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Anybody got any interesting snake skinnin tekneeks?


Active member
I usualy cut the head off behind the glands and cut the tail off. Then I cut up the middle with a pair of sizors and pull the skin down from the head end to the tail end. Its prety easy and the guts just pull rite out. I was thinkin bout maby insted of this to try leavin the head and the tail on and real carfull cuttin round the mouth and pealin the skin up all around in until I could get a good enouf grip on its head flesh to grab it and maby pull the whole snake out threw its mouth. I think I could prolly pullem out like this and just kinda cut round his asshole and cut real good round at the end and keep his rattler on! Waddaya think?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I say you ought to be a sport and come at that snake (knife in hand) while it's still alive.


Active member
Thats just it tho, I dont wanna cut his skin at all. Im just tryin to gettem out threw his mouth. I was just wonderin if anybody mighta tryed this before? We get plenty ofem round here and I gotta killem when we see'm. They like to crawel up under our house and our cat runs rite under there soon as she sneeks out. Its kinda necasary round the house. I shure dont go outta my way to findem but when I do we barbaque'm and I like to save their skins. I was gonna try doin it like this so mabey I could pull the snake out and not cut the skin so I might wind up with a hollow snake. I have a friend in Florida that I send my skins every so often and I thought it might be cool for him if I could sende'm to him like this.


My little pony.. my little pony
I was going to say sounds kind of barbaric then I saw you were a caveman and thought given time even they evolve.


Active member
best way for the meat is to tie some string and hang it up by the head, cut up its underbelly , gut it then pull the ide down to the rattlers if it has them cut off. we have plenty of 6ftrs on the wall at my hunting club. they are a very big health hazard. our kids walk around at night and could be bitten. i think our children are worth a lil more than the snakes to us. maybe not you peta freaks! when you cook it, batter it up like you would squrreil (misspelled) then deep fry it. then steam it for about 5 minutes. the meat falls off the bone. if you cook squirrel like that it will be the best you've ever eaten. sorry people i'm from the south. way of life down here. not inbred or a hick.
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Active member
Yea, I really gotta keepem in check here cause I got the same wories. My wife has copd real bad,and emphesema real bad too, along with asma and circulation problems on that long with a bunch of other bad stuff. Im not as bad off. Its prety snakey out here and I cant afford to get me or my wife bit. Mater of fack were so secluded that if one of us did get bit, we'd have to be airlifted, there are no local hospitals, just a local doctors office. I dont think my wife would make it. I gotta killem whenever we see them on our property. They like to get under our house and I shure dont want to be walkin round rite next to my house and get bit! Plus they realy are tasty, I barbqu them with watever kinda barbque sauce we got around. Damm Billb, that sounds delicious! Im gonna have to try that. I gotta get me a deep frier for shure! We get 4 footers here. Their a whole lot beter on your plate than under your foot! When your out here like this you just gotta make the best of it! A fyew weeks ago I got one crosing from the shrub rite over the concrete walkway that gose all round our house. He was headin to get rite under our house and I just dont want them there. Just the day before yesterday one was crossin our drive and gettin on our yard. I shure dont want them there either! We walk roun there. It would creep me out in the yard at night if I didnt kill the snakes that get into the yard in the daytime. They shure do skin up easy. They gut out easier than a fish but I like'm a lot beter than fish. and their aint no way Im gonna just throw them away! I got the one from the yard stil in my freezer and when I take him out Im gonna see if I can pull him out of his mouth and clean him off real good inside out and cut the meet at his rattel and then turn the skin back outside out without tearin the skinn apart. If it works out real good Il wind up with a hallow snake tube! Far fukkin out!


Active member
Hey HCA, these 2 coontails came into my yard. The biggen was right next to the front steps.
Nothing fancy, just skin em and cook em.
Hard to tell here because the snake is curling up, but it was about 6' long

This is where the little skin came from. Didn't aim very good with the shovel. Shovel is the preferred snake killing tool.

You can get a better idea of how big this monster was. 5'5" with about 6" of head and neck cut off. 6' is about as big as western diamondbacks get. Nothing like the monster eastern diamondbacks that billb has seen.
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Active member
if its really dangerous move.your never gonna get'em all and yu keep fuckin with'em your gonna get bit and you said your self your gonna need to get air lifted? to the nearest hospital is it really worth it.

Don Cotyle

I got a good snake story for ya'll! My neighbor is in his late 60's and a black cat started comeing around, so my neighbor starts feeding it and builds a little outdoor house for it with straw in the bottom. This cat follows my neighbor around everywhere just like a puppy would, but this cat is probably 5-6 years old. After 2 weeks or so of this black cat being around my neighbor asks me to help him get some rolls of insulation out of his shed and bring em up to the house. He opens the shed door and starts to reach down to pick up a roll when this cat goes nuts and jumps onto the roll between his legs. Hissing and fighting with something. It's an 8+' eastern diamondback wraped around the roll of insulation, we back outa there quick and I tell him to stay outa there, I'm getting my shotgun. I come back and the cats laying dead just outside of the shed. I use the barell to roll out the insulation and the snakes almost dead with his neck chewed up real bad!!! I finish him off with the shotgun and we start talking, that was crazy, etc.
I belive if my neighbor haden't taken that cat in he wouldn't be around right now! This happened a few years back and I swear it's a true story!!! The weird thing is it never rattled till the cat jumped it!
Well, if you are afraid of snakes hiding under your house fence in the crawlspace with some small holed chickenwire and get a mongoose under there.

we have wild mongooses(mongeese, plural of mongoose? *spit* that name still leaves a bitter taste...) round these parts and they get into fights iwth the iguanas and boas, and damn... they really are little guerrilla fighters... Darting in and out, biting, scratching, etcetera.


Un - Retired,
I prefer snakes to be alive, and I find the thought of killing them for no good reason other than to skin them very sad
as to the risk to children, education is way beter than eradication
ignorant hicks.. you all seem to live to disappoint the rest of us. bewary next time your out slaughtering animals for their skins. you might run into someone like me. i will stomp the living shit out of you and everyone you are with.females included. oh and if your dumb enough to be packing heat you will most likely end up in a shallow hole. sweet gas station samurai sword you lame dick fuck. huh huh its cool killin shit for no reason. fuck you! i have been in herpetology for over 17 years and fighting to end the dumb shit you perpetuate. :rant:


Domesticator of Cannabis
In Ontario we 'Brake for Snakes' especially the Massasauga rattlesnake.
It has been officially designated as threatened and is protected from harassment or killing under Ontario's Wildlife Conservation Act and the new Ontario Endangered Species Act.


Active member
Hey Cave Ape don't let the city slickers get ya down. been livin in the desert all my life and while I don't go out of my way to kill them when they come into my space where theres kids and dogs and cats and old poeole that don't hear and move to fast there one dead fucking rattle snake. Also I would consider under pining around your house. you won't see them all...