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Anyone else find Cannabutter revoulting?


I made a batch of butter using ~1 oz dried fan leaves & 1/2 oz vaped bud into 1/2 lb butter + water in a crock pot for 4 hours.

After separating, I tasted the water, which was pretty dark. It tasted bad (surprise surprise), but wasn't nearly as vile as I was expecting.

Then I put the butter in a mason jar with an equal amount of water & heated it in a water bath, shaking every 10 minutes or so for an hour.

Refrigerated & separated again. Very little change in the color or flavor of the butter (I'd saved a bit from the initial cooking to compare). Very little color or flavor in the water.

I did the process again. The second wash produced no change that I could notice in the butter; there was no noticeable color in the water & only a very faint flavor.

Based on that one test, I don't think "washing" the butter is very effective. If it was pulling out nasty tasting stuff, the nasty stuff would be in the water, & you'd be able to taste it there, seems to me.

The butter, btw, is excellent.

Clarifying the butter - removing the milk solids - before making cannabutter is a good idea, if you really want to do it up right, but it won't affect the weed-taste issue.


For everyone that hates the taste in the final product i found a good solution.

mint chips will absolutely wipe out any marijuana taste.

I hate that smell taste too and it makes me gag. So i had to find a solution. ahaha highh


Yeah I also find the taste revolting, actually puked the food back up after eating it quite a few times. Now I just coat my cookies in super thick layer of peanut butter, hold my nose, and wash down with milk. Still nasty.


Ive expeirienced the nasty gag reflex thing before and it sux, sounds like the recookin the butter might be a great idea...Other things i found that worked great was a nice cup of weed tea made with a good chai mix (spiced indian tea) its made with a lot of milk and i add a lil butter for addded fat it works pretty good at maskin a lot of the flavour the other thing i found that works well is i made a tincture using rumpilminz ( a 50% alc, pepppermint schnaps) and its pretty wild the weed seems to cut away a lot of the peppermint flavour and the booze eliminates most of the nasty weed flavour)....i love me some edibles they can be frustrating sometimes because they dont work as well as one would hope and then next time u try em you end up completly fuckin fried lol



This thread is honestly a bit surprising to me. I have considerable experience with edibles & tincture, & I've never ever felt anywhere close to gagging or throwing up.

But then I'm a pretty damn good cook.

Doesn't seem to me to account for it, though.

What is the French? Chacon a son gout?


well, what about soaking the bud in water for 24 hours, change water and do again, maybe again, then make the butter? The at that point take the butter and reboil and seperate. I mean its work but worth it for a pound or two of butter that tasted ok

Hash Man

Cannabutter is nasty, just make hash and use it in your recipes... If you put your hash in the freezer and then grind it up in a coffee grinder to dust, it mixes in with brownies like its not even there; and hard candy... forget about it, hash into tincture suspended in hard candy is the way to go, just grind it up to dust and be careful to dose correclty or you will be layed out for the rest of the day.
I prefer using brownie recipes with oil, it has worked really well for me. One downside is the smell while cooking it. Couldn't taste it.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
just because you know how to make budder doesnt mean you know how to make it right. if it honestly tastes that bad, consider revising your method. that is all

Hash Man

I guess one could say that, but it is impossible to argue that one could make butter with the purity of hashish... If you want great cannabutter, make it with hash, and it will be fine, but all the edibles i have made and eaten have been better when using hash and mixing it with dry baking products before adding the wet products... But to each his own, some of my friends swear by cnnabutter, but from my experience (i make hash alot too, so i guess its easier for me than some to use hash...) hash is superior... plus, you cant make hard candy with cannabutter....


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i have not ever tried makin edibles with hash, so i am curious. what type of hash do you make it with? bubble? and does the food taste spicy like hash?

but properly made butter is pretty tasty. i just spread some on a turkey sandwich with all the fixings... yummmm

Hash Man

yea i use bubble hash for baking and for making candies...I have tried it various ways from dumping it int brownies or cake mix raw and ground up, and i have also tried it cooked, pressed, frozen, and ten reground... All or the batches have been strong enough for one brownie literally sedate you, which was almost too much. The last batch i made had 1/2 ounce of ground up hash from 73-220 micron lvl... during that hash run i only made two types of hash, geerally i would only use 120-22- micron,as the 73 and 90 are supersomoke lots of the time. And for hard candy, ist kind of a trade secret that i did not come up with, and fdont feel comfortable telling, as i was sworn to secrecy, but involves making an edible liquid tincture out of 25, 45, 73, 90 micron hash and solidifying it within the candy... Instead of taking 30-45 minutes for ur stomach to digest, itys more like a homeopathic med, and i have heard people say it takews 10 minutes or som for thae hard candy to kick in. Ill post some pics of the hard candy later, jsut so u can see the versatility of hash cooking... BTW, your cannabutter turkey breast sounds like a perfect addition to my thanksgiving leftover snack menu...


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
thanks for the reply HM! since you sound quite knowledgeable about it, i will give you a shout later when i got a bunch of hash to make...
cannabutter made with plant matter is disgusting, make it with keif, hash, bho, anything but plant matter and youre good to go.....doesnt taste bad at all.


I absolutely love the way it taste. Sometimes I just eat it raw because I enjoy the acrid flavour. I'll leave my weed in my butter because I like the taste.


Never use any big fan leaves in your butter....It will not be of good quality....it will also taste terrible....i only use cured bud, and; or, the closest trim from the buds!!!My butter ends up tasting of pure butter, and trichomes(sweet hash)....if your butter is green trash it!!!!no good!!! the butter should be yellowish/ tan!!!! Hollaachu!!


I find making ISO hash oil with the cannabis and melting that into the butter tastes much better then simmering the green matter in water/butter combo.

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