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Anyone else care to share dumbshit growroom mistakes...


Active member
im a trial and error kinda grower...it usually takes a mistake or fuck up to realize my problem.

definately fried a few plants using GardenSafe pesticide..DONT USE THIS CRAP.

fried my plants again using the fungicide bomb...dont use that crap either..

got heat issues from thinking that air circulation wasnt a big deal, as well as humidity....learned that lesson quick when i had a 100 degree room with 70 percent humidity lol...now im down to 75/45 which is awesome.

cured in the growroom once and turned my bubba kush into crispy harsh smoke...never again..

banging head on hoods, learned that one real quick too, that shit hurts especially when you hit the corner...

still have mistakes all the time...today i was mounting my Phantoms, did that totally wrong the first time, drilled the handles in first and trying to mount the ballasts was real tough... after about 30 minutes of cursing and yelling i finally realized the correct way to mount them....DERRRR shoulda rent the directions!!

at the end of the day, overcoming those problems and pain and seeing the ladies growing nicely gives feelings of extreme satisfaction...


Weedomus Maximus
My first (organized) outdoor grow: Started 30 seeds under a 100w incandescent. When the seedlings started stretching, I raised the light to cover a bigger area. By the time I transplanted outside, the seedlings were ~8" long. And, I mean long; they were lying down flat on the medium. Thankfully, they recovered well.



Had my carpenter friend build a big walk-in closet/grow room across the end of my rec room. Exterior quality door with weather stripping and lock.

ZERO intake and ZERO exhaust and ZERO CO2 supplement.

WTF--I had successfully grown indoors about twenty years before but I forgot the basics.
Pretty bad stage of depression at the time, I'll blame it on that.


a friend said add air pump to your rez so i thought oxigen tablets would do the same job, next day 50% of the leafs dead but couldnt work out why so next day when i checked 80% dead or dieing i was gutted i was 4 weeks into flower and couldnt workout what was going on so went home sulking when i got there i noticed this little pot of oxigen tablets ,f--k what a plonker i am that was it so went running back flushed for the next 3 days and managed to save the plants even if they was all bald
1 other thing that happened to a friend ,he asked if he needed to flush his plants , i said he would regret it if he didnt , he said its a lot of trouble but ill do it next time we spoke he said he's not flushing anymore cos it blocks my tolet , he only washed the soil off his roots by flushing them

rick shaw

Removing fan guards to increase air flow,ouch. Those blades are moving fast. Getting hair caught up was comical.lol


Active member
My first (organized) outdoor grow: Started 30 seeds under a 100w incandescent. When the seedlings started stretching, I raised the light to cover a bigger area. By the time I transplanted outside, the seedlings were ~8" long. And, I mean long; they were lying down flat on the medium. Thankfully, they recovered well.


i lost a pack of purple kush 2.0s and several blue satelittes due to my newb seed germ techniques. luckily i got things squared away by the time the sour D IBLs arrived...


poppin' outta control
using a new product on your entire crop w/o knowing too much about it. Specifically, I used Advanced Nutrients Bud Ignitor. Stuff ruined my ENTIRE crop, making the crystals and hairs mature before the buds were done growing. Had to make kif and hash out of a entire crop b/c it was all larf


Active member
Damn I could go on forever. Ya gotta learn and live on. Lessee...Ive killed 8/10 SD IBLS ^^^. Luckly I was able to save 2. Not spraying on a schedule, got bad mites. Turned the light on once with some unstable strains, instant hermies... Hit my share of heads on hoods..tried growing with incandescent lights(very young)...I think the worst ones for me are losing almost a whole pack of 200 dollar seeds (SD) and losing several clones sent from across the world....biggest mistake, letting people know you grow and near your shit. I used to live with roommates and pissed one off, she trashed a bunch of mothers....including one clone that was sent to me from across the world that I WAS able to root and veg out.


New member
+28 banging my head on the hoods.... I've taken to putting bits of red duct tape around to remind me where the lights are set.

Not putting in an easy to adjust light system ( I was out of money ) so I could avoid banging myhead on the hoods.

Thinking a pump "that expensive" should be self priming. Lost a week on a redseign there.

I'll be watching out for all the rest of these bone headed mistakes. Thanks folks!


Re: Anyone else care to share dumbshit growroom mistakes...

I just did it AGAIN! JEEEZUS!
Think that could cause a nanner or 2 fuck me god dammit!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
hung my first light ever on jack chain that broke from heat stress and crushed all my plants.
not my screw-up, but noteworthy all the same: my buddy couldn't figure out why his girls weren't putting on heavy flowers in week four. I came over to assess the problem and I was stumped for a day or two. He had mites up the yin yang, but I didn't think that would stress the plants so severely that it would delay full flowering. Then it hit me like a freight train.
Where is your timer?
Over there, plugged into the MLC.
So you have a cheap ass timer on a relay?
I guess.
Have you looked at it recently?
Not since I switched it out about two weeks ago, the old one burned out.
You know there's a toggle switch on the side that enables and disables the timer function?

The bloody switch had been turned to the "on" position for two weeks; full veg 24 hrs the whole time. Genius.

LOL Same shit happened to me it was lucky I heard it all or there would have been a lot more damage but yeah that sucks lol.. peace out Headband707
Trusting my wellbeing to a busted ass ladder when mounting a fan/box combo in the attic, the bitch slipped out from under me and I come crashing out of my crawlspace. I was hobbling for weeks. There was blood.

Killed 90% of my first batch of seedlings by spraying them with neem...turns out tablespoon != teaspoon. And why was I spraying them to begin with?

Trying to do everything DIY the first time....and the second time...then realizing (again) that I'm not mechanically enclined, and buying the "real" version instead. This has easily added 75% to my total costs in the grow lifetime.

Leaving a door open that shouldn't be, even one time, can cost you a lot of sleep.


My first grow ever was with my brother and we had 4 plants in 3 gallon buckets underneath 2 400W halogen flood lights in the winter. Read somewhere that putting mulch on top of the soil helps. With in a few days they had all drowned to death.

NOT GETTING INVOLVED IN SITES LIKE THIS FOR YEARS OF GROWING. Wonder where I would be at now if I had the resources like these back when I started. At the time we were to paranoid to use the computer about weed.


my grow room is an old bomb shelter, without electric sockets only a empty concrete room, whit a light switch, and a bare bulb in the roof. so non experienced as i am whit regards to Electric stuff i decided to take the light switch out, and replace it whit a plug. so i make a joint and start unscrewing the switch, and connect the plug. i was quit stoned when i finally was done, i mean how do you know whits wire goes in what hole??. so after 2.-3 hours i get it all hooked up happy as can be. until it is time to try the plug.
how to know that it wouldn't work?
imagine my frustration when i tried the drill, and the fucking light start to blink.
Now i use extensions for power.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
JUST KICKED Out the cord for the ac unit , but didnt notice for like 6 hours till a partner called me in a panic , yikes close one......but not sooo bad in the end only 6 hour heat stress .....everything ok ....


Leaving the door ajar to let fresh air in during summer, also let in a 12 week old lurcher puppy that went ape, trashed everything half way through flowering, i did salvage some plants with the aid of ice lolly sticks and gaffer tape.
Left the pump on over a weekend in my pump & want system. Didn't notice the steam coming from the soil until all the plants were watered. The plants didn't like it but recovered to a point where I was able to get a harvest. This was my first grow.

I've also injured my hands building my room more time than I can count.

I feel for you bro..:comfort:

On my second grow. I had been a little lazy and got some mites. So I freaked, first mistake :bashhead: Ran to the other area in my house where I used to grow....The laundry room. Grab a bottle, and when back to the flower room and went to town. Only to realize it was a bottle of shout. There was no saving...What a mess.

Learn to chill. The borg may be nasty, but you can see them coming.