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Any Other Guitarists on ICMag?


Joe Budden

I come from a musical family..........BUT I am useless with musical instruments, I have had my fair share of embarrassing moments playing my acoustic in front of lots of people oh man I hate to remember it lol.

I wish I could play some instruments tho.

Pot Pimp

Here's part of my gear, my 67 Gibson Trini Lopez (that I bought new), a 100w Marshall Mk2 Master Lead (1975), & new cab.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target
="_blank"><img src="http://i915.photobucket.com

Pot Pimp

Hi Expert! You bet your ass she's sweet!! I sort of think of her as the ES335's big sister. With the neck through body design and 7" maple block it has amazing sustain. And the amp will make the bleeding ears all seem worthwhile, LOL. That is the most amazing head I've ever had; the louder you play it the better it sounds. BTW, I just found a song by one of my favorite bands that I used to see in concert all the time, White Witch. I even smoked with them! http://www.last.fm/music/White+Witch/_/It's+so+nice+to+be+Stoned
good thread guys.. I also play-- 71 SG Deluxe- 73 Martin HD-28 - a squire strat (which plays ok) and a mesa boogie studio +..

I gave up playing in bands 30 years ago for my "real" career..but I am planning on going back as soon as I figure a way out of my career..

I am "stuck" listening to a lot of late 60's-70's dead lately..I cant get enough of Jerrys' guitar..

Pot Pimp

Wow, very nice *classic* gear Southpaw! I had a "friend" back in the day that had an SG; Black Sabbath was very popular then and the SG really replicated their sound well. I was playing through a Sunn amplifier. My "friend" turned out to be a narc and about 20 or so of my best friends got busted because of him. He had gotten busted a couple of months earlier in a town about 30 miles away. He tried his best to get me to sell something - anythng - to some "friends" of his but I never would; I never was into selling anything. I did it once with some MDA and found myself giving it all away and that was ome pricey stuff. Crap, I can't believe I got so off topic; sorry, LOL.
Wow, very nice *classic* gear Southpaw! I had a "friend" back in the day that had an SG; Black Sabbath was very popular then and the SG really replicated their sound well. I was playing through a Sunn amplifier. My "friend" turned out to be a narc and about 20 or so of my best friends got busted because of him. He had gotten busted a couple of months earlier in a town about 30 miles away. He tried his best to get me to sell something - anythng - to some "friends" of his but I never would; I never was into selling anything. I did it once with some MDA and found myself giving it all away and that was ome pricey stuff. Crap, I can't believe I got so off topic; sorry, LOL.

:joint: cool-- I never thought of my gear as "classic" ,, just what I had..the SG is not a common one- it has the routed from the top cavity and the Les Paul style pickguard..I will try tp post up a pic in a minute..

Pot Pimp

That definitely is a classic - at least to me. It has those BEAUTIFUL sounding humbuckers. And I think Mesa Boogie is an awesome amp, for sure it will be a classic. I used to have a Sunn amp (bought it cause Hendrix and also the Who used them); man I would give my left nut to have that now.


Active member
Wow I'm so jealous of everyone.

I've been learning mainly electric guitar for about 1.5 years.

Only rocking a $100 fender squire strat. Hope I can afford a kick ass guitar soon.
Some of the frets buzz and it drives me nuts!


Bush Doctor
Wow I'm so jealous of everyone.

I've been learning mainly electric guitar for about 1.5 years.

Only rocking a $100 fender squire strat. Hope I can afford a kick ass guitar soon.
Some of the frets buzz and it drives me nuts!

where do you put your fingers on the frets? Usually the frets buzz b/c either you are not pressing hard enough on the strings or you are not putting your fingers in the right place. It took me awhile to get that too, but if you keep at it, you will get it! Ive been playing guitar for 7 years.


Bush Doctor
Do you put your fingers toward the end of the frets or the beginning. Put them on the right side of the fret, nearer to the body.I hope this helps.


Active member
where do you put your fingers on the frets? Usually the frets buzz b/c either you are not pressing hard enough on the strings or you are not putting your fingers in the right place. It took me awhile to get that too, but if you keep at it, you will get it! Ive been playing guitar for 7 years.

Yea I've tried that but people better than me say the same thing.

I think its just the fret wire, nut, or just the fact that it's a $100 guitar.

Still I am really glad I got this guitar to learn b/c I've gotten SO much better.
Yea I've tried that but people better than me say the same thing.

I think its just the fret wire, nut, or just the fact that it's a $100 guitar.

Still I am really glad I got this guitar to learn b/c I've gotten SO much better.

hi.. there are thing that you can do to maybe improve that action..if you are uncomfortable adjusting.. maybe take it to a shop and have them set it up.. I have a squire strat too-- and it plays pretty well.. no buzzes..Peace and hang in there -- music has great rewards


my brother has played for about 10 years now.....self taught....here is one of his axes

Wow I'm so jealous of everyone.

I've been learning mainly electric guitar for about 1.5 years.

Only rocking a $100 fender squire strat. Hope I can afford a kick ass guitar soon.
Some of the frets buzz and it drives me nuts!

Brother, I remember that jealous feeling SOOOOO well! Just don't give up and keep pluckin. Teach yourself those 5 root six movable scales, learn where every note is on the fretboard (it's easier than it sounds, do 1 string a week and in 5 weeks you will know them all cold...) and you will have others jealous of you!

Keep rockin the strat, it will make you appreciate your Taylor, Martin, Ibanez, or Gibson SOOOOOOO much more once you can afford it. It will be like going from playing on a wood plank to playing on pure budda...

One tiny piece of advice.... drop $100 on a Takamine Jasmine acoustic (musiciansfriend.com) An acoustic will develop your finger strength and speed a lot quicker and more efficiently than learning on an electric. But hey, if what you got is what you got, then just keep strokin' on it!

Peace out brother, and keep pickin!!!!


Active member
Brother, I remember that jealous feeling SOOOOO well! Just don't give up and keep pluckin. Teach yourself those 5 root six movable scales, learn where every note is on the fretboard (it's easier than it sounds, do 1 string a week and in 5 weeks you will know them all cold...) and you will have others jealous of you!

Keep rockin the strat, it will make you appreciate your Taylor, Martin, Ibanez, or Gibson SOOOOOOO much more once you can afford it. It will be like going from playing on a wood plank to playing on pure budda...

One tiny piece of advice.... drop $100 on a Takamine Jasmine acoustic (musiciansfriend.com) An acoustic will develop your finger strength and speed a lot quicker and more efficiently than learning on an electric. But hey, if what you got is what you got, then just keep strokin' on it!

Peace out brother, and keep pickin!!!!

Thanks for the tips dude.

I've been trying to memorize the notes on the string and sounds like sticking to 1 string a week will be a lot more efficient.

By the 5 root six movable scales do you mean the Dorian, Ionian, etc? B/c that stuff always confused the hell out of me and I could never really understand how it works.

I've been looking at some acoustic guitars and a lot of people have said that this Washburn D10S is a pretty good guitar for the price. And it comes with a hard shell case!

Thanks for the tips dude.

I've been trying to memorize the notes on the string and sounds like sticking to 1 string a week will be a lot more efficient.

By the 5 root six movable scales do you mean the Dorian, Ionian, etc? B/c that stuff always confused the hell out of me and I could never really understand how it works.

Ewwww. I hate those fucking modes! Mixawhosewhatsit? I have never bothered to learn all of them, it just seemed to be a huge waste of my time. I can improv quite well without all that extra clutter fogging my brain! Here - http://www.blguitar.com/lesson/intermediate/5commonscales.html - are the ones I mean, Major, minor (the relative, not the harmonic, although the harmonic is the next one I learned after these), Major and minor pentatonic, and the blues (the b3rd scale). The good thing about these is the root (and therefore the key) is sooooo easy to find. After these are hard wired, there are the same 5 scales done with the root on the 5th string instead of the 6th. Also, I would strongly suggest learning the 5 minor pentatonic boxes in the key of Amin. The patterns will look very familiar once you learn the 5 on the link I gave you.

I've been looking at some acoustic guitars and a lot of people have said that this Washburn D10S is a pretty good guitar for the price. And it comes with a hard shell case!


Great looking guitar for the price, and you really can't go wrong with a name like Washburn. Just make sure you play the particular guitar you want before you buy it, and don't buy any of these lower end guitars, from a name company or not, from a mail-order like musicians friend. These price range guitars can vary in quality widely from unit-to-unit with some gems you will never get rid of to absolute dogs that you can't keep in tune or fix the buzzing no matter how hard you try. Go to guitar center and make them drag out ever guitar in the model you want until you find the one that sings to you. It will be well worth the effort and afternoon it takes to find your gem. I have pissed off a lot of the sales reps, but when they understand you are not leaving without a guitar, and your only going to buy the one that makes you happy, they will work a little harder for you. Plus a $20 to thank them afterward will make sure you ALWAYS get what you want when you go back!

PM me if you have any other questions, I'm always willing to help a fellow picker who's just starting on their road!

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