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Anyone do Grow Room Design for $$?


Registered Non-Conformist
You mentioned giving away your location was a bad idea. I was just mentioning that the hydro guy is the last guy you wanna give your location away to... Especially if youve got a nice grow and know what youre doing.
Im not the one who was being aggressive. If you look at your defensive posts you would see that you were being a prick. I was shocked you would even be upset over it. But, whatever...
I agree that cervantes books are good for beginners.

There you go again.... Sheesh. Check your tone, LA Youth.

I am looking at what I wrote, see nothing amiss. And am tired of trying to sincerely help people just to have tools like you rise up in anger. For no apparent reason.

Now you are conciliatory. Can you see how NONE of what you assumed turned out to be so...? 'Nuff of you.

NOT Tuning back into this channel. It is for the OP. Not us to spar/spat.


Active member
At this point I'm looking to settle on a design so I can plan for the overall size and footprint, plan for mechanicals to be run, etc.

I'm thinking about a perpetual harvest in flower room and may have various strains going at once. I can compensate for short plants with risers to set short plants on.

The only think the perpetual does not allow is for any lat flower techniques like darkness or cold night temps. Not sure that does anything and doesn't seem worth planning a whole grow op around.


I wouldn't worry about those last minute tricks specially if perpetual is your goal.. Focus on getting them crops out :joint:


Active member
Thanks but I have to build the space, run ducts, water electricity, and all stealth. I like to plan these things rather that whip out a solution as I'm building.


Intimate working knowledge of all the equipmetn and the setup of your room is critical once you start to really get the bug and want to improve and expand...becoming an "expert maybe not necessary" but its certainly half the fun of this shit!

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