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Anyone do Grow Room Design for $$?


Active member
I'm building new and don't feel like becoming an expert on everything. Anyone have a lead on a proven designer? This is only a 15 x 10 area (or so). I'm in Michigan, also.

Veg and Flower rooms, CO2, Sealed with mini-split cooling.
Running organic soil in fabric pots

EDIT: I'll be doing all the construction.

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Registered Non-Conformist
You are giving away your location if someone else builds for you. Worth considering. Even Family Friends can be problems.

You're Gonna have to do research on growing anyways.. Setting up a simple room to start is not rocket science. Get Cervantes Growers' Bible, and READ it. You will be better off than most semi-experienced growers right out the gate.

If you truly want someone else to build for you, Some Options: Ask at Grow Stores - They usually have someone on staff who;s willing to do some moonlighting. Or they know someone who can help.

Conversely, you can do a little research and start out with Grow Tents. Building up from there after a couple successful runs. It's not that hard. Start out with Soiless Mix, such as Pro-Mix, or Sunshine #4, Do not overwater, and follow the instructions on the Nutrients., feeding at 50% until you see how your plants respond. I recommend Botanicare to start. Easiest regimen. Not the biggest yielder though.

Later, you can re-invest and go Hydro, if you are so inclined. I recommend the Ebb and Grow system from CAP for ease of use.

Initially, get the whole thang going... Obtain some healthy clones, larger "teens" if possible, to shave one or two months off the process. Dip or spray em in Azatrol, and move forward from there.

Good Luck Regardless.


Why not mirror some1s grow from ICMAG.. you have plenty of gooduns to choose from, esp a log where they've built from ground up.


Active member
I looked at a couple of build threads but pics were removed. Specifically George Smilies thread. That's a good idea, though


You are giving away your location if someone else builds for you. Worth considering. Even Family Friends can be problems.

You're Gonna have to do research on growing anyways.. Setting up a simple room to start is not rocket science. Get Cervantes Growers' Bible, and READ it. You will be better off than most semi-experienced growers right out the gate.

If you truly want someone else to build for you, Some Options: Ask at Grow Stores - They usually have someone on staff who;s willing to do some moonlighting. Or they know someone who can help.

Conversely, you can do a little research and start out with Grow Tents. Building up from there after a couple successful runs. It's not that hard. Start out with Soiless Mix, such as Pro-Mix, or Sunshine #4, Do not overwater, and follow the instructions on the Nutrients., feeding at 50% until you see how your plants respond. I recommend Botanicare to start. Easiest regimen. Not the biggest yielder though.

Later, you can re-invest and go Hydro, if you are so inclined. I recommend the Ebb and Grow system from CAP for ease of use.

Initially, get the whole thang going... Obtain some healthy clones, larger "teens" if possible, to shave one or two months off the process. Dip or spray em in Azatrol, and move forward from there.

Good Luck Regardless.

This isnt rrogs first rodeo and the last place I would recommend anyone go for help is a hydro store. I have several near my house and I have never gotten any info there that isnt bullshit. Id swear those fuckers at the stores cant grow a plant or theyre trying to kill yours. Fuck that shit!
You want to get robbed you let your hydro shop know how bad ass your grow is
Teen clones? Seriosuly? Cervantes? Ok admit it, you work in a hydro store dont you?


Active member
Please tell me where to send the BILL :tiphat:




Active member
ooooohhhhhh.... I like option #2...!! Wow. That is so cool! EDIT: After pondering this...It's STILL cool! Very cool software or whatever you have there.

The bottom one is 10' up and down, and 15' side to side? Those dimensions can be changed to make a better work area. I think two 1000w inline was my original thought for the flower room. I'm not growing for others. Just me. But maybe a third 1000W. Ha! I like the idea of allowing the plants to be wide and walk around them with lots of space. So maybe a bigger flower room.

I'm thinking of direct ducting to each room, rather than pulling cold air from flower room. Is that do-able? Maybe inefficient? I could build a soffit(s) from one room to the next.

I may need a bigger veg room. I want a workbench. With a work sink. Why not,

Also, I grow in soil.

Super cool!
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Registered Non-Conformist
This isnt rrogs first rodeo and the last place I would recommend anyone go for help is a hydro store. I have several near my house and I have never gotten any info there that isnt bullshit. Id swear those fuckers at the stores cant grow a plant or theyre trying to kill yours. Fuck that shit!
You want to get robbed you let your hydro shop know how bad ass your grow is
Teen clones? Seriosuly? Cervantes? Ok admit it, you work in a hydro store dont you?

People in my Neck of the woods aren;t rip-offs, I guess. Hydro Store Personnel are people we know and are good growers. I don;t know where you live but it ain;t here. Such assumptions...!!!

YEAH. TEEN CLONES, to shave 1 month off the process, so the OP can get paid sooner.. YEAH CERVANTES, Sheesh - it;s a good Book. Something wroing with that logic, Einstein..>? Jeez.

You're Welcome, BTW,. OP. I'm Out.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
It is his first rodeo, or he;d do it himself... What;s your beef..???

People in my Neck of the woods aren;t rip-offs, I guess. Hydro Store Personnel are people we know and are good growers. I don;t know where you live but it ain;t here. Such assumptions...!!!

YEAH. TEEN CLONES, to shave 1 month off the process, so the OP can get paid sooner.. Something wroing with that logic, Einstein..>? Jeez.

You're Welcome, BTW,. OP. I'm Out.

^^ The biggest growers, are the grow shop owners...


Active member
I build commercial greenhouses, Botany labs etc. If you want someone to design it for you I can give you the name of the engineer and architecture firm used. There rates are 150/hr.

I would do like people said and design your own. Your only person that knows what you want, how you want to grow, type of grow.


People in my Neck of the woods aren;t rip-offs, I guess. Hydro Store Personnel are people we know and are good growers. I don;t know where you live but it ain;t here. Such assumptions...!!!

YEAH. TEEN CLONES, to shave 1 month off the process, so the OP can get paid sooner.. YEAH CERVANTES, Sheesh - it;s a good Book. Something wroing with that logic, Einstein..>? Jeez.

You're Welcome, BTW,. OP. I'm Out.

I live in Los Angeles and have a grow store every couple of blocks. I wouldnt trust a single person in any of those shops. Ive even been told by one of the owners that it seems like his biggest customers always get robbed.
I order my shit online. If I need something small Ill go into a hydro store and pay with cash.
Ive also been to a bunch of dispensaries and have seen teen clones. 18" plants in 2" rockwool cubes with almost no roots. Always seemed a joke to me. Sorry if youve bought them before.
For someone who doesnt know shit from shit I might recommend a cervantes book to... Rrogs knows more about growing than I do though. He asked about a grow room designer.
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my cervantes book has pages falling out of it! LOVE it and think everyone interested in even growing tomatoes can learn from it lol the guys a guru!!!! hahaha


Registered Non-Conformist
Just trying to help. No need to attack, repeatedly. Or Once.

FYI, Oh Aggressive One, I NEVER said to get Teen Clones at a Dispensary...
Not something I would ever do.

Non-OP-er. We have no history. Again, What's Your Beef..?

Others HERE have used Cervantes Grower's Bible, heh..?
Lesson Learned, ya..? In general.

"Tribal Seeds." IGNORED for perpetuity, No Worries.

Nothing worse than signing on to IC to read, help and get help -
just to see some anonymous troll you have never conversed with
going off on You personally
for No Apparent Reason.


You mentioned giving away your location was a bad idea. I was just mentioning that the hydro guy is the last guy you wanna give your location away to... Especially if youve got a nice grow and know what youre doing.
Im not the one who was being aggressive. If you look at your defensive posts you would see that you were being a prick. I was shocked you would even be upset over it. But, whatever...
I agree that cervantes books are good for beginners.

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