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Any updates on liquid lumens?


I heard about their parner disputes, ect. So anyone see any of their finished product in real world use? They always say use a 1/4 hp chiller which to me doesn't seem that great. It seems like the chiller is going to use a hell of a lot of energy. Anyone have any opinions on this?

Texas Kid

From what I understand, the first batch of end caps that are made of ABS plastic had developed leaks and they were gettin some back on return due to failure. I have also heard that they were taking deposits for preorders and then selling the units to customers at the store as they came in and not satifying the orders with deposits in place..it will be interesting to watch what actually happens..good job TM...choke on'm buddy

Look at the Fresca Sol hoods from Best Coast Growers, endcaps are made out of billet aluminum not plastic..

You can run up to two without a chiller and up to four on one chiller circut



I just finished reading and researching both products after reading about them in Maximum Yield magazine. Liquid lumens and Fresca Sol hoods seem to be great products if they do what they say. But water and electricity is a no no. I would be to paranoid to know all it takes is a little water leak to fuck everything up.


im not so worried about water and the electricity together (hotubs, anyone?) but having gallons of liquid ABOVE your plants/growroom ready to leak and soak everything down? not too enthusiastic to say the least...


we'll see how they work out. Supposedly my grow shop is gonig to get one in the not so distant future as a demo.

I'd be curious to check out the fresca sol as well but almost nobody has one.


bump... my hydro shop said that they are getting a bulk shipment of liquid lumens and will have some on display. I'll try to post after I check them out.


just saw one in person. It looked to work pretty awesome. I saw a 600 with a 1/4 horse chiller attached to about a 20 gallon res. It put off as much heat as a floro setup(not much at all). I can only imagine how good this thing would work air cooled and water cooled.


Ive ran these 2 fresca sol's for about 4 harvests and they stay very cool. Im sure I might loose some lumens through the water, but the work as good or better then the two air cooled hoods I run beside them. Ive had no leaks at all (I use steel clamps), but the first run I used normal black tubing that got folds in it restrictin the water flow, so I upgraded to that heavy duty yellow braided stuff. The chiller didnt do a whole lot with 2 600's and a 35 gal trashcan res, so Im changin things around making a chamber for my ac to blow into from outside along with my co2 gen (which puts of heat). My buddy had great success this way. The ac cools the chamber where the res and co2 are and a small fan blows the cool, co2 filled air into the room. Im almost done with reconsruction. Ill post pics soon

looks like they work to me



how did you yields differ or improve using those fresca sols? The LL ones look pretty awesome. I looked at them today at a different store. They look pretty awesome. With a 600 in there you can hold the tube.

I'd be curious to see how much light is lost with these. The cost is the only downside from me trying them out. They're about $450 and I'd have to upgrade my hoods or go to a wing.


New member
One of the issues with liquid cooling bulbs is that the extra glass/tubes/ and water help deminish the light that reaches the plants. and unless you have it set up so that there is direct plumming from your wall, otherwise you also have to cool the water. Same idea with liquid cooled pc's, you still have to blow fans through the radiator to cool it in the end so why not make less complications and just have it be air cooled from the start?

With the risk of danger of fire, loss of light, and the extra pain in the ass, it just isn't worth it. There are better and less complex solutions.


in areas where it is warmer, air cooling doesn't work that good. So option a is to run a huge ac and option b is to get some of these.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I find the idea to be too complicated for what it's worth. I admit I have no experience with them but it just seems common sense to me. At least with air cooling you can dispose of the hot air and pull in new cool air from outside, especially with winter weather. With water you have to recirculate it meaning you must cool the water someway and then channel it back into the lights. The difference in cooling capacity really cannot be that much, and actually probably quite a bit lower compared to air cooling lights with cool outside temperatures. May be for summer weather they might bennefit, but really I can't see the hasstle being worth it. Like I said, this is just speculation as I have no experience with them so I could be totally wrong. I won't know for sure until I set one up myself. Does this sound slightly correct to any of you that have used them in the past? It would be interesting to have someones opinion that have used them. Thanks!



Just like how everyone still brings up the inverse square law every time they see a picture of a lamp + hood fixture "way too high from the canopy" you need to do your own research and think on your own.

stop listening to the sheep, and do your own research, and post your results!


I have the fresca sol on a 1/10th chiller running a digi 400w....plants touch the glass and NEVER get heat stressed, sits at 60-68* all day. Now if only I could chill my resi....


If it is economical for use and most important it works it will sell itself

I think they are a good fit for colosseum and vert grows

TGT made some good points and was being nice about it do not know why he was flamed

I personally agree with TGT i do not feel the product is practical for our use YET

Just like leds maybe in a few more years it will be ready for any size of a budget

I live on the Texas gulf coast i would love a product like this would work wonders in the summer so i hope they do work out
water cooling is surely worth it....how many aircooled autos do you see driving around recently? No matter how much air you flow through an aircooled hood you will never reach the IR absorbtion of water....it is just impossible.....i think that heat management is the number one hurdle of growing indoors and one that some people never master. I am building a 2x1000 watt system now and will be using a hybrid air/water cooled diy hood that will be running on a closed cooling loop that runs outback to an ornamental in ground pond....water cooling works very well, and in my eyes is totally worth it.