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Anyone cut off their...


Well-known member
it is not as traumatic (for me, anyway) as one might think. i have grown, cut off, & donated 5 ponytails to "Locks for Love", the group that makes (and donates free of charge, i was told) wigs for seriously ill children. think chemotherapy etc. last one was 23", one before a tad shorter. my hair grows like i am constantly exposed to some kind of fertilizer or something...:tiphat:


Parker Schnobel
Its really not a big deal.I work outside most of the year,so I lop it all off when the weather breaks in the spring and dont get it cut for a year.Keeps me warm in the winter,and the barbershop crewcut freaks everyone out.:):)


i'm thinking about taking mine off in the next month or so but ill agree it is wicked hard to do


Active member
Cutting mine today .... I just cut of a long beard too.

It is a hard decision but I play music and some of the higher paying places won't hire you if you look like you just crawled out of a cave.


stone fool
Cut mine off 38 years ago, reckon it is still at my Dad's house in a drawer. Don't think I ever got over it. Next week I get a buzz for summer, now that is real freedom.


Cut mine off 2 years ago had locks for 5 years, a black man with locks doesn't work in a lot of places in this society it's a shame people always judge before getting to know a person. Been sporting short hair since then an I get less people crossing the street with me walking on the same side.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
white dudes with long hair get a similar stigma bro, trust me! after i cut my hair, the number of times i got pulled over/asked to consent to search dropped pretty much to zero :joint:


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I cut my hair off about 2 weeks ago. When I went to the hair dresser and said I want a number 1 buzz(1/4") she was shocked.. She asked me a few times if I was sure before she took the 1st swipe... Couldn't be any happier without the hair.


ICMag Donor
...long hair? traumatizing? :peacock:

It was a new start,, and hair soon grows back,, whereas fallen egos dont!

Still as Ital, Hippie, and Wild-Chile,, as ever we was before we guess,, just without the locks :canabis:

N.B. my avatar is still dread,, :rasta:


Active member
mine went from beatles bowl cut length to my standard summertime fade... #1 on the sides and about 1.5" on top.... I lol everytime i go in there each summer after growing it out cause im a lazy bastard to see the ground covered in thick ass hair.

johnny butt

Going on round 2 of donating to locks of love. My locks will get the chop before summer kicks in hardcore. I work outside, so that just makes for a hot and sticky time if I leave it long.

I should have a few ponytails to donate near 14 in. long
i have chopped my hair, 14-20" at times, about 6 times in the last 10 years. i went to prep school.... and i will never have short hair again, nor shave everyday.