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Anybody got any interesting snake skinnin tekneeks?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
stinkfinger said:
ignorant hicks.. you all seem to live to disappoint the rest of us. bewary next time your out slaughtering animals for their skins. you might run into someone like me. i will stomp the living shit out of you and everyone you are with.females included. oh and if your dumb enough to be packing heat you will most likely end up in a shallow hole. sweet gas station samurai sword you lame dick fuck. huh huh its cool killin shit for no reason. fuck you! i have been in herpetology for over 17 years and fighting to end the dumb shit you perpetuate. :rant:
hey HCA screw these lame asses whom know nothing about the western rattel snake and most likely never seen 1. so i'll say it when you live in the boonies and have a rattler problem if you wish to live there some eradication is needed. if your bit by a western rattler and dont recieve medicial help you'll have major problems startn approx 1/2 hr after being bit. go unattended longer you may die plain simple and with HCA's wifes medical problems i say get the population of rattlers down. ppl he's not killn the rattlers just for the skins but figures if he must kill them for his wifes health and safety then why not learn how to skin them. now when i was 14 yrs old in a AZ desert i used to catch them bare handed diamond backs and mohave greens which by the way the greens will chase your ass down and bite outta pure meaness. yepper used to catch them kill them skin them and make cowboy hat bands from the skins. :muahaha:

oh yea venomous spiders i'll kill on sight ya'll every hear of a brown recluse when they bite it dissolves the flesh around the bite erea. pretty fricken narly
i live with common desert brown's, brown recluse, vinagroon, black widow just to name a few of the nasty's that live around here in the mohave desert where i live. :rasta:


joesy whales said:
Hey Cave Ape don't let the city slickers get ya down. been livin in the desert all my life and while I don't go out of my way to kill them when they come into my space where theres kids and dogs and cats and old poeole that don't hear and move to fast there one dead fucking rattle snake. Also I would consider under pining around your house. you won't see them all...

Must spread rep round a bit more first. K+.

At the end of the day when it comes to family and especially the bambinos then out comes the shotgun or samurai sword. So the rattlesnakes are just doing their thing and strike to defend themselves. Well in that case i would feel pretty justified in striking them to defend myself or my flesh and blood. It dont taste half bad either. If ya gonna kill one ya might as well use it all.


I know this is a cannabis forum and all, so there's bound to be a bunch of tree huggers & animal advocates, but you guys have got to be kidding me. Anyone taking offense to the killing of rattlesnakes needs to be bitten by one to find out why they get killed. Even in the Dallas suburbs and we even had diamondbacks showing up on our driveway(couple of times). I have to agree that a shovel is the best way. I've owned a ball python and couldn't for the life of me get it to have any sort of emotional interaction, so don't worry guys....they don't cry when you kill them. And it's not like rattlesnakes is where it ends. There's cottonmouths and copperheads, too. I've never even hit a dog or cat, but I'll kill a snake before it gets anywhere near my family.

And who said anything about killing something for no reason? What do you want us to do..call animal control? No thanks...we can take care of our own problems.
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Active member
ok are these things a constant threat? theres that many of them?you might die if you get bit? just move away.fuck if ihad a black widdow problem or somethin i would get the fuck out.thats why i love NE man its to cold for that bullshit.i get it there a pest,but they are quicker than you and fuckin withem for fun and barbiquing is gonna get you in a world of hurt for no reason.


Do you city slickers call exterminators when you get rats or cockroaches?


*edit - I don't associate with people who take pleasure in hurting other creatures. That's sick. But I feel it truly not our place to be the moral police, and that's exactly what you are doing when you say it's ok to kill animals for food, but not for pleasure. Either way the animal suffers. It is a bit ridiculous to threaten physical harm to another human being for even taking pleasure in harming an animal when many feel the animals suffering is worth less than a meal. :rant:
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Un - Retired,
everything has a place in life

everything has a place in life

gmb said:
I know this is a cannabis forum and all, so there's bound to be a bunch of tree huggers & animal advocates, but you guys have got to be kidding me. Anyone taking offense to the killing of rattlesnakes needs to be bitten by one to find out why they get killed. Even in the Dallas suburbs and we even had diamondbacks showing up on our driveway(couple of times). I have to agree that a shovel is the best way. I've owned a ball python and couldn't for the life of me get it to have any sort of emotional interaction, so don't worry guys....they don't cry when you kill them. And it's not like rattlesnakes is where it ends. There's cottonmouths and copperheads, too. I've never even hit a dog or cat, but I'll kill a snake before it gets anywhere near my family.

And who said anything about killing something for no reason? What do you want us to do..call animal control? No thanks...we can take care of our own problems.

don't confuse me with a tree hugger, I'm not
but killing ANY animal just because your afraid of it is sick
ALL animals have a place in the natural world, Man has just moved in and taken over there natural inhabitat
that doesn't give us the right to kill them indiscriminately and snakes don't attack people out of malace, only if threatened or out of fear
rather than kill them why not just move them away from you, Oh I forgot your afraid of them

I've handled snakes from a very early age (and spiders) and I've never been bitten
there are ways to do it safely esp with smaller snakes like rattlers, yes I consider them small as I often handle 10 - 15 ft long pythons
I also found the rattler family to be rather placid compared to smaller vipers
there are a few methods you can use to quickly take control of a snake, even a simple broom
can be used to pin it down without injuring it, a pillow case to contain it then release it

classic case of mindless killing of snakes is the milk snake and king snakes
American farmers killed them on sight as they thought they were in there barns to get milk from the cows
how bloody ignorant is that, but as a consequence there barns became over run with rats and mice
then it hit home that the snakes were in the barns after the mice and rats not the cows milk
they were a form of pest control, natures own pest control see what I mean
every thing has a place, remove it and the consequenses could be a lot worse


Active member
oldpink you make a lot of sinse to a point. living in the southwestern U.S. all my life and I don't panic seeing a rattler. My point is this, you say educate the people about the snakes and save them, how do you educate a 1 to 2 year old child not to try and grab a rattler when he is in his own yard playing. If Im around and see the snake fine, I will get him and relocate him. but you cant be there every second and if theres one around the house and I see him when my kids are out belive me I ain't worried about the life of a damn rattler. I also kill every damn black widow I see. scropins die here to. guess Im a country hick ,

Weedman Herb

I'm a snake lover that is not offended by this thread. At least HCA is looking to use his kills. Keeping in mind that snakes are territorial ... if you let an invasive poisonous snake live it will more than likely come back to haunt you. It really would depend on if I had an Out or not. I'm a Fight or Flight kinda thinker ... If it wants to fight (becomes aggressive) I'm going to kill it (or die trying) and if it wants to flee I'll let it.


haven't seen a gardner snake all summer..
lots of painted box turtles..and a couple of soft shelled turtles...usually road kill.
and lots of leopard frogs....
but no snakes..

i have alot of respect for our cold blooded friends..



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
any of ya'll ever try n grab a 3-6ft rattler a 3 ft rattler coiled can strike upto 3x its length, granted most of the time its strike with in 18inchs. just something to think about its not like HCA is driven around the countryside lookn for all rattlers just on his property. trust me theres planty of other rattlers they arent in any way threatened when i was doing this in the mid 70's at age 14 either myself or my friend would get the snake to strike while the other grabbed him before he coiled back up. i can tell ya grab a 3-6 ft rattler he has some power if your not holdn it good you'll be bit. so unless your a professional snake person with all the proper gear. relocating the rattlers isnt a good idea for average joe only professionals. most survivers of rattler bites can expect to loose a finger if bit there loose a chunk of flesh of bit on leg. this snakes venom dissolves your flesh apon injection and effects your centeral nervous system, it'll shut ya down quick. some1 with azma wouldnt stand a chance being bitten

we would soak the skins in jugs of water that sat in the AZ sun for few days then we would remove from jugs scrape any fat from back side of skin carefully. then we would stretch carefully out across some wood and pin it there untill sun dried then make cowboy hat bands lmao hell it fed us. being a runaway @ 14 yrs old eating is very important. earning a honest living to eat is just as important so i guess the 50$ bounty on coyotes back then is absurd lmao. blame the AZ ranchers back then for that another honest outlet for maken a living to eat DA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


i like snakes but i did have to kill a rattler in my back yard a few years ago because of my dogs. i fried some of it and it was really good too but bony. i tried to dry the skin but varmints kept eatin on it in my barn. but i did feel bad for killin a creature and if im on a dirtroad and see a rattler i usually stop and check em out. when i was young i watched one of my buddys cry like a baby when his dog got bit on the nose by a rattler and it sucked. cant take a chance with the dogs thats all. now lets all take a moment for the millions of squirrels killed by cars this year....stop the madness slow the fock down people! :laughing:


Registered Pothead
stinkfinger said:
ignorant hicks.. you all seem to live to disappoint the rest of us. bewary next time your out slaughtering animals for their skins. you might run into someone like me. i will stomp the living shit out of you and everyone you are with.females included. oh and if your dumb enough to be packing heat you will most likely end up in a shallow hole. sweet gas station samurai sword you lame dick fuck. huh huh its cool killin shit for no reason. fuck you! i have been in herpetology for over 17 years and fighting to end the dumb shit you perpetuate. :rant:
All of these people are also talking about eating the snake too. If you are a meat eater you are no better then what you are saying they are.


Humane or inhumane? Well snakes are strange little fellas. Seems to me that at he end of the day they are quite simple. I would watch and admire most of the time. But when you have snakes that are unpredictable i would say better safe than sorry especially if you have young kids and elderly people around. Anway seems like some snakes will go for anything. Can anyone remember this stupid animal. I mean seriously this fella was obviously one sandwich short of a picnic!!!!!!!!


ignorant hicks.. you all seem to live to disappoint the rest of us. bewary next time your out slaughtering animals for their skins. you might run into someone like me. i will stomp the living shit out of you and everyone you are with.females included. oh and if your dumb enough to be packing heat you will most likely end up in a shallow hole. sweet gas station samurai sword you lame dick fuck. huh huh its cool killin shit for no reason. fuck you! i have been in herpetology for over 17 years and fighting to end the dumb shit you perpetuate

HAhah, always a tree hugger spurting nonsense! Don't let 'em get you down man, these people have no clue what they are saying. In the desert, there are major infestations of rattlers plain and simple.
Good on you for eating the snakes, using the skins and protecting your families. These are not endangered species, whoever is giving you shit is a hypocrite.


Non Conformist


I find it hard ta believe one would be such a zelot about not killin snakes if he had a family member bitten by one. No snake in the world is worth a loved one, that includes my dogs too! Were not talkin about alil sting that goes away after awhile. It can kill you or leave you disfigured for life! Fuck that! Btw, it'd be purdy hard ta stomp -my- ass! yud think twice about it if ya saw me. LOL! Good luck with it HCA! Take care... BC


Active member
B.C. said:
I find it hard ta believe one would be such a zelot about not killin snakes if he had a family member bitten by one. No snake in the world is worth a loved one, that includes my dogs too! Were not talkin about alil sting that goes away after awhile. It can kill you or leave you disfigured for life! Fuck that! Btw, it'd be purdy hard ta stomp -my- ass! yud think twice about it if ya saw me. LOL! Good luck with it HCA! Take care... BC
lol yeah good point B.C....i would like em to try mine aswell..some time's i get bored...and that would be 30 second's of entertainment..ANY WAY beside's the city folk...i like to eat ratler's..a lil tuff but good none the less...them nasty fucker's are all around my house durring warm weather...it suck's to even go out side at night any more....we have this thing called the RATLE SNAKE ROUND UP....every spring...it's part street fair...and part ratle snake contest...they have all the ride's...and yummy meat's on a stick...the smoked turkey leg's.....and ratle snake!!!! cant wait for spring!


Active member
oldpink said:
don't confuse me with a tree hugger, I'm not
but killing ANY animal just because your afraid of it is sick
ALL animals have a place in the natural world, Man has just moved in and taken over there natural inhabitat
that doesn't give us the right to kill them indiscriminately and snakes don't attack people out of malace, only if threatened or out of fear
rather than kill them why not just move them away from you, Oh I forgot your afraid of them

I've handled snakes from a very early age (and spiders) and I've never been bitten
there are ways to do it safely esp with smaller snakes like rattlers, yes I consider them small as I often handle 10 - 15 ft long pythons
I also found the rattler family to be rather placid compared to smaller vipers
there are a few methods you can use to quickly take control of a snake, even a simple broom
can be used to pin it down without injuring it, a pillow case to contain it then release it

classic case of mindless killing of snakes is the milk snake and king snakes
American farmers killed them on sight as they thought they were in there barns to get milk from the cows
how bloody ignorant is that, but as a consequence there barns became over run with rats and mice
then it hit home that the snakes were in the barns after the mice and rats not the cows milk
they were a form of pest control, natures own pest control see what I mean
every thing has a place, remove it and the consequenses could be a lot worse
I wish people would have treated other people with the same respect you want for the rattler, the American Indiand come to mind, the african americans and so on. I much rather would save good people than worry about some snake that might kill me or my kids dogs erct...

Bubble Puppy

nycdfan042 said:
i think id give you and your entire family to the devil to get half of steve irwin back.

Not to hijack

On a side note............While on a surfing trip in Australia..my friend and i were talking to some other well travelled surfers ......Story has it that Steve Irwin used to paddle out into the lineup and ride with his snakeskin boots on...

Didn't make this up...thats what we heard...

Ok back to the thread ..................................