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Anyone else avoid Indicas?


h^2 O

I have a terribly sensitivity to sativas. After about thirty seconds after sharing someone's herb, I can immediately tell whether or not it was a mistake. Most smokers have no clue there are different types with different effects until you break it down for them. A sativa will ruin me for about three days, causing severe sweating during both night and day, I will shake, experience terribly anxiety/ borderline panic attacks, and will be unable to focus. The worst part is finding this out after you've taken a hit, you can't go back.
words right from my mouth. Sativas suck balls. Go indica!

h^2 O

Originally Posted by Kizzattack
For example, I can look strangers in the eye when in conversation much easier, I can go into shops without worry, and talk to people I don't know without any trouble whatsoever. The indica strains make me more reserved and reclusive.

same with me...

BULLSHIT. you've got it the other way around. Indica is sedating and narcotic - sativas cause psychosis. Look at one of the many threads where people locked themselves in closets with crucifixes from smoking a potent sativa.

h^2 O

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h^2 O

true true...Jamaica particularly, as it's been a "classy" pot tourist place for quite some time, with many articles in the pot mags, etc. So of course in Jamaica there's nice little gardens with some indica breeding going on. I don't think much pot comes from Jamaica though....most fields I've seen in the mags probably have 100lbs TOPS dried. What happens a lot is the bud works its way over to Jamaica from elsewhere, then moves in the US. I think. I don't see how tons of bud can be coming from Jamaica (enough to meet demand) when there's no large-scale commercial grows (we see like 100-plant gardens in the magazines)


New member
Indica or Sativa.... i could care less... I want whats grown the best. I'm the kinda guy who passes up 40 bags before i find the best grown bag... then i worry if it's indica or sativa. sooo many shitty growers now adays. everyone thinks they kick ass and can make a bunch of cash but really they grow inferior buds and it really doesn't matter if it's Afghanica, indica or sativa really.

sativas usually make you feel all amped but then you realize your whole world around you is a cartoon you're so high..

Indicas make you feel like your whole body has weights on it.....

but this nonsense of people saying they are high after smoking sativa or indica for 3 days and cant move thats just hogwash, you need to go get your thyroid glands checked. I can see being stuck on a couch 4 or 5 hours after a few bong hits thats normal. Maybe even 24 hour drag effect if you ate an indica brownie in the evening the day earlier.....



same with me...

BULLSHIT. you've got it the other way around. Indica is sedating and narcotic - sativas cause psychosis. Look at one of the many threads where people locked themselves in closets with crucifixes from smoking a potent sativa.

i find that sativa dom hybrids also help alleviate some of my asperger-like symptoms... i say this since i have never been officially diagnosed. specifically in social environments i am able to cope much easier. this is only when i am lightly medicated though. SSH has been one strain in particular which has worked for me.

cannabis does not affect everybody the same way. i find that indica dom strains in some ways amplify my symptoms. where communication would normally be difficult/semi-painful in social settings, it becomes impossible. this is only my personal experience though.


h^2 O

i hear ya Tom. To each his own. And everyone's body chemistry is different. Sorry to hear about the illness...I don't know too much about Aspergers. Stay high man


Active member
i find that sativa dom hybrids also help alleviate some of my asperger-like symptoms... i say this since i have never been officially diagnosed. specifically in social environments i am able to cope much easier. this is only when i am lightly medicated though. SSH has been one strain in particular which has worked for me.

cannabis does not affect everybody the same way. i find that indica dom strains in some ways amplify my symptoms. where communication would normally be difficult/semi-painful in social settings, it becomes impossible. this is only my personal experience though.

I'm with you Tom :D Sativas rock for my Asperger's!
I tend to not function socially that well unless fairly heavily medicated.

Your experience with Indicas mirrors my own. Life was rough before I found that out. :yoinks:


Hate to tell you guys but everything we're smoking is an Indica. There are different groups of Indica families. The Sativa family is "Hemp.." Do your research..


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Do your research..
for realz, yo?
"Cannabis (Cán-na-bis) is a genus of flowering plants that includes three putative species, Cannabis sativa L.,[1] Cannabis indica Lam.,[1] and Cannabis ruderalis"
that's straight from wikipedia. not that the wiki isn't sometimes wrong.....

some people also consider Afghanica as a species or sub species. but indica is not the family name, cannabaceae is; get your taxonomy straight.

research..... phhhhhhbt:moon:


BULLSHIT. you've got it the other way around. Indica is sedating and narcotic - sativas cause psychosis. Look at one of the many threads where people locked themselves in closets with crucifixes from smoking a potent sativa.

I'm confused...


it all comes to individual preferences and brain chemistry. and cannabis doesn't CAUSE psychosis.

i have a friend who's got ad/hd tendencies and he really needs his INDICA medication to help him concentrate and sleep.

whereas i myself have maybe some passiveness/depression tendencies and sativadoms work great for me. i used to smoke only indica (that's what it is usually) and they left me drowsy and passive all day long. later started growing my own and the more sativa the better it seems.

i get that same 'fog' people are referring to and although i enjoy something more indy at nights i've yet to find the suitable mellow indica for my likings. my last indy was sweet tooth and it made me super foggy and stoned in a bad way. wouldn put me to sleep but to that weird place between falling asleep and just mess of random scenarios running through my head.


Active member
oh yes it duz!
Elegantly put.

Cannabis doesn't cause psychosis.

Cannabis, like hundreds of other prescription meds and some herbs can increase the chance of someone already pre-disposed to psychosis to having problems with psychosis.

You can't take a perfectly sane person that grooves well with sativas and make them psychotic by smoking them out 24/7.

Take someone that should be smoking indicas that is pre-disposed to psychosis. Put them in a stressful work/living environment with little outlet and have them smoke potent sativas 24/7 and yeah.... they're gonna tend to slip into psychosis.

Take that same person and give them the wrong herb or Rx and they'll do the same thing.

So...... where are the studies that show a direct causation of psychosis through cannabis use? That's right, there aren't any because it doesn't.



Active member
i avoid smoking indicas face down in bed. a really good indica will make my jaw grind like i just sniffed yak.


Elegantly put.

Cannabis doesn't cause psychosis.

Cannabis, like hundreds of other prescription meds and some herbs can increase the chance of someone already pre-disposed to psychosis to having problems with psychosis.

You can't take a perfectly sane person that grooves well with sativas and make them psychotic by smoking them out 24/7.

Take someone that should be smoking indicas that is pre-disposed to psychosis. Put them in a stressful work/living environment with little outlet and have them smoke potent sativas 24/7 and yeah.... they're gonna tend to slip into psychosis.

Take that same person and give them the wrong herb or Rx and they'll do the same thing.

So...... where are the studies that show a direct causation of psychosis through cannabis use? That's right, there aren't any because it doesn't.

from wiki,
Psychosis (from the Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind or soul, and -ωσις "-osis", for abnormal condition), with adjective psychotic, literally means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality". People suffering from psychosis are said to be psychotic.

People experiencing psychosis may report hallucinations or delusional beliefs, and may exhibit personality changes and disorganized thinking. This may be accompanied by unusual or bizarre behavior, as well as difficulty with social interaction and impairment in carrying out the activities of daily living.
those are the same experiences that others in this thread are reporting...arnt they....how you decide if anyone is "predisposed to psychosis" or not?


Active member
Remember though that the type of pshychosis, or abnormal condition of the mind, induced by cannabis is temporary. If that condition remains longer than the general normal duration then you have schizophrenic psymtoms and those are down to predisposition as cannabis doesn't cause schizophrenia. Think a couple of you got mixed up with psychosis and schizophrenia there.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
A sativa will ruin me for about three days, causing severe sweating during both night and day, I will shake, experience terribly anxiety/ borderline panic attacks, and will be unable to focus.

Dude, name that strain. Please. Every time someone describes their weed that way all it does for me is wake me up and give me the giggles.

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