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anyone else bothered by the inaccuracy of weeds?


Active member

great show, very entertaining,

but when it comes to growing grossly inaccurate.

for example..

they often show flowering and vegging plants in same room

they seem to always be growing from seed and never mention cloning

carbon filters just sit in the corner with a fan on top... no realistic attempt at ventilation

so I watch and enjoy, but get bothered by the inaccuracies

also seems that advanced nutrients signed some kinda sponsorship as there posters are up and the actors make mention and use of the a lines...

so am I nuts? should I just not let it bother me? should the writers pick up a copy of indoor mj horitculture?


Active member
sugabear_II said:

great show, very entertaining,

but when it comes to growing grossly inaccurate.

for example..

they often show flowering and vegging plants in same room

they seem to always be growing from seed and never mention cloning

carbon filters just sit in the corner with a fan on top... no realistic attempt at ventilation

so I watch and enjoy, but get bothered by the inaccuracies

also seems that advanced nutrients signed some kinda sponsorship as there posters are up and the actors make mention and use of the a lines...

so am I nuts? should I just not let it bother me? should the writers pick up a copy of indoor mj horitculture?

maybe their running a perpetual harvest, maybe their rooms are sealed and their carbon filter is just scrubbing the room, and their trying to breed their own strain, milf weed....
Nah i dont know, it shouldnt bother you, its not a documentary.


Well-known member
it just shows someone didnt do their homework. e-mail them and ask if you can be the grow room set-up guy. that way people can learn to grow and be entertained.


all praises are due to the Most High
Not only do those inaccuracies bother me, but also the fact that the show sucks donkey's balls overall :smoke:

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I thought it was amusing and ridiculous that they were using plastic plants in the early episodes of "Trailer Park Boys".

The producers must have realized that they were downgrading the cult status of their show, because in later episodes they're using real plants and crops as props.

Kind of corny with their "One more grow, then we'll retire" reasoning though, like if you could become rich for life (in Canada) on a single grow in a trailer.


Active member
ive never seen an episode, but that shit would bother me (so call me a "grow nerd")

i spit sum shit to my parents friend last night about his phosphorus defficient house plants...he asked the questions. (my parents plants are all fake..lol)

....my mom asked how i know so much about that....i said "i just do"...lol


Active member
if it was accurate they would prolly show them logging on to ICmag daily...so that they know what the fuck is really goin on.

ive met sum growers who dont know IC, and ive met sum that i told about IC...they are different breeds.

ive never met anyone who already was at IC.


Jeezus, you folks are just way too nerdy and anal!

It's a fucking comedy drama not a documentary!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Does it bother you when an actor jumps off a 3 story building an gets up an runs away while cops are shooting m16's at him an bullets are whizing by his ears an three german shepards are chasing him down but, he out runs them?


lover of all things hashlike
hey man, its one thing to be bitchy about something as unimportant as a tv show.

with that said however, i too feel as if weeds makes the community overall look bad.. gang bangers and weed thats worth 4x what it should be remember the first yield they had in that show?

fat chance of legalization happening when we come off like a bunch of criminals.

i will say though that a show of such a nature even making it to the mainstream is hopefully indicative if change upon the wind.


Active member
On the subject of Advanced Nutrients posters and whatnot -- check the credits, they're listed as "Technical Consultant".

So, it's no surprise they get the product placements.

I don't let the inaccuracies bother me -- I look at the grow stuff as background dressing. It looks fine as long as you don't examine it closely, so I generally avoid examining closely.

Silus had the grow in the van, but I never did figure out what his power source was or where the lights were mounted -- it was just bright inside and lined with mylar. So, I shrugged it off and didn't let it bug me too much.

The show wasn't really about weed, anyway -- it was about suburbia. Which why they likely dropped the little boxes intro music for this season since they're not in suburbia anymore.


Listen to me jerky
I've always thought it was funny that they would have green lights on in the "grow rooms" for the dark cycle but then normal lights on ten feet away in the rooms the actors hang out in. I'm sure the normal light coming through the doorway wouldn't screw anything up at all.


Active member
You have to take it with a gain of salt. What do they care if it's real looking or not. It's real enough to anyone that is not a grower.. ;)

The only things I have issue with is the amount of killing portrayed in this. Didn't they kill a DEA agent and another dealer? That's bullshit.. and on the tech side there was once scene where they have all the nutes measured out and like all five of them pour them all in to the res at once and there was no water in the rez...

Also, there was a scene where one moment they were growing it next moment it was done, trimmed, dried, and weighed out in lbs and they had like 12 lbs..


Active member
see this is exactly what I mean.... it is hard for weed nerds (potmotologists) to watch and not want to fix what's wrong.

lol @ the silius strain that was grown in a van and some how went from seedlings to bud in like two episodes?!!?

gotta get a clone of that


This is what happens when you have someone like Craig X being the guy who helps with set up and his input on the show . They need to get A real grower for input.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Papulz said:
hey man, its one thing to be bitchy about something as unimportant as a tv show.

with that said however, i too feel as if weeds makes the community overall look bad.. gang bangers and weed thats worth 4x what it should be remember the first yield they had in that show?

fat chance of legalization happening when we come off like a bunch of criminals.

i will say though that a show of such a nature even making it to the mainstream is hopefully indicative if change upon the wind.

Yeah,, i thought they would have taken it a diff direction,, I thought around season 2 or 3 they would have hooked up with other medical growers and started working with cannabis clubs rather than every "gangster" in town. Espically when celia became "anti-weed" than got cancer,, i thought GREAT!! she will get MMJ and find out the other side and hopefully show a positive light on medical cannabis. Than craig X hit the scene,, and i kind of thought it was heading in the right direction,, instead of the down hill drug slide...Now she is trafficking heroin from mexico along with "mota",, not saying that WEEDS should be based as any political//public opinion, but at the same time when it is the single show based on "cannabis culture", btw it seems to be verry litle about weeds anymore. none of them can even take a real bong hit. i guess i wouldnt be able to take a bongload of sage and tobacco either.. not without puking all over the camera.. just give them some KUSH.

with that said,, i still watch the show every week.. and think beyond the herb and the "30 million dollar harvests" that it is an over all good show that takes beyond the normal your babys mama is my wife,,etc

just thought id leave off with a picture of the creator and resident cannabis expert of the show WEEDS::::Jenji Kohan


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Resident pissy old man
I have only watched the first couple seasons and appreciated the nudity. Think there should be a lot more of that on TV, so that I don't have to spend so much time on the internet.

One thing that did bother me was the DEA boyfriend, before they got married. He told her that they didn't bother with suburban housewives as they only had 400 agents worldwide. The DEA has a budget of $2.5 billion and about 12,000 employees, with 5,700 of them being special agents. they recently went to Congress and got the funding for another 300 agents. Anslinger only had a budget of $1.5 million and 300 employees. Now that the DEA has 40x more employees, are there fewer drugs on the streets? Hell,NO!!!!

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