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Anyone cut off their...

I cut my hair every day....with a Mach 3 razor.

But I don't shave my chin.....



Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
11 1/2 inches to Locks of Love 4 years ago. It's all grown out now....maybe time to start thinking of getting rid of it.


New member
Cut off my 1 1/2 ft hair few years ago. Thought it was kind of a symbol of my puberty personality (skating, punk music etc.) which I wanted to get rid of.


Ya ive really been considering chopping it, but its scary!:dunno: Ive had nightmares i was going bald, scary stuff.

Sometimes im just ready to cut it all then others times i just dig it and swear never to cut it! sometimes it makes me feel like i stand out which sometimes i hate and sometimes i love, being original and different than most, depends what mood im in.

One of the tough decesions of life :cathug:

Im still young enough to grow it again but its a long journey of the ponytail.

Oh ya and the chicks dig it!:shooty:


Active member
#2 buzz...almost every week

...used to have dreads, and will again soon FTW! i cut them when i got hot in the summer...but its hard for me to get past the inbetween stage of short hair to dreads again...just gotta say fuck it.


white dudes with long hair get a similar stigma bro, trust me! after i cut my hair, the number of times i got pulled over/asked to consent to search dropped pretty much to zero :joint:


Its amazing how that work ,cut mine 25 years ago,had hair like a cave man and went the buzz suddenly geting pulled over for traffic shit wasnt a drama anymore,now they think im just some senile old c%#t who wont shut up.:gday:

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