviorment?

there is no space too small...but suplimenting using small canisters in a tyre inflator is a bit hit and miss, the biggest problem is the fact that it doesnt take long for the co2 to get drunk up or just dissipate..

to see decent results you need to use a proper controller and regulator on large bottles.....these release the co2 every 10-15 mins and are adjustable for areas from 1m x 1m to 300 x 300 to get the amount just right...you can also just turn them up on to a bigger area to compensate for a leaky box..

its a more worthwile investment that the secret jardin box, i would just buy a cheaper plastic framed box, wrapped in mylar and a co2 controller if i were you...


I would imagine that a tent wouldn't be very good for co2, as it's not sealed. I grow in tents, and love them, but they are fabric afterall, and have zippers.


I used a 20 lb tank with a regulator, hooked up to a cycle timer which was then hooked up to a CAP control panel w/ a photo sensor. This was in a 4x8 tent. I had no way of knowing what the CO2 levels were without a CO2 sensor/controller. Which was extremely frustrating. The cycle time was also difficult to set accurately, depending on the desired settings. I had one tank last me a couple weeks and then I turned the frequency up a tiny bit and the next day the tank went from 3/4 to 0.

If you do some searching you can find a CO2 sensor/controller combo that will hook up to a regulator for about $370. Which is a lot cheaper than most of the ones out there. I wouldn't waste your time/money on CO2 until you can afford that. Of course don't forget $130ish for a regulator and around here a tank is another $80. $16 to refill. Not to mention, it's really not worth it without sealed+a/c. For a tent that size all you'd need is a little 3800btu a/c which you might find for under $100, then duct it to your tent.

Either way, I've wasted too much time and money with CO2. It's an all or nothing sort of thing.

nice insight.

I was kind of debating about slicing up my tent a bit and retro fitting in an ac on a 2x4 stand . The tents are pretty damn air tight if all the vents are closed and all. so with the addition of an ac then you could run co2 but all in all its going to cost at least $400.

not sure if its really all that worth it.


You will get 25-30% increase in yield,but it has to be on a controller.Uncontrolled co2 gives normal harvests.A cyclestat or equivalent is not a controller.


Thanks for the input everyone :) going back to the drawing board

once again...


I run coco containers, sitting on a flood tables, remotely plumbed outside the tents. I use Homebox 4x4's. I wanted to run a CO2 tank in one tent, and I tried to 'seal' the light (ducting from tent intake, to sealed relfector, ducting to outtake; all taped up). After a day, or two, there was dew on the walls, and the humidity was >75%.
I removed some tape and the 'seal' wasnt exactly so tight. I kept running the CO2 tank, but im not sure it wasnt just getting sucked out (and not convinced the added CO2 had any effect; it only ran in one tent).


Gonna go with a Sentinal CHHC CO2 controller...that should help

reach my end goal :smokeit:


Yea i used one of those in a 4k room and it worked wonders, another buddy of mine used one in a 4k tent with co2 and had mixed ideas about his results. he also had a portable ac inside the tent.

you might be wasting you time and might be better off saving money and building a sealed box type small room


New member
heres what I got:

4X4X6.5 Tent
8000 BTU window ac mounted onto window (cut tent and slid AC in)
30 pint Dehumidifier
600 watt HPS
Sentinel CHHC-1 Controller/Monitor

I just bought the Dehum. cause my humidity was at 100% so I hope it fixes the problem....

Temps are at 82f constant without dehum.

Big Al blazer

New member
This is great info guys, I'm gonna go to a few grow stores this weekend and compare prices, I'm not going to set my tent up without co2
It's one of the 5 limiting factors and I just gotta have it!
Price wise is a no brainier worth it for sure !!!
Geeze with the wasted money at the dispensary this was paid for a a long time ago!!!


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Save the CO2 for round two at the least. Don't take that as a nod against investing in equipment. More equipment is more better ;) Increasing CO2 availability will effect almost every other factor (nutrient uptake, water uptake, respiration, etc) that determines plant growth.

Better to reduce any variables when starting up a new grow area or getting into growing altogether (which I gather is your situation). The fewer things that can go wrong, the easier it will be to diagnose when something inevitably does.


New member
when i used to use co2 in a tent i put the in take and out take on a timer for 15mins every 30 mins so the co2 aint sucked out, found better results this way. since i started using a room with only a 4" out take for negative pressure with an good AC Unit the results were a 1000 times better

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