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Any updates on liquid lumens?



From what I saw at a hydro shop demo- I don't think an AC unit would be required in conjunction with a water cooled setup. You could literally place your hand right on the fixture- and this was with it just recirculating thru a 50 gallon rez with no chiller. would like to see some setups using them if any1 has links.


youtube is yummy...

assembly instructions and how it works

multi light system
part 2
part 3

check out the liquid lumens website for even more info....

1 or 2 lights you can get away with using a little 1/4 or 1/2 water chiller but after watching these vids, it seems like a real hassle to cool the multi light system. The water cooling system for it looks pretty elaborate.
yes i made a hybrid air/water cooling hood....there are no tubes around the bulbs....tempered 1/4"..,..i am trying to build a plug and play system that can be upgraded to work on different numbers of lights....i feel i have hijacked this thread a bit too much, but will start a new one once i have some solid numbers to back up my claims :)


tgpfarm said:
Oh, I thought that inefectualize had done a diy water cooling setup.

My bad I thought you were talking about the water cooled tube I thought you meant the casing and the light not the water chiller sorry about that :bashhead:



mofuckin farmer smurf
These setups are pretty cool. I would like to invest in one before summer comes keeping the glass 85 degrees with a 1k is just nutty.