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Any Other Guitarists on ICMag?


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Hey guys.

Well as a few of you may know, I sometimes like to pretend Im a musician in my spare time :laughing:

Ive actually been playing for 12 years, and have been in a few bands (nothing big...at ALL....) but I really just love the instrument, and the creativity it allows me to express. Without my guitar as a way to releive stress and anger, I dont know what I would do.

Lately Ive been getting into recording as well. I started off with a $90 Tascam 4-track cassete recorder, that I burned onto CDs for my Band in High school....probably still have some somewhere, but Im sure they are horrendously recorded. (Think 1 Microphone wrapped around a ceiling board in a basement for recording the entire band.... :bashhead:)

A few years ago I aquired a old school reel to reel 1/2 inch 8-Track tape machine... I havent looked back, regardless of how easy the digital programs are to use. The warmth of analog tape is just unmistakable.

Anyway, I was just wondering if there were any other guitar players in the house... Im sure there must be.

Here is my current "Vulgar Display of Power" (or my set-up for those of you who don't read Guitar1) :D

Gibson Les Paul Standard Double Cut-24 fret (I put EMG 81 & 85's in)
Gibson Les Paul Studio-22 fret (stock pickups)
Yamaha Pacifica 112 (stock)
Fender DG10 Acoustic/Electric
Pedal Chain:
Boss OC-3 Octave
Boss Pedal Shifter
Boss Super Chorus
Morely Bad Horsie II Wah
Dunlop Original Crybaby Wah
Line6 Echo Park Delay
Morley A/B Splitter Switch
l l
l l
l v
l Line6 Spider1- 2 x 12 (100 Watts)
Marshal AVT 150- 4 x 12 Halfstack (150 Watts)

Id love to hear from anyone who plays... What guitars/amps do you have? What kind of styles do you like to play? Any songs you are learning? What are your practicing techniques?

Hope to hear from some fellow axe-slingers!:headbange

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Active member
Sounds like you may be my brother from another mother. I rock the Gibson DC Standard, too. Amber flamed maple, and gold hardware. I kept her stock, though. My acoustic is a Fender DG10CE, which is the same thing as yours, but it has a cutaway, not dreadnought. At various (earlier) points I've also had an Ibanez (strat -type), a couple of Epiphones, a Gibson Nighthawk (3 pickups) and a Fender DuoSonic. The Nighthawk kind of strikes me as an earlier version of our DCs. Surprisingly, I think I miss that DuoSonic the most!

I was always in bands in high school, and jammed w/ friends in college quite a bit, too. The last few years though, my electric has just been sitting in its case. Now that I'm older, have no one to play with, and partake in this hobby of ours, it's made more sense to play the acoustic. I miss cranking the amps up to 11 though, that's for damn sure. Oh yeah- I used to have the Marshall JCM900 half-stack with the slant front 4x12 cab, but sold it before I went to college. Seemed a little excessive to bring it with me... I do still have my Fender Princeton Chorus. Those two amps are at opposite ends of the spectrum, obviously, but both whoop a llama's ass!

Pedals and shit are all in storage, but I was a fan of the BOSS stompboxes, and the OG crybaby wah. I never felt the need for too much in the way of effects pedals. Nothing beats cranking the amp, standing in front of it, and turning it into one huge feedback pedal!

I've never had any lessons or anything. I'm a play by ear kind of guy. I couldn't tell you what the fuck a Dsus4 looks like, but I'm sure I can play it, you know what I mean? I grew up on grunge, and I thank Nirvana for getting me into playing. These days, I play a lot of everything. I prolly only play like 2 hours a week these days, and wish I had time to do more. What I really wish is that I had no neighbors so that I could by a drum kit!

Who's next?



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HuffandPuff, thats amazing man! I've never found someone else rockin the DC Standards... The tone on them is golden, and they are a hell of a lot easier on the back than the Studios or regular Standards. Ive actually been contemplating putting the EMGs into my Studio, as I have heard that the active pickups tend to sound better in heavier/thicker instruments. My Studio weighs in at just over 8lbs, so I think it may get a better and deeper tone from that with the EMGs. The Amber flametop is beautiful for sure...I bet the gold hardware makes that thing sparkle. I decided to get mine in the Transparent Black flametop w/ gold hardware as well... Just love the look of that maple grain! I may have to get some pics of her with my new camera. Id love to see yours too if you have any pics of that baby! :joint:

Oh and funny enough, my Fender actually is the CE....lol. Brother from another mother indeed!

Ive never gotten to play a Nighthawk, but they do look very cool. I used to spend lots of time looking at pics of old Gibson models. Ive got a book of the 75th (or maybe 100th?) anniversary of Gibson guitars with nothing but pics and descriptions of Gibson models from the start up until when the book was published. Ill have to dig it out again, but I used to look through that thing, dreaming big Gibson dreams.... :headbange

And I actually have to say I've never heard of the Duosonic... Is it an older Fender model? Ill have to go google up some pics.

And Huff, I definitely feel the same as you about the playing. Since getting my degree, I have been playing less and less. I still try to get together with an old group of friends and jam at least once a month, and it is always a great time. Some beers, buds, and loud homebrewed rock!!! "but these are louder, they go to eleven"... :headbange

Ahh a JCM900...thats my grail!:joint: Ive, at many times in my life, considered plopping down the serious chunk of change for one of those, but like I said, when I only play in the house or with friends once a month, I can hardly justify it anymore...:badday: The only thing Ive heard that rivals the JCM9 is the Mesa/Boogie Triple Rec....the old ones, before they switched to the 3 channel version. Although they are a bit of a one-trick pony, they do that trick DAMN well...The JCM is much more versatile for when you dont want that seriously biting heavy metal tone

I had lessons for several years in highschool, but quickly learned that I learned more from sitting with the guitar myslef than I ever would from a teacher...Even though my guitar teacher was an awesome guy, who was brilliant (He recently published his own book on triad theory to the fretboard of the guitar....basically he equates the fretboard to a math problem...totally over my head...lol) I always learned more by turning on a Metallica CD and jamming away till I figured it out. While I still remember a good bit of my music theory I feel it slipping. More and more, I know what to play, but damnitt I cant tell ya what chord it is off the top of my head anymore...

Awesome hearing from ya HuffandPuff...truly awesome that we have such simillar tastes in instruments. Hell we are rockin the same Electric and acoustic:rasta:

So anyone else rocking out on these forums?


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to HuffAndPuff again.
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Theres heaps of guitar players on ic :)

I've played for about 15 years, don't have much equipment atm, either sold it for the cash, lent it out, or left it in another country. :D Been in a few bands over the years, nothing currently.

I've got a Gibson nighthawk (!) here now, with an Ibanez bass, practice amps for each and a Zoom G2.1u...a friend has my Marshall, and I sold my Les Paul. I have a frankenstrat I made back at home, with an old tube amp, and a nice acoustic. I have a classical guitar here too, with two soundholes...?

Next purchase is a warmoth custom v...although you never know what might pop up.

ps. I have digitally altered my avatar for security reasons. ;p


Well-known member
I started guitar and piano lessons in 7th grade...both were off and on for a few years till I was about 20, then it was all guitar since....37 now.
93 Les Paul Standard custom Honeyburst
96 G&L Asat gold metal flake
94 seagull spruce/mahog folk plus
94 Rivera M-60 combo w/ extra thiele alligned closed back cab
celestion vintage 30's
Amplitube II
dunlop crybaby and an arbiter fuzzface


Active member
Hey Saibai! Thanks for stoppin by. When I saw your avvy on here a few times, I thought you might be a fellow guitarist... And a Nighthawk eh? VERRY nice man... what year? if you know.... I havent heard much about Warmoth...but I always love Vs...

GratefulFred...You have quite the line-up there man! If I were you I would be holding onto the MK2 and the LPClassic like they were my children. Did you get the Mesa in 82 or did you get it after that? I also LOVE Baby Taylors...my first guitar teacher had one, and lent it to me when I went on vacation. What a great sounding little instrument... And how is the Line6 XT? I have a few of their pedals and an original Spider amp...At first I wasnt a fan of the modelling tech, but Line6 pulls it off quite nicely I think. And yes....scale reps, scale reps, scale reps!!! DO THEM!!

DLB:wave: Glad to see more Gibsons getting played!!! The Huneyburst sounds gorgeous! I wish I had taken piano lessons as a kid...I have met guitarists who started out with piano and they always seem to have a better grasp on the theory of the instrument...I cant do anything but play chopsticks :laughing: Also the Fuzzface is one of my all time favorite distortion boxes... I mean hell if Jimi used it its good enough for me!!:headbange Oh and totally off-topic, but man I love your avatar.. "BillyWitchDoctorDotCom, mostly work...with..Chicken":laughing:

Great to see you guys all pop by!! Seems like there sure are some experienced players in here, and damnit that makes me happy! Im gonna try and see if I cant get a few pics of my Gibsons tomorrow in the natural sunlight...I tried to take some today, and they came out funky with the incandescent lights...

So what kind of things do you find yourselves playing lately? Any styles you have been fiddling 'round with? Ive been trying a bit of flamenco style fingerpicking....Its very interesting and fun... Much different than even the normal fingerpicking styles I have learned before (even though my fingerpick technique needs serious improvement). Im playing it on a traditional acoustic, not a nylon-string so it sounds a bit tinny.

Id love to hear from more of you!

Keep on rockin:headbange

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Concept: Yeah, guitar is one thing that has been a constant in my life. I'm hurting, I need a nice new axe...:) I was high and drunk when I wrote that post, its actually a "the hawk"...pretty crappy, but fairly rare. I'll check the serial number. (Its not mine, just *ahem* borrowed long term *cough*)

I find myself playing bass a lot recently, but on guitar I've been playing around with the zoom multi effects, making strange sounds ala tom morello, or ambient-type sounds, things that don't sound lie a guitar.


Active member
I'm old and tone deaf, but want to learn to play. Any recommendations on a book or dvd ? I have an acoustic to start out with, but don't really want to take lessons with a person, lol.


a couple months ago i bought a SG.
best investment iv'e made in a while.
i love this guitar.

i practice everyday.and im getting pretty fluid with the change ups..
my brother who has been playing for 20+ years gives me lessons.

oh and i did get a line 6 spider 3 amp....good stuff....
some of you may remember the thread i started under my previous handle..

rock on!!


Started playing the bass (Ibanez) in 1979.
I have an amp like this:

Great collection oldpink
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Active member
Wow, OldPink!!! Thats quite the impressive set-up!
oldpink said:

I have nearly the exact guitar. Is that a LP Studio? Got mine in 98...love that thing....Its even in the same Transparent Red finish...Beautiful tone on that baby!

Also what kind of acoutic is that? The one with the Maple Quilt top? Looks great! Im sure you get a ton of joy from those babies!:headbange

Luaith...Howdy brother...Thats a nice SG... Ive never had one, but played a few. The tone isnt as thick as LPs, but they play a bit faster and sure are easier on the back. How you liking yours so far?

Brookie, I can reccomend a few beginners Books that really helped me way back when. I actualy really like to pick up an old guitarbook and go through it again. Always good to go over the total basics every once in a while... Ill look through my stacks of old books and see what I can find for ya! Although I would say, just pick that guitar up and start plucking away...even if ya dont know what you are actually doing yet, just pick it up and get a good feel for it. The more comfortable you are with the instrument before you begin learning, the easier it is I always thought.

Keep on Rockin everyone!!!



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Im a mad air guitarist! But about the closest i have come to playing a real one is guitar hero. But even my daughter is better at that than me :(


Active member
Hey guitarheads, I am also a guitarist. It was my first instrument, and I picked it up at age 12, I was also in 7th grade. I had a few different teachers throughout high school. When I was 16, I picked up the banjo, and then just about a year later picked up the mandolin. I still consider guitar my main instrument though.

I might have to get some pics up..mst of my guitars are half way across the country right now, but they will be brought out here soon...i hope..

These are my guitars:
Big Baby Taylor
12-string Guild
Manuel Rodriquez Classical
and last but not least, 1969 American made Stratocaster, natural body,


Active member
diggity said:
1969 American made Stratocaster, natural body,

Wow...thats an exquisite instrument right there. Im a huge fan of the natural body finish on the old Strats. I'd love to see a pic or two of that US made baby!

Great to see ya here! Im sure Ill see ya round the music forum. Seems like the kinda place ill be a lot :headbange




Been a jack-of-all-trades in the rhythm section. Started playing guitar at 5 and then the folks put me on classical piano for 10 or 11 years. THEN I discovered Geddy Lee and Jaco, so I'm a bassist. Play a little groove on the kit, too.

I also have a project studio at my place. Play in a few bands here and there, did some small little tours on the west coast, and fiddle around recording.

Here's a little DreamGoddess with my Funk Machine '68 Precision:

Been playing a lot of dark surf/spy/roadhouse grooves lately with a few friends...kinda the stuff like you'd hear in a Tarantino/Rodriguez flick. It feels soooo good to lock in a sick groove with some great players!

Cool Thread!



Active member
Hey Shitake!! Thanks for stopping in man!

Thats one great picture right there... Beautiful plant and a beautiful bass!!!:headbange

Jaco was a great bassist man...I dont think I have ever heard a more unique tone! Sounds like some interesting styles you have been working on...There is a local Surf-Rock band that kind of has the sound you are describing...Ive been digging them a lot lately.

Thanks for stopping in! Im sure Ill see you around!

I have been playing for over twenty years. I play rock, jazz, classical, blues, reggae, and bluegrass.

I have a Gibson Les Paul 59' reissue that runs to a mashall 59' reissue amp to an open 4x12. I use a Boss GT-8 in the loop of my amp. I also have a digitech jamman which is awesome for instant song writing.

Acoustic I have a Gibson J-45 that runs through a fender acoustic amp, A Steel Resonator guitar that I use for old school blues and slide, and a cheapo $100 classical guitar.

For recording I run a SPDIF cord from my GT-8 to a M-Audio soundcard and Cubase and add in the vocals later by plugging my mic directly into my soundcard.

I don't play in the band anymore because I no longer have the time to play gigs with my regular job. I always enjoy jamming with people and most weekends you can find me at this famous musicians club in my city which is awesome. I have had the chance to play with many famous musicians through this club such as B.B. King, Buddy Guy, Joe Satriani, Slash, and many more. All very cool guys. I would definately encourage all you guys to join a musicians club cause I guarantee you will be able to play with at least one of your guitar idols.

I have recorded and produced 15 cds to date, but am not signed and do not want to be signed. Music is my life's passion and I would not want to devalue it by putting a price tag on it. I keep the cds for myself and my friends who ask if they can have a copy.

Always Cool to be among fellow musicians :)

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